ETQW MOD Cocktail

(m0nsta) #1


I was wondering if theres a topic or instruction for putting 2 mods in a blender.
I am not game developer, but for the last two days I kinda felt I was. What I did is basically
putting 2 mods into 1 directory. Yeh… thats basically it.

See here the end results:

ETQW + TA 3.5 + INSTAGIB <-- click
Simply made dubplicate of qwta_v35, renamed it and added the 5 instagib maps (+ campaign) +mod.
The blood effect with the realistic weapons (shotgun) is just crazzzy.

ETQW + TA 3.5 + 23 Century WarFare. <-- click
Simply made copy of qwta_v35, renamed it and and added the 23 century maps.
Would be fun with vehicle drops (tried to overrule them), but the 23centrury mod seems to stick to its own vehicle rules.

A Tech-DI told me using 2 mods from 1 directory and thinking it will work is impossible. Well… it does looks like there is some sort of merging going on. These mod combination gives me extra rules and features then loading the original. I understand its harder to understand what it does and not does (you have to try everything out to understand what the merging results are).

Is there an extreme danger (for the server or players/computers itself) to put this on a server? I’m sure it needs some fine tuning, but so far I haven’t noticed any game play bug during the game. (didn’t even noticed the presents of a magog!)

(Crytiqal) #2

show me some pics :smiley:

(m0nsta) #3

The titles are linked 0:-)
-edit: Updated my post with 2 splash images

(Crytiqal) #4

Never seen that map before in your last pic?

Did 23rd Century Warfare mod finnaly get released?

(m0nsta) #5

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;338103]Never seen that map before in your last pic?
Did 23rd Century Warfare mod finnaly get released?[/QUOTE]

Yep, well not with all the planned features (new cyclops a like stuff) but the maps can be fun with a good balance. Depending on the XP you get various vehicles in base. (haven’t seen a trojan or cyclops so far). There are no objectives, so its all about dominating the center and putting pressure on their base. Almost every weapon acts different, most of them have new sounds.

(Scrupus) #6

As long as you don’t fiddle with the binaries, it shouldn’t be any extreme risk.

Just make sure to keep all the files in separate mod folders, to avoid pure problems for vanilla and other mods.

I’ve tested the 23rd warfare maps before, they have cool terrain layouts but had no objectives - more for TDM? Adding some flag or control point stuff could be interesting though. Even if you don’t have the map sources, you can still fiddle with the entities and map scripts, to make them work better with QWTA.

Cool idea, happy hacking :slight_smile:

(Scrupus) #7

hmm when I think of it I tested the maps in vanilla only, not the mod itself - guess I missed those gun changes and the other mod features, heh :slight_smile:

(m0nsta) #8

Hehe thanks. Yeah about the merging part. In that 23 Century WarFare mod theres also a .pk5 file. My iPak3 app only supports .pk3 and .pk4 filetypes. Whats that .pk5 file doing there?

(light_sh4v0r) #9

Lol, that first pic is epic xD
Not much left of that strogg :oppressor:

(.Chris.) #10

They quit the mod about a year ago and released the source.

(Violator) #11

StupidQW + instagib would be entertaining and possibly fatal for server.

(light_sh4v0r) #12

Weren’t most weapons instagib in stupidQW anyway? :tongue:
Grenade launcher ftw!

(m0nsta) #13

Ha, yes I guess so too… TAWs God of Hack aka Susefreak is currently inspecting the Instagib mod, in first place to run the instagib maps on a server. Would be fun to play it with the realistic TA weapons ^^

(m0nsta) #14

Well the Instagib Maps run on (brand new) TAW servers now with the TA Mod weapons enabled :slight_smile: I might gonna make a movie of it soon. I can’t get 1 map to work (server crashes after switching) but other 4 works fine. Just need add them into a custom campaign. Let the shotgun deathmatches begin!