ETQW: SDK Legal question

(syntax.issues) #1

With the recent news of the doom 3 id tech 4 source code release I got started on my own modification. However, because the doom 3 gui system is somewhat of a mess I have had to migrated to the etqw code base.

My question is, will the id tech 4 code release contain the etqw gui code, and if not, can I integrate the rendering and system code from the doom 3 release with the etqw sdk and distribute it as a stand alone without the user needing a etqw install?

(Susefreak) #2

Maybe as you already know, the ETQW code is a whole lot different from the idtech4/Doom3 code. The rumours that are going around now tell that the only code being released will be the Doom3 code. So don’t count on the ETQW gui code being released just yet.

I don’t know about the legal transferability of code between games. I know that Azuvector ported over some code from Quake 4 for his QWTA mod and Raven kept a blind eye for this time around, but he notified them upfront and was told he was an exception.

If the legal aspects do not allow you to port it over you could always go for an alternative route: Clean box reverse engineering.

(taw_m0nsta) #3

What if the box isn’t that clean and contains some old rotten Hanwu galbi?