ETQW Frag Movie - 'Thats What You Get'

(Dthy) #21

Stealing your movie cfg and HUD.pk4’s incase I ever get the urge/demos to make a movie. Cheers for uploading!

(r3fleX) #22

ahah well the HUD .pk4’s arent mine (murka’s and maybe rex’s? i cant remember who gave me that 1)… and yea thats the point of me uploading the movie cfg, but its not completely complete, there are 1 or 2 things missing i think that i probably used in game sliders in the menu’s to fix.

(taw_m0nsta) #23

Awesome movie

(Seanza) #24

Nice one lad.

Still can’t get over how infrequently you gib opponents, though!

(Dthy) #25

Noticed one thing in the movie cfg, it should be demo_noclip rather than noclip. noclip is for when you’re actually playing :smiley:

(rookie1) #26

Amazing vid ,really liked the special effects like at 2:20 and the grenade one
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