Favorite Medic to Play?

(HadronZodiac) #21

Phoenix is usually a go to, as all the other mercs have downsides, phoenix is a rather all-around medic. Aura is a stationary medic, meaning you need to take down a station from somewhere else or escort someone injured to heal someone. Sawbonez is more of a “heavy” medic, dropping slow cooldown but heal supa quick to max packs (if you can land em XD). Sparks is more of a reviver than anything else. Guardian is more defense. Phoenix can output not bad hp, not bad combat capabilities, and a nice lil self-revive system which is useful for flanking (if enemy is dumb or occupied), or getting back up from a snipe.

(-H4shR-) #22

Has anyone realized that, when you REVIVE with Guardian, the revives DO NOT count towards your “Profile Overview” Page. Like they do not count as revives in total…

Anyone know why this is? Orrrrrr possibly is splash damage aware of this? Thanks. :wink:

(Sorotia) #23

1: Guardian…despite how weak she kinda is I still enjoy playing her and I love the Hurtsall.
2: Sparks…still my favorite medic than can actually heal.
3: Phoenix…fun to play when I’m in the mood and who hates a self rez?
4: Sawbonez…do enjoy playing him but sometimes the 3 packs feel like a bummer.
5: Aura…the only medic I don’t particularly enjoy much…I don’t find the bunny hopping shotgun play very fun and her station can be a real crutch.

(Szakalot) #24

nice thread:

  1. Phoenix : the ultimate pubstomper. If I feel like not having to rely on teammates, while still being an addition to the team, Phoenix is an excellent pick. Potent packs and you can heal very quickly. Kiting people with poke and heal is just too satisfying. Imo the merc with the least ‚downtime’ in the entire game.

  2. Aura/Sawbonez: really nice to feel like your keeping the entire team alive. Either with a station at a key location, or going the rounds and topping everyone up incredibly quickly with HPacks. Plus, throwing a ‚skillshot’ pack at a critical moment from a long distance feels very ‚juicy’ : D

  3. Guardian: trolling the other team’s spam feels to good. Getting that Javelin rocket in time and knowing she wont have another any time soon is the s**t

  4. Sparks: its hard to push with her, more about that poke and run away. Good players will gib mostteammates before you can finish revive. Still fun once in a while

(Rokon2) #25

Phoenix. I cannot rely on my team to any capacity, so I prefer a self-sustaining Medic that can revive himself.