FACEIT first impression

(henki000) #1

What can I say, it’s great. All matches were balanced. Good work SD.

(Your worst knifemare.) #2

I’ve had mixed matches where some are stomps and others are balanced.

What I’ve also noticed is that I haven’t gained any faceit points from matches.


I won’t be able to try it for a few weeks (away from my PC again), but I’m eager to watch/hear about how all of this goes for everyone.

(Press E) #4

You don’t get any unless you pay for faceit’s subscription thing

(DarkangelUK) #5

Shoe speaks about the future of FACEIT and earnings here

(Teflon Love) #6

Played 4 matches. All of them were boring stomps. Won 2, lost 2. Elo is happy I guess.

The good part: almost everyone played a sensible merc and seemed to give their best, which is much better than the no medic mess in pubs.

Merc bans are nice, it’s always fun to hear the one trick ponies scream when Fragger gets banned.

In one match we had a level 0 player who just returned from a brain amputation. Sadly he was captain too and apparently saw this as a good opportunity to try out various snipers. Eventually he got bored from being gang banged and went AFK. We actually kicked him in the hope of him getting a temp ban, saving other teams from having to put up with his existence. Only to watch in horror that even after a kick you can return to a FaceIt match.

(Runeforce) #7

Acting in bad faith is a serious offense on Faceit, which you should report to them, until reporting gets better integrated within DB.

(Mustang) #8

So far I’ve had 3 losses due to leavers and 1 win due to stomp, not the best start, hope it gets better.

TL;DR Don’t worry about FACEIT points, it won’t be top 10 only, that’s just the default config, they’re going to fix it.

“I’m going to make it so it’s fair, I’m going to make it so it works well, and I’m going to make it so you guys are happy about it” - Shoe 2018

(shaftz0r) #9

wont hold my breath on that one. until the player base hits over 10k, itll be a crap shoot


I’ve been having a blast with FACEIT so far. Kudos to the dev team, glad that the end-match screen with its statistics was able to make a comeback. Nevertheless there are a couple of things that caught my eye and could be improved, such as:

  • If someone fails to join you have to wait five minutes until you are brought back to the main menu and can requeue. Reduce it to two and a half minutes.

  • Speaking of countdowns, the 15 seconds timer ticks down regardless if I confirm my merc selection or not.

  • Sub mercs can only be chosen by the captain and his choice affects everyone on the team.

  • Loadout cards for the sub mercs can’t be picked, you are forced to go with their default card.

(K1X455) #11

There’s this guy who played engineer (Bushwhacker) on our team. He couldn’t switch to anything else because he hadn’t unlocked any mercs yet. It seemed like he’s level 3 or 5 or something…

he got into the team because another player had higher ELO ranking and was plugged in to “balance” the match. He didn’t know the sequence of offence and defence in Bridge and was constantly being coached by everyone else…

(ZaZa) #12


  • Started to play FACEIT directly when it came out from beta and sure it was fun, yet the matchmaking if you’re looking at the skills within each team individually they are quite different and can vary at lot in my experience.

And cause to this there is a playerbase who are taunting or more or less cyberbullying (ye I know, welcome to the Internet, but ye) if a player doesn’t get nice Kills and I hope somehow a punishment is enforced of either bad in-game behavior like trolling around or if you’re constantly being hostile, such players should perhaps learn a lessor or two.

I mean it is not about K/D right, so let players be alone, if they can’t complete something, perhaps give some tips instead of starting to pick on them, that will cause 100% players to leave eventually, such attitude.

It is obviously also hard depending on which merc you got to get them kills some are shouting for, I mean, if the other team got a superb defense, obviously you cannot do much there even if you try and perhaps don’t get any kills, but that is also part of the game.

This is a game about team-mates and you’re in a team, sometimes you’ll lose and sometimes not, it is the spirit of the game, I mean if a round means that you must verbally attack someone who you experiencing are a bad player, then before that, try to recall how good you were the first games you played.

And if we let the attitude aside for awhile, I’ve seen many times same mercs getting banned at the ban phase at the lobby, somehow I’d want to see another type of feature to this, like the system picks one and captain picks one, I mean it is nice to get circulation among the mercs and it could be more surprising round as well.

Now the matchmaking and other features is tailored to DB’s players meanwhile we’re playing and probably in the future things will get better, which I definitely think too.



(Teflon Love) #13

Not sure how one can report a player to FaceIt. According to the documentation on How to report abuse, after the match there should be a thumbs up/down icon near each player where you can annotate details. However they never were available on my screen. What gives?

Anyway, I did report a bottom scoring toxic Phantiot that refused to switch despite the whole team asking him (quite politely in the beginning actually). Had to use the online form for that. Looking forward to learning what came of this.

(DarkangelUK) #14

Faceit users have access to all mercs but are restricted to default loadout cards for the mercs they don’t own, its only standard pub games that they’re restricted to the mercs that they own.

(K1X455) #15

I own most mercs and default could not choose the loadout of 2nd and 3rd mercs…

Something is really amiss in FACEIT matches… I didn’t expect that this change would be so drastic that it’s a totally different game mode from EXECUTION, Ranked, StopWatch and Half StopWatch.

(DarkangelUK) #16

You choose the loadout for the primary merc you’ve chosen to play, so your team has 5 mercs total (one each), if you own that merc then you can select the loadout for it, if not then it uses default. Captain then chooses 2 sub mercs that both use defaults at the moment, not sure if that will change. Its not like your normal pub game, you have a primary merc that you use for the entire game, but 2 sub mercs that you can potentially switch to for your whole team.

(K1X455) #17

That’s why I said it’s a new game mode.

A primary game mechanic has been altered to cater to a rule of merc stacking. It’s the thing that’s putting me off when playing FACE-IT.

(DarkangelUK) #18

It’s been a highly requested feature since the conception or ranked, comp teams have been manually drafting for their scrims/pugs. I agree the pub and ranked modes should reflect each other and make it far more accessible for new players, but i’m happy that its in there at all.

(Teflon Love) #19

And so far for me the FaceIt matches have been much better on average than the traditional crapfests we had in ranked. Not sure why but maybe if people can only pick one merc they seem to be more likely to pick something useful (the occasional Phantiot and Huntard not withstanding). Most games were unbalanced stomps but the amount of ignorance seems much lower.

Also people like me cannot bring along a sniper in their squad and once the games goes downhill switch to pistol only Aimee to get at least some giggles out of what otherwise would be a complete waste of time. Instead now I have to play seriously until the match ends. :wink:

(K1X455) #20

Twice in a match now, someone plays RECON and let the entire team down.

I think it’ll be a matter of personal policy that I be given the right to leave a team without penalty if someone I don’t know chooses a RECON over fire support or medic class. Baby sitting in competitive matches isn’t my cup of tea.