ETA change notification for Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

(system) #1

Dear Customer,

You have signed up to receive release date changes for:

Enemy Territory: Quake Wars

Old Release Date - 3/1/2007
New Release Date - 6/5/2007

Thank you for visiting!

NOTE: The product release date is the best estimate as to when the product will become available. These dates are subject to change at anytime. is in constant communication with product vendors to provide you with the most accurate release dates possible.

(Joe999) #2

you should contribute with this super reliable information in this thread:

after all those false dates chances are high that at least someone might be right now :smiley:

(system) #3

i heat vot ,but, you can tell me release date? he joe999

(Joe999) #4

of course, i got the scoop. and i’ll give you beta as well like you asked:



Release Date


happy? :slight_smile:

btw: you seem to confuse me with someone who has something to say here. u gotta ask hen admin if you want stuff :wink:

edit: here’s the limitied signed special edition if someone wants it:

BETA (signed Joe999)

(Dangles91) #5


i have dibs on it

(Talbot) #6

This looks genuine enough and all I can say is b*llocks.

(M8DNanite) #7

Slow notification email.

Gamestop had that date already few weeks ago

Klaranth reported 28th Jan:

Pre-Release Ships 6/5/2007
And thats pre-release date, so is the 6th June the real release date? :evil:

(Joe999) #8

no. that’s the date that someone imagineered and the others copied it mostly because nobody has a clue methinks

(kamikazee) #9

It’s date piracy!