I have noticed something strange going on with multiple servers, but most notably the F|A servers.
If I take the jaymod server “F|A RECRUITING XPSAVE” as an example, I noticed that three servers are actually displayed on the master list with this name. The real one (, the 2.55 facade that comes with ET 3.00 ( and a third server, that seems to act as a redirect (https://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=serverinfo&idx=760984).
This third server appears empty on splatterladder and has 0 / 0 displayed as the amount of players. But in the Global server list, however, this server displays 54 players out of 58 available slots, and when clicking on ‘server info’, it just seems like the server is empty as absolutely no players are being displayed by scrolling down. When connecting to this third server, a message shows up and asks the players to redirect them to the real “jay1” server (
How is it possible to create such a fake server that is actually empty and redirects to the real server, but at the same time can display something like “54/58”, which by the way isn’t even the number of players on the real server, which at the moment is “29 (+3) / 51”.
Also, a normal server would display something like ‘ET 3.00 - TB 0.7.4 linux-i386’ on splatterladder next to ‘system’, but the redirect server mentioned above only displays ‘fearless’, which is strange. For every server they have, F|A has a redirect server that looks empty when you click on server info (so players can’t know if the 54 players that should be connected to the servers are bots or not) but actually displays 54/58, or any other fake amount of players.
I’m pretty sure this kind of fake redirect is a custom program made by the F|A team that modifies the Master Server information, as I couldn’t find anything on the interwebz that could do the same. Also, shouldn’t this practice that only F|A guys and maybe a few others seem to have knowledge about be stopped in some way or another ? It seems quite unfair to other admins and just overall a really lame thing to do.