well crap, first the tourney.cc site goes down, then community forums, right at the beginning of our comp revival!
If you haven’t already done so, teams signed up for the NA Cup please post your contact info here:
For those who didn’t copy it the schedule is posted there as well.
(1)Shot, we’re trying to confirm for Sunday evening.
OCP and SUP are playing Friday 8:00 EST.
TAW, SUP guys say you were helpful and friendly and they appreciate the help you gave them during the match!
Emot shot the hell out of old GzR’s last night and we are licking our wounds.
@Szak: not sure if you and |SUP|Ruma connected for mentoring or not, he’s registered on GzR forums.
@Aristotle, no there’s no way can see your defibrillator kills Once upon on a time on TheBestMedic we had the revive/death ratio though (and a graph of your revive/death ratio over time with a moving average). Those were stats you could live with (channeling Phil Hartman as the anal retentive chef talking about how he packaged his trash)