Favorite Medic to Play?

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #1

This isn’t really a question of which is the best medic, but which is your personal to favorite to play? Your’s doesn’t have to be ranked, but mine will be.
5. Sawbonez- Sawbonez is just boring to me. Throwing around health packs may the best thing for your team, sometimes, but I dunno. He’s just too… “unfulfilling”. I mean, I’ve had fun playing as him, don’t get me wrong, but just not as much as fun as the other medics.
4. Sparks- I’d probably find Sparks more fun to play if I had good aim. I usually find more enjoyment running around melee-only, rather than popping heads. When I do land those headshot, though… FeelsNutWorthyMan…
3. Aura- I’ve never really been a fan of static deployable type of gameplay, at least when on attack, so Aura used to be that medic I would really only put in my squad in the chance that I would have to play her on Chapel or Underground defense. Now, I still kind of do the same, but she’s more of a merc I play when I’m actually in the mood to play her (or if I have a mission for her, obviously). Running around with a shotgun and turning people into Swiss cheese, will always be fun though.
2. Guardian- Despite being the worst medic, and still pretty new so changes are sure to be coming, I have way too much fun playing her. And that’s because she encapsulates the feeling of Dirty Bomb for me perfectly. Always multitasking, always at the disadvantage of not being able to heal, always running around trying to keep everyone alive without being able to heal them, getting those clutch multi-revives, just hits me right in my dopamine. Best of all, her static defense can still be very good on attack, since it can be useful in multiple situations.

  1. Phoenix- The Undying Spaniard himself, Phoenix is my favorite Medic to play. He combines everything I like about Aura, Sparks, and Sawbonez while removing what I don’t like about them. Aura has AoE healing (if you knew my main in Overwatch, you’d know I really like AoE healing), but is a static defender. Sparks has instaheals, but heals very little and only heals one at a time. Sawbonez has awesome weapons, but single heals that can be stopped with damage is just straight not fun. Phoenix has all of those positives, but no negatives. He’s a jack of all trades, master of none, and nothing pisses of an enemy more than nearly winning a team fight and then a fruit-obsessed Spaniard suddenly healing everyone and winning a team fight. Getting defibrillator kills are always fun, and reviving a teammate under enemy fire is just as fun. He may not be the only one who can do that, but he’s pretty damn good at it. Oh and self-reviving during an intense fight hits me right in my dopamine too.

And that’s that! Let me know your list!

(TheStrangerous) #2

No idea where to put Guardian, she’s more like anti projectile merc with power glove to me, rather than medic. She’s in the weird spot.

Aura’s my least favorite, due to primaries and stationary ability. I don’t dislike her, just my least favorite compared to other meds.

Sawbonez is solid, nuff said.

Sparks is interesting to play. Nice to feel like a Gunslinger from Lawbreakers.

Phoenix definitely my pick, since he’s a selfish Wolverine.

(Your worst knifemare.) #3
  1. Sparps
  2. Guardian
  3. Pheonix
  4. Aura
  5. Sawbones

(Sytry) #4

Sparks: good medic but depend on the loadout card you are using because after nerfing the healing packs are not strong enough to heal team. I need to give two med packs to get one teammate full hp in combat.

Aura: good medic and easy to get fast xp, finish mission and helping teammate to stop enemy movement in defence or holding c4 points for me.

Guardian: the worst medic to play consider without healing ability you need another teammate with medic to heal. I play only if I have a second medic to teamup.

Phoenix: not my favourite because low healing ability and revive easy is only players who has a lot of experience on it not for starting players.

Sawbones: fun medic against noobs and less fun against a high lvl op team.

(blufflord) #5

Sawdaddy is number one for me
Fairest merc to play with and fairest merc to play against.
Also crotzni

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #6
  1. Phoenix | Sawbonez - They pretty much are a tie, for me, because it really depends on the situation. If there are lots of explosive users in the game, or competent players on my team, Sawbonez works wonders; in contrast Phoenix works for me regardless of team competency as a medic, even if I’m the only medic on the team, but doesn’t handle explosive spam as well.

  2. Aura - Situational choice for me, and strongest defensive Medic choice by far; depends heavily on players actually using the station to be efficient and works best with certain merc combinations to truly outshine other options.

  3. Guardian - If there is a competent medic on the team I won’t have problems as Guardian (I have had to solo-med on her in FF on Servers; it is possible but painful to put up with) and can actually be successful in her actual role as a Secondary-DPS/Utility Merc with a Revival gimmick.

  4. Sparks - Something I am still working to improve at, so placement is subject to change; but she will likely remain as a situational choice, for me, due to the slight triggering and PTSD I get from people who dodge all my med packs and then cry for healing whenever I play her.

(azz_abdr) #7
  1. Aura & Sparks, depends on mood. But if no one use Aura on team, I will.
  2. Phoenix, uninterupted 100 hp healing pulse? Why not?
  3. sometimes Guardian on EV map
  4. I don’t like Sawbonez

(GatoCommodore) #8

In These Trying Times? (Nader Rotation)

Guardian and Sawbonez

(FalC_16) #9

Sawbones with crotzni is the best all round medic.

Aura still best for defense.

Both of the above is for try hard gameplay tho

(Eox) #10

Moving to Merc Discussions.

Also, Sawbonez.

(nokiII) #11

Sawbonez > Aura > Phoenix = Sparks > Guardian.

([ *O.C.B.* ] Wildcard) #12

@Eox said:
Moving to Merc Discussions.

Also, Sawbonez.

Gee I woulda never guessed with what your previous forum avatar was… xD

Just messing with ya @Eox <3

(kopyright) #13

Aura/Phoenix > Guardian > Sparks > Sawbonez

Pretty much agree with all the points @MuddyGrenade made. I switch between Aura and Phoenix every now and then as they both have their upsides and downsides depending on the map they are played on, but either is a solid choice most of the time.

I only recently played some Guardian to get her first Steam achievement, but she was surprisingly more fun than I imagined. She might not be the best medic on her own, but apart from her revive ability a well placed skyshield can protect Aura’s healing station on open maps.

For Sparks my aim isn’t good enough, and Sawbonez is just all around boring.

(Guziol) #14

I don’t count guardian and i like to play her a lot. Sawbones has to by my #1 by far and no other medic comes close. Everyone else is on equal footing other than sparks. Sparks can die in a ditch.


1 - Sawbonez
2 - Phoenix
3 - Aura/Sparks. No preference, depends on map
5. Guardian

(Cordyceps) #16

Guardian is a really weird medic for me. Since she’s the only medic that can’t heal people I often feel like I’m not contributing to the team too much by playing her, unless it’s a match against a lot of naders, fraggers, stokers, skyhammers etc.

(Tehumanairstrik) #17

Phoenix is my medic of choice.

  1. when you’ve learned Phoenix it is very hard to play the other medics.
  2. why heal one when you can heal in a radius?
  3. He is hilarious.
  4. he is more of a combat medic than sawbones. sawbones: durable, good weapons, healing isn’t good in combat. Phoenix has slightly less damaging weapons, and has 10 less hp, but good god is his AoE Healing good.

(Splicerrr) #18

I like the guy who, kills enemies, heals himself, revives himself, and does it himself…

~~I’m talking about @TheStrangerous ~~

R.I.P Phoenix Sig and Pic

(Da_Mummy) #19

Phoenix 95,99% how can you not love him. Mass healing on command and the extra speed and sometimes the self revive are really handy tools.
Sparks 3% She’s sooo cute. That’s it her and Nader are just Waifu (and the fact thatshe can do my favourite thing in this game from long range)
Aura 1% only if necessary or a mission with her pops up otherwise meh
Sawbonez 0,01% he’s just boring. Not to say he’s bad which he certainly isn’t but most people just use him religiously like the Ambi in TF2 but suck with him mostly.
Guardian 0% if I want a protective shield I use turtle, if I want long range revive I use Sparx and if I want AR I got the whole set of Firesupports so…

(ThunderZsolt) #20

Guardian stacking is a very fun thing to do with friends, less fun for the enemies or your team who would prefer a healer.

I play whoever the mission tells me to play, otherwise I’m a terrible medic so I play assault/fire support.