ET:QW vs BF2142

(Approx01) #21

well BF2 was bad when it came out, but with the recent patches the game is actually playable. it’s just too little too late to save the game from dieing. BF2142 will be the same exact game but with a new story and diffent weapons/models. I’m guessing the game won’t be bad, but most people aren’t going to buy it because It’ll feel too much like playing a mod or expansion pack. I’ve heard from a lot of people that play BF2 competitively that say they are looking forward to play Quake Wars, and aren’t planning on even touching BF2142.

we’ll see what happens tho

(EB) #22

Is this the admitting of their own companies work…or are they insulting every other company that doesn’t have a top10 ?

Yes I know he is the VP of mobile EA

(Apocalypse) #23

Please DO NOT have a stats systems… We DO NOT need to have our e-penis compared…

I’ve said this and I will say it again, the stats systems in BF2 is IMO the ultimate root of evilness in BF2. No doubt its a hell of a buggy/unbalance POS but statwhores makes the entire game unplayable. In ET, we often shuffle ourselves voluntarily to the weaker side to balance out the game and ultimately making it more enjoyable. This DOES NOT happen in BF2 because of the stats… Not to mention the amount of TKing just for l33t killing machines like jets…

Stats systems also spawned ALOT of problems with adminstration… read the countless posting of abusive BF2 admins twisting the ROE (another piece of BF2 joke…) to their own advantage.

I know SD people plays quite abit of BF2. No doubt they would be somewhat influenced by it and its no secret that those pretty medals made BF2 a marketing success. But please, for the love of ET players/fans. Say NO to stats system!

(Approx01) #24

stats are there for fun, nothing more. if people have fun getting their stats up who cares, they did pay for the game and can play it how they choose. although stats do help in the recruiting process

(Apocalypse) #25

Stats are for personal-glorification. Nothing more. If you want to have stats? Fine. But make nothing that gives a reward or shows some in-game ranks. Because as soon as such ‘show of l33tness’ appears, statwhores WILL come… Make stats ONLY for tracking personal accuracy, K/D ratios, etc… if a must…

Tell me, are you an ET player? Cos if you are, you will know how irritating XP whores are. Yes, any XP whores (such as continuously fixing the truck in Goldrush BEFORE we got any gold or even close to the bank) will get 2 free pistol rounds in their back from me.

(FootSoulJah) #26

Ha u said it Apocalypse, my opinion is it looks like shit tbh from the pics ive seen and from what ive heard from people in general is they would pick QW’s over it anyday and i agree, who knows maybe EA are releasing it because they fear deh mighty SD :cool:

(Nail) #27

I don’t get all these bash EA threads, this isn’t their forums, go there and bash them

(Gringo) #28

Of course it is, they fear the SD mad phat skillz

(Crylar) #29

My guess is that BF2142 might end up more popular. Which really is a shame cause ET:QW will be alot better. This is because BF is more popular now as it is, and that is allways the thing that matters, CS isn’t a good game, it’s just popular. For example D3 and Q4 is far more easz to make mods for but HL2 is popular, and there for it gets more mods.
How easy or hard it is to make mods isn’t that big of a deal, bak in the dazs quake got lots of mods and it was hell making mods for. But the people willing to make mods did it anyway, now there are lots of engines and games to choose from when making mods and people don’t go bz which one is easiest or most powerful, thez just pick the one they happend to have around, and since BF is a biger name then ET they might just end up having most mods and most players.

I do hope I’m wrong about it though, I never liked the BF games (for several reasons) and from what I’v seen from ET:QW it seems to be true definition of pure awesomeness digitalized and I hope and belive it will make me very much more then happy.

(Gringo) #30

How many millions of people play ET? I would say that nearly everyone of em will by a copy of QW and lets not forget the good side of bf2142. It’ll take away all the wankers who we wouldnt want playin QW anyway :banana:

(Approx01) #31

there arent millions of people that still play ET but there is still a good ammount left. i played cs for little while and i know how bad the game is, what little content there is, and how boring it gets -.- i’ll be getting quake wars reguardles what games come out at the time time

(ParanoiD) #32

Hmm, I think we need to send some ppl from EA to stroggos and let them be stroggy-fied over there, hmmmmm :tapir:

(Rhoades) #33

yes, i want the game too.

(Turtle-ZED) #34

I’m sure that the video footage of ETQW last May really rocked EA’s world…I know it did mine. They’re just looking for a slice of mech action (and maybe a greater Asian fan-base!!!). It still looks like it’s going to be won by those who get into the vehicles 1st, crushing and vapourising footsloggers along the way. And invisible players…jeez…just what we need…maybe their nametag will still show above their heads…
I think SD’s focus on gameplay and balance will show EA how to make a truly great MP title. (Now that I’ve buttered you up…how about some more screenies hehehehehe)

(Crylar) #35

I don’t think EA will get much more Asian fans with mechas like that, BF2142 use much more american mechs, which is tanks on legs. To score some Asian fans you should go for the huge andriod versions like in Zone of the enders, and have anime like power armores.
My guess is they just feel they don’t get the support from sci fi fans they want, and so they just make an other faceless game with no character.

(nUllSkillZ) #36

There’s a title story about BF2142 in the german gamemagazine PC-Powerplay + Video (the trailer) + an interview.
The gamemag also compares BF2142 with ET:QW.
Not sure what I should think about BF2142.
Actually I’ve bought BF2 because of a mod (BF1918)
I’ve only played BF2 a short period of time.
I don’t like the conquest mode that much.
The W:ET objective game mode is in my eyes superior to the conquest mode.

From the BF2142 trailer it seems that there are only new weapons/skins/models (modlike).
And it seems that both teams are equal.
So the idea of having two non equal teams seems to be much more interesting.

(eRRoLfLyNN) #37

I would like to try this tbh, if it is any good?

Unfortunately though, BF2 doesn’t like pleb Geforce4 cards like mine, at least when I tried it when it was first released :confused:

HUFF :nag:

(Crylar) #38

Not only seems, but IS, after playing Gloom for about 6 years I truley know this, nothing have ever been as fun. Though now I’m starting to grow a little tired of the graphics, since they look 8 years old, I’m still playing cause graphics do come as a second priority.

I do hope some game will be abel to bring me to the graphic genereation of today, and I do hope that game will be ET:QW.

(nUllSkillZ) #39

There’s only a release of BF1918 for BF1942.
And a test release (I think it’s called Flying Circus or something similar) for BF2.
A very professional made mod.
Although there’s only the same gamemode (“Conquest”) as for BF1942/BF2.

My impression I have from BF2142 is that this is a countermeasure for ET:QW.
Some similar ideas (Mech and drones).
Personally I would call BF2142 a mod for BF2 (but actually it is a full retail game).
Although they say that BF2142 is a new game / enhanced BF2.
Not sure when BF2 was released but I guess they had only one year so far.
And id + SD had released their news of et:qw in May 2005 (working on et:qw at least two years).

Some class infos about BF2142:

All classes have a knife and a pistol.

  • [li]Support
    [/li] MG
    combat drone
    [/li] Assault rifle
    [/li] Sniperrifle
    camouflage ability
    [/li] MP

Seems that some classes of BF2 were “melted” together.

(Zyklon) #40

Seems like they designed the sniper to be the lone-wolf-über-class. Invisibility, ammopacks… he doesn’t need anyone. And it’s pretty silly idea to give a sniper the ammopacks, since he isn’t really supposed to stick with the other guys.