ETTV archive

(Mattc0m) #1

Hey! We’ve got a working copy of ETTV for anyone who wants to view some old, competitive matches casted by GreasedScotsman & crew.

Remember to tune into Brink TV when the game is out, too! May 10th. :wink:

(AnthonyDa) #2

OMG, finally!!!111oneone

(Dthy) #3

nooice, beats searching through the YT account for them xD

(r3fleX) #4

Awesomeee! Thanks for all the hard work and time u put into this game shoutcasting =)

p.s. I miss the “HOLY****BALLSSSSSS!”

(light_sh4v0r) #5

Woop, cheers! :smiley:
Will be following!

(Raga) #6

Niceee work :slight_smile: