ET:QW System Requirements

(SniperSteve) #1

Well as you all know Christmas is on its way, filled with tons of new toys for us PC g33ks and HardCore Gamers.

This year I’m going to be building a new machine for myself as many other gamers are doing, but I have not been able to find the official Minimum/Suggested System Requirements for ET:QW.

Many people have speculated that it will have system requirements simmilar to BF2 or Quake4.

My second question is in reguards to ET:QW supporting Dual Core CPU’s. With more and more dual core systems around I’m expecting to see the vast majority of games in 2006 support dual core.

Will SD make a stement on this? It will help those who are purchasing new computers this christmas. Or at least give your personal opition. (IE Not Official)

Or we could just say will the folowing work good? :stuck_out_tongue:

EVGA 7800GT 256, PCI-E, SLI Ready
AMD 64 3800 Dual Core
ASUS A8N32 Motherboard (Very nice MoBo with 16X PCI-E links)
Corsair XMS TwinX - 2 GB
2 Hitachi 80 GB 8MB Cach HDDs in RAID-0 (RAID Striped)
500W X-Finity ULTRA SLI-Ready PSU
On Board 8 Chan Sound
On Board 10/100/1000 LAN With Cable Internet Connection

Tha should be able to run anything out there, but when its all said and done I doubt I’ll be getting anything near that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you! :clap:

(DarkangelUK) #2

Yes, ET:QW will require a system to play it on.

(B0rsuk) #3

I’m more concerned about my system…

AMD Barton 2800+ (2080MHz)
ASUS A7N8X (nforce2 400 ultra)
Geforce2MX (soon to be replaced with Geforce6800LE 256, AGP)
512RAM DDR400Mhz (I will soon add another 512 and see if Dual Channel mode is worth it)

I hope it will run ET:QW without forcing me to lower detail level drastically. :=/ My gut sense is it’s unlikely that ET:QW will run faster than Doom3… megatexture and all…

(fattakin) #4

Replacing the Card is a big help there BOrsuk and doubling the RAM will be worth it. Try Q4 after you have done that for an indication.

(ParanoiD) #5

Keep Q4 requirements for now. But you can lower Q4 requirements:

AMD Athlon XP 1800+ (1900+ OC, 2000+ Max oc if needed) while minimum = AMD Athlon XP 2000+
1024 MB DDR266 (Oc @ DDR280)
ATI Radeon 9600pro EZ 256 MB (400 core/400 mem, so between 9600 (400/325) and 9600pro (400/600) while minimum = ATI Radeon 9700

Windows XP Pro SP2, got Quake4 running pretty good at 800x600 lowest details, even medium was still playable. Ok not most fps, but it could run at least while below system requirements. I hope (and probably will) that this PC can run ETQW as it needs to be my gaming rig till august 2006 when i need a notebook for my study.

(kamikazee) #6

Notebooks aren’t gaming rigs IMO. But you can give it a try.

(Nail) #7

methinks Alienware would disagree

(stebbi67) #8

NICE machine SniperSteve :drink:

I do not believe that QW:ET will run faster on dual core since the Doom3 ( Q4 ) engine, which QW:ET is build on, is not multi threaded, that is it can only use one core. But that is only what I believe.

Games that will run on the UT2007 engine will benefit from dual core CPU since it is multi threaded.

(kamikazee) #9

Exceptions confirm the rule, no? :smiley:

(Nail) #10

there’s also Hypersonic and Voodoo, but normally lappies aren’t that good for gaming

(ouroboro) #11

for the time being i’d suggest benchmarking D3 and Q4. although ET:QW will also have Megatexture which may or may not require a bit more muscle.

also, even though it’s totally unrelated, from my experience the biggest dog out there right now is DoD:S. if you own that game, and can get it to perfrom well, you should feel pretty confident.

(Floris) #12

Day of Defeat: Source is performing pretty well on my PC, so you think I should be able to run ETQW? :slight_smile:

Pentium IV - 2,6 Ghz
512 MB Ram
Ati Radeon 9600 TX 128 mb :[

I might buy a new PC soon with the following specs:
Intel P4 64Bit 3.0GHz model ‘630’
250GB Maxtor SATA HD
PCI-e 256MB ATI RADEON x850 Pro TV-out & DVI
Maxtor 250GB SATA HD 7200rpm/8MB cache
1024 MB INFINEON 400MHz DDR PC-3200
Floppy Drive (leetest thing in it)
It should work on that, right? :]

(ouroboro) #13

define “performing well”. i can break 100 fps in DoD:S if i’m staring at a wall on an empty server with a stripped config. but actually playing the game i drop sometimes into the teens. and IMHO anything under 60 is completely unplayable. in fact the ~60 fps cap in Q4 means you won’t see me online. i was dumbfounded when carmack left that in a game which is known for speed and precision. 60 fps is simply horrible. a great many people (me included) will sacrifice any amount of visuals to reach 100 fps. when a game caps you below that, it’s a bit frustrating. i hope ET:QW breaks that trend - or perhaps the D3 engine depends on the cap? i doubt that because you could uncap it in singleplayer.

but some people think 30 is fine. maybe you’re one of those people?

(Salteh) #14

There’s not really a point in rendering more than ~60 fps if you’re using the Doom 3 engine afaik :moo:.

(ouroboro) #15

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

the point is smoothness!!!11~!@

i’m not talking about “magic numbers” like in Q3. i’m talking about my eyeballs!

(eq-Shrike) #16

3 !! That’s the magic number …

(SniperSteve) #17

On my clan forum the guys there dislike the X2 (dual core) CPU. Saying that the games will not be able to use both cpu’s at the same time. Of course this is true, but i was told that the preformance is still very good because all the background proccesses just hop on the extra cpu.

However anyone that can comment intelegently on this, that would be appreciated.

(ParanoiD) #18

I have here 2 computers. One old computer hitting 25-30 fps in ET which is playable, but not more then that. The other always 85 or higher. You can see the difference, the old one is playable as said, but not good to pwn and play as a pro, the other is.

Then about the laptop, ofcourse it’s not the best for gaming, but I can’t afford a AMD Athlon FX-57, with 2 GB of RAM, then 2x 7800GTX 512 in SLI. A good laptop which hits the mainstream desktop is good enough to play new games at good resolutions and details, maybe no AA and AF, but I don’t care as I used to play games in the old times when we had only 16 colours, very little resolution etc. As long as I can play it with a decent frame rate im happy.

(Fusen) #19

ET:QW will be so superiour than any other game you’ll only get 10fps on the latest current hardware (or so I’ve been told) :x

(SniperSteve) #20

LOL, doubt it :smiley: