(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #41

@Major_Slapnuts said:
I’m not looking to play better

If you want a team-based game that gives you a gold medal and a thumbs up for being there, play Mercy in Overwatch. (I play Overwatch, but not for the reasons I just said) This thread has completely lost all value and logic to an argument. You don’t even want to get better, so playing the fucking game at this point is a waste of everyone’s time. You don’t want to get better, that’s fine; I’m not gonna say that you have to git gud to play the game (it would make everyone’s on your team a lot easier, though), but if you are unwilling to learn and get better, you have no right to ask for some kind of reward just for showing up. You have no voice when it comes to asking for some kind of change, because the people on these forums who are actively trying to get better, and make the game better for EVERYONE just wasted time in their lives trying to convince your entitled little ass that you’re just ignorant .

(Major_Slapnuts) #42

@Mc1412013 said:
Were not troling we think the idea is stupid

it’s not an idea.

(Major_Slapnuts) #43

@MuddyGrenade said:

@Major_Slapnuts said:
I’m not looking to play better

If you want a team-based game that gives you a gold medal and a thumbs up for being there, play Mercy in Overwatch. (I play Overwatch, but not for the reasons I just said) This thread has completely lost all value and logic to an argument. You don’t even want to get better, so playing the @$!# game at this point is a waste of everyone’s time. You don’t want to get better, that’s fine; I’m not gonna say that you have to git gud to play the game (it would make everyone’s on your team a lot easier, though), but if you are unwilling to learn and get better, you have no right to ask for some kind of reward just for showing up. You have no voice when it comes to asking for some kind of change, because the people on these forums who are actively trying to get better, and make the game better for EVERYONE just wasted time in their lives trying to convince your entitled little ass that you’re just ignorant .

but I am not asking for a team-based game that gives you a gold medal and a thumbs up or some kind of reward. I am not asking for anything at all.

(Major_Slapnuts) #44

There is not ever been a time in this game where you thought that guy only hit me 4 times and killed me? and you think I had full health WTF.

You don’t ever put someone down too easily and think that seemed too easy?

You never thought that in the last minute of the game the attacking team seems to have an easier time?

Have you ever played a game and gone 20 and 10 and the very next game go 3 and 30 with the exact same mercs?

(Nail) #45

you’re WRONG and continuing to say you’re not makes you extremely _______ <— insert disparaging remark here

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #46

@Nail said:
you’re WRONG and continuing to say you’re not makes you extremely _______ <— insert disparaging remark here

Yeah I felt like I was kind of a dick after saying what I said. My point still stands though.

@Major_Slapnuts said:
There is not ever been a time in this game where you thought that guy only hit me 4 times and killed me? and you think I had full health WTF.

You don’t ever put someone down too easily and think that seemed too easy?

You never thought that in the last minute of the game the attacking team seems to have an easier time?

Have you ever played a game and gone 20 and 10 and the very next game go 3 and 30 with the exact same mercs?

Situational, man. I’ve had all those moments but I’ve never thought “Man I wish the game would compensate for me being bad, or for the enemy team not being good enough.”
Anyone who has played this game for a good amount of time will tell you that getting your ass kicked is the best way to get better. It’s just the nature of the game. Like the guy in the tutorial video said" This game isn’t gonna hold your hand, it’s gonna kick your teeth in. " (kinda paraphrasing there)
I honestly just don’t think Dirty Bomb is the game for you. There’s a reason mercs like Javelin and Thunder are so hated in and out of the game, because they can provide “gg ez” abilities that give free kills regardless of the attacker’s skill or the defender’s lack of it (sometimes, anyways). If you want a whole team to suddenly be supercharged because of their own failure, than I simply can not understand how that will ever be fair. The game is designed to punish you when you mess up, not give you a “oh, you messed up? Man that sure does suck, here’s some extra damage, and why don’t we just throw in a health station that spans the entire map?” button.

(n-x) #47

@MuddyGrenade said:

Situational, man. I’ve had all those moments but I’ve never thought “Man I wish the game would compensate for me being bad, or for the enemy team not being good enough.”

And he didnt say that either. All he does is to say, that he has the impression that the game gives weaker player some advantage.

Why is everybody so hell-bent to bash this guy. He just has a misconception. Yeah, he is arguing a bit stubbornly, but with no word he has suggested to implement those mechanics.

(GatoCommodore) #48

@Major_Slapnuts said:
There is not ever been a time in this game where you thought that guy only hit me 4 times and killed me? and you think I had full health WTF.

You don’t ever put someone down too easily and think that seemed too easy?

You never thought that in the last minute of the game the attacking team seems to have an easier time?

Have you ever played a game and gone 20 and 10 and the very next game go 3 and 30 with the exact same mercs?

the 4 hit or even the 2 hit or 1 hit kill with a weapon that doesnt capable of doing that probably because

  1. The other guy’s ping is higher
  2. you already had damage before but you forgot about it.
  3. Damage Hack

what youre saying about last minute push is pure conspiracy, just because people panicked and went full force doesnt mean somehow people get amped damage to plant. Most of the time its defender getting too cocky and started pushing instead of kept defending then got careless

No, my performance with each merc rather stagnant.
because i have my own playstyle and i cant play sniper rifle because my eyes arent as good as it used to. Its rare for me to get 3/30 unless i play medic exclusively.

(Muddy Muddy Mud Nade) #49

Wow. I’m a dick.
I totally misread the OP. Sorry for that, man. I didn’t understand that you felt like it happened, not that it should happen.
However, I don’t feel like a Fair Play Compensator kicks in, it’s usually people ending up like “Oh crap, we’re about to lose! EVERYONE GET ON THE POINT.” And then the winning team doesn’t expect the sudden avalanche of bullets and actual thought processing. And I still think that you probably shouldn’t play Dirty Bomb if you don’t care about fairness and balance, or at least shouldn’t make suggestions. I’m not saying that to be a dick, I’m just being honest. You’re disregard for fairness makes your arguments less effective.
Sorry for bashing you earlier. Guess I just have a severe case of selective dyslexia.

(bgyoshi) #50

What the fuck is this lmao

OP: It feels like there’s a stupid thing that kicks in and makes attackers deal more damage and hit easier. I don’t know but it feels like it… isn’t that stupid?


OP: But I didn’t…


OP: Yeah I know it’s dumb that’s why I said…


Fucking read OP’s post, losers