ET:QW & Modification Support

(UniSol) #1

Hi there,
I’m Jeroen “UniSol” Tavernier, project leader of a so called modification “Ancolius”.

I am wondering how you, the developers of ET:QW, will handle the mod community, and if the game or your development crew will allow alot of support towards modifications.
I am asking this because “Ancolius” which is now being developed on the BF2 engine will be swapped over to QuakeWars as soon as we receive any details about the modification support etcetra.
Because sadly enough I have to say that the BF2 engine is crap and our coders are having nothing but trouble and errors when trying to code on its engine, and EA/Dice aren’t doing much about it, neither do they actually help the mod community in a decend way.

Also I’m wondering just exactly what script language the coders will have to handle when working on the ET:QW engine.

The main question of my topic remains this though: How will you handle the support to Modifications on the ET:QW engine?

I have high hopes in this new game and engine, and I’m sure it’ll be worth waiting for.

Kind regards

Jeroen “UniSol” Tavernier
Ancolius Project Leader

(kamikazee) #2


I’m no developer, but I’m going to answer this nontheless. This is a forum… :wink:

To start, there was support for W:ET before, so I don’t see how this would change.

If you’re wondering HOW the game works, take a look at Modwiki. It’s a wiki about the Doom 3 engine and all it’s decendants. Whilst ET:QW has no real details yet, it’s no waste to get more insight in modding for the Doom 3 engine.

I’ll give you a short overview of how you can affect the game:

-Coding in C++. Both Doom 3 and Quake 4 had their SDK released with all game code in it. IIRC, the ET:QW SDK is said to be released a few months after the game’s release.
-Scripting, it’s a C/C++ style of scripting to change behaviour here and there.
-Declaring, this changes the behaviour of entities.

So you see that the coders will have plenty of options to make something work. And if there are problems, there are forums enough to help you along, though I must say that this one will probably have good support as well. Support was allways good around here, especially in the mapping section.

(iwound) #3

Hi UniSol and welcome to the forum glad youre coming over to the qw engine. I believe theres some answers too your questions in a lot of the interviews that have been posted and that there will be good support for modders considering splash’s background. There’s some links to the interviews around here somewhere…
Whats the mod theme, its not another chickens v foxes mod is it?

(SCDS_reyalP) #4

The simple answer (paraphrased from SD members) is that ET:QW mod support will be much like previous id and SD games. They tend to release the tools they used to make the content, and the game code, but don’t expect the tools to super polished or well documented. They give you what you need, it is up to you to figure it out and make use of it. As []v[] points out, a lot of the SD folks come from the mod community, and tend to be accessible compared to a lot of other developers.

(jimb0) #5

Hey people, if you’re so serious about doing a mod like your messages full of serious words imply, do some freaking research first. The mod support will be the same as it has been on the previous id games: a dir for a mod (so you can replace art assets and code), lots of scripting to be done, tools released with the game, compiled code for core gameplay, and that’s it. Why you still ask if the answer has been the same for the past 10 years?

If anything, scripts and art assets and guis and defs will have a resemblance to Doom 3 and Quake 4, so you can research with those games before. Then when ETQW comes you will have a huge headstart on it.

(UniSol) #6

Have a look on our website if you want to know what the mod is about.

We’ve been around for quite a long time with ups and downs, mainly started as a bf1942 game, then bf2 since the community mainly moved there, but since the bf engines weren’t as accessible as other games like Half-life i made the choice to go to quake wars once it gets out, atleast with C++ code it’ll also be easier to find coders, which was with battlefield hard to find. Why we didn’t use the half-life engine? because with such a popular game and huge community your mod has to be extremely good to get noticed between those thoussands of mods.

I’ve only decided recently to actually swap over to quake wars i had it in mind for some time already but now i decided to go to it for sure. And mainly made this topic as i’m doing research now. Any comments of people around here that can help with the topic is always valuable.