ET:QW probably comes on NextGen as well

(wunderkind) #21

in my opinion, graf stahl is completely right. if meisterbrau likes to eat potato chips on the couch, well it is his own decision (regarding his plauze…) but he will NEVER beat graf stahl, the system doesn’t matter. Jawohl :bash:

(Wils) #22

What’s this I see?..

Users posting from this IP address
Graf Stahl [ 1 Post ]
wunderkind [ 1 Post ]

Must be coincedence, surely :slight_smile:

(Graf Stahl) #23

shame on me :nod: … you guys at sd are so clever, no wonder the games are so good…

(meisterbrau) #24

loool. they got u. so its obvious now, that u are indeed a cheater :blah:

u have been pwned :bash:

btw: even my 7 month old daughter will pwn you in et

(Graf Stahl) #25

what are you talking about, n00b? :slight_smile: wunderkind is my son and I am the mighty master Graf Stahl. Btw: you neither own a pc nor a next gen console… :bash:

what about a beer tonight? :beer: 19:00?

(Nail) #26

I tried with both of these:,CRID=2150,CONTENTID=5003,CRID=2150,CONTENTID=5002

the thumb ball was better but still not as good as mouse

(Grey Wolf=GCHQ=) #27

Guess I’m lucky, I was bought up on consoles, and then got my PC at something like 10. I really do not have a problem using a joystick to play games with, it can be as fluid with mouse and keyboard. But the I have noticed I’m not so quick anymore which is just down to being used to the mouse and keyboard at the moment.

(Dazzamac) #28

I started out on a NES and progressed on nintendo as far as N64 where I gathered dust sitting in front of perfect dark., gamecube didn’t have the titles I wanted to play so I moved to PC, with only 2 years or so under my belt on PC I find that I can’t move back, I’ve tried FPS on consoles since, but find it doesn’t give e the same control. I was going to mention how Nintendo are going to pave the way for FPS going back to consoles but VPL’s resident fanboy beat me to it. :notworthy: :stuck_out_tongue:

(Gringo) #29

I too started on consoles and then moved to pc. In fact, the only reason i got a pc was to play ET. I couldnt go back to consoles if i wanted to play fps’s. I used to champion the controller, now its keyboard and mouse ftw. I’ll probably never own another console again!

Fanboy, dont preach to me none o ur nintendo jibber jabber!

(ParanoiD) #30

I have always been PC and always will be.

First from 0-6 (1988-1994) we had a Commodore 64, so i used a joystick on it much, much racegames etc.
Then 6-11 (1994-1999) Weve gotten a Intel 386 proc, 4 MB. later weve got a joystick with it, and a soundcard for great sounds… Starting games with DOS.
11-14 (1999-2002) we had (and still use it for internet) a PII 350 MHz, used the joystick with it sometimes. Learned many things about windows, also the pc ive learned some of hardware when ive got it.
14-now (2002-2006) AMD Athlon xp 1800+ and some. Only keyboard and mouse. First time weve got internet 24/7 so started to play online, ET was the first game online as it came like the same moment as our ADSL connection.
18-Unknown (2006-?) My next rig to game will be a pc again :). A Laptop for my study which should be like: AMD Turion X2 (Yamato platform, intel centrino killer :P), 1024 MB DDRII, nVidia Geforce Go 7600 256 MB.

ParanoiD still hopes there comes a virus over halo with xbox live to damage liek 20% of all xboxes and let them console-noobs have a fucked console which cant be fixed by just format c: :stuck_out_tongue:

(SCDS_reyalP) #31

Quite how you get from this:

to this

I’m not sure.

In general, it is quite common for a game that is successful on PC to get ported to consoles, even if it isn’t a good match for the platform (see quake, RTCW). Such things are often done by developers other than those who created the original game, and the end result is often quite different.

It isn’t any surprise that id/SD/ATVI would leave open the option of a console port of ET:QW, but that doesn’t mean that it is being consolified from the start. Especially given that they said the current primary platform is the PC.

(Shanks) #32

Well ID is very “happy” (I can’t think of a decent word to describe it atm) with the xbox360, and with the new wolfenstein game making it’s debut on the 360, it’ll be a matter of time before quake wars is ported to 360.

(eq-Shrike) #33

I too started on consoles :wink:

(rin1) #34

In this article, they talk about the possibility to devlop an Enemy Territory: Quake War’s part for the next generation consoles. Most probably they will put this thought into reality.

I hope it, because then I can be sure, that I can play this game…I’ve a good PC but consoles are working much more stably than PC’s…

My system:

-Windows XP

-P4 2.7 Ghz

-1024GB RAM


(Bongoboy) #35

Yes, yes, but does it have fake wood veneer panels and stubby throw switches?

(ayatollah) #36

Yes but if you play on consoles you don’t get to take advantage of the 1337 h4x that are out there…You my friend will be missing out :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there plans to make QW function properly with 8-way joysticks with one button?

(Joe999) #37

i hope they support 2 buttons, i still have a competition pro somewhere here lying around… that’s an awesome joystick. for those who want a competition pro: you can buy the joystick now with a complete console and games in it :smiley:

(carnage) #38

i herd that to make the game more compatable to lower spec user the game sill suport 2 way joypad with 1 button

however in this mode its only posible to turn right making for interesting firefights

(DarkangelUK) #39

How about the pong paddle with the one twirly nob? That’s where my gaming started.

(Joe999) #40

omg, imagine how fast you could twist around with the pong paddle. jump into the middle of the enemy’s spawn and let it go … :smiley: