ET:QW - SP & Bots ???

(Joe999) #81

oh come on, i didn’t reply because i don’t care about what you think about me and didn’t want to bother the readers. but you seem to keep pushing this thread up, so i take the freedom of asking when in this thread i was personally attacking you and with what? as far as i recall, you all started it with:


and what do you think this is:

so i took the freedom to use your own words against you, because your arguments were without any foundation and sounded just like from a kid who didn’t get what it wanted. i didn’t know that you already quit school <= no offense. again, with which words did i personally attack you? i need to learn how to behave :smiley:

i apologize to the other users for having to read this. don’t worry, i won’t reply in this thread.

(BR1GAND) #82

Somehow you saying my words sounding like “kid who didnt get what he wanted”… sounds like a kid thats bored and wants to just act retarded… I knew you couldnt help yourself if I was to stand my ground and continue to make valid points… address my points if you dare and stop acting the imbecile. I dont mind admitting when im wrong… and ill defer to someones logic that is sound… But you go on as if because I dont agree with you I must be trivialized. This thread was started with a valid question and your response was to immediately discount the question and trivialize it. You talk about making a constructive argument like you actually have made one in your life. Please… troll some more.

(Ifurita) #83

Again, I’d be really happy if QW included high quality bots to simulate MP-play. To date, I’ve been playing BF2 exclusively with bots. I don’t have the time or inclination to find a good server/community to play. However, assuming resource constraints, you then have to ask at what cost do I get high quality bots, since something else has to be de-prioritized in order to focus on bots. Of course, based on skill mix and overall expertise, one dev team may have to give up less than another to achieve the same mix of results.

(BR1GAND) #84

IMO the trend toward releasing games without offline content is bad… Many MMORPGs are doing this and Im thankful that most of the devs out there still feel that offline play is as intregal part of the game development as the immersive effects of high end sound, graphics, and physics. Somethings you should not leave out period. To do so cuts out a portion of the market.

While it is a valid argument to say ai coding is of minimal importance to you because you dont use it, want it, or you feel it will take away resources from the final product… I would still say your paying more for less and the games overall value is not there. ET:QW prob will have the best overall MP play of any other game out there imo, but if someone goes and picks up the box in the store and it says requires internet connection only on it, you may just lose the sale there. Less sales will make for a smaller more elusive community then we have with ET because it was free. A smaller community makes for less servers.

Now if the game is priced as a q4 expansion and not stand alone… thats different. I dont know what the price is… I guess we will just have to wait and see.

(SniperSteve) #85

I can see your point. But if there are bots, they won’t be very advanced…

(kamikazee) #86

They could be advanced if enough time is spent on them, but one must ask themself what that time would NOT be spent on. (This is basicly what Ifurita said repeatedly)

So, if you want good bots what features would/could you give up? Keep in mind you can’t ignore the other part of the market which wants a good MP game…
Probably you want a good MP too, but IF you have to choose, what would you choose? SD would have to ask the the same question, even if they would have the resources as no-one has got infinite time and money.

(SniperSteve) #87

The majority of the potential players want a very high quality multiplayer. The single player is nice for when the net is down or whater, but its not what the majority of the players want.

I say there is a 75% chance of getting bots in game. The AI will be very simple, and overall you want going to play VRS bots cept when you dont have net access, which is rare. However. If there are bots my guess is they will have limited AI. Still something fun to play against, but no where near as good as MP.

(BR1GAND) #88

The majority of potential players may want both I would suppose… Hypothetically making me pick would be like saying to you which would you rather have… Q4 graphics and BF2 styled physics or BF2 graphics and Q4 styled physics, you dont really need make that kind of choice because ET:QW will take advantage of the work that ID/Raven software has done… Very similar with the AI… The base AI will be there, adapting it shouldnt be all that hard… Maybe it is, but dismissing it as not even worth doing is somewhat naive IMO.

Look ive spent hours and hours playing ET enjoying it for its Class based teamplay and Objective based maps. Before ET I was all about Q3, but as good as ET is, it always seemed incomplete to me without the ability to fire up a stand alone server without an internet connection and get some good fragn in by yourself or with just a couple of friends, something you could very easily do in Q3… but hey it was free so theres no right to complain. From what Ive gleaned from the ET:QW previews SS’s assessment of a 75% chance of botage is prob very optimistic. :frowning: And even if ET:QW is strictly online MP only… Ill pay full price and be fragn your ass. Just hope it will be as successful as ET was. :drink:

(Ifurita) #89

Did COD and COD:UO have bots?

(BR1GAND) #90

Nope but they did have a very solid… single player game… Not that I replay it over and over.

(BR1GAND) #91

I withdraw this statement because of this… &
:angry: :???: :banghead:

(DarkangelUK) #92

(Sebultura) #93

For those of you crazy coders or just curious dudes, I’ve just found this link:

This one explains what is AAS stuff (Aera Awareness System, the thing I spoke about in my last post…) & what it’s got to do with bots in Q3/D3 games.

Enjoy the read !

(SniperSteve) #94

I have found this video where one of the Devs talkes about Q4, and at the very end he says some stuff about QW:ET.


Sorry guys. Looks like there will be no SinglePlayer.

(Denny) #95

So what, just wait until someone develops a bot for it if it’s a good game and they release the source for it i’m sure someone would. Granted it won’t be available right away but think of it this way, by the time it would there’d be alot more maps and it cost about 1/2 less than retail price.

That’s looking on the bright side though, i could be wrong.

(carnage) #96

by the time it would there’d be alot more maps

depeds as with this new tech being used could make it hard for mappers to make quality custom maps, also they might take some time if they are as big as the stock maps are supost to be

(Denny) #97

You make a good point, but that doesn’t entirely mean we could not see any quality maps. Now granted mapping could take more time but i don’t think just because of the new tech that would halt quality mapping altogether. It’s still way to early to tell though, but if it’s a good game, the tech required for mapping probably wouldn’t turn away quality mapping imho.

(carnage) #98

but if it’s a good game, the tech required for mapping probably wouldn’t turn away quality mapping imho.

ive been think about stuff like this for a lil while, i though how cum there are much less quality maps from ET than Q3. simple cos its a lot harder to create soemthing that fits with ET style ww2 theme than q3 that can realy be very open eneded

but i hope that we still do see some realy nice maps by the comunity it will definaly be interesting to see

(SCDS_reyalP) #99

ive been think about stuff like this for a lil while, i though how cum there are much less quality maps from ET than Q3. simple cos its a lot harder to create soemthing that fits with ET style ww2 theme than q3 that can realy be very open eneded

IMO, it has far more to do with gameplay than visual theme.There are lots of ET customs that look great. Making a decent FFA or symetric CTF map is a lot simpler than making an ET map. It is also a lot easer to test with a limited number of people.

(BR1GAND) #100

We dont want to pull resources away for game development for AI coding and offline game play but LO AND BEHOLD we got time for in game voice…