
(nUllSkillZ) #41

MTS-Mech-Tactical-Simulation stopped (due to the moddb modprofile) - updated
MTS - Mech Tactical Simulation profile @ moddb

Not sure about Ancolius.
I’ve thought they’ve changed to ET:QW.
That has been my impression after reading their post here in the forums.


“Tribes” added.

(nUllSkillZ) #42

Conspiracy of NOD added (although they are not sure if they move from BF2/BF2142 to ET:QW)
Enemy Territory: Quake Racers added

(Danyboy) #43

OMG - Conspiracy of Nod - not another game change - this is why I left them.

It started out with some really good intentions but then just fell apart.

(Wils) #44

Banana denotes action to sticky thread.


(nUllSkillZ) #45

Pytox has informed me via PM about the Gangs 4 Life-mod.

  • Gangs 4 Life added

(iwound) #46

How about the Sandbox:QW Mod from the The Sir. Community.
Busy chaps those Sirs, looks interesting.

(nUllSkillZ) #47

:eek2: ?
Da you have a source that this mod is under development?


Couldn’t find anything on their page:

(kamikazee) #48

I think they just want to make a basic port of the BF concept, it should come with all the sand you want!

(iwound) #49

Thats cos its at
Sandbox direct link

mmm … all a bit suspicious :wink:
As long as they stop it from goin between your toes, eek :eek:

(Pytox) #50

I feel … so alone on my forums :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:

(nUllSkillZ) #51

Sandbox:QW and Battleracer:QW added.

(nUllSkillZ) #52

Project Vietnam Mod added

(Sir. Darth_Master) #53

Thx man :smiley:

(DarkangelUK) #54

It’s a dead link for Sandbox, and nothing (except that horrible survey pop up) on their website exept the BF2 version. May be cancelled?

(Pytox) #55

Conspiracy of NOD too …

Looks like its dead too. :roll:

(iwound) #56

(sib-pelle) #57

WTB Competative mod för ET:QW 6on6 or 7on7

(Sir. Darth_Master) #58

Sandbox ain’t dead as far as i know :shock:

(Domipheus) #59

Hey guys.

Ive written a bit detailing some of the stuff the Wheels of War mod shall have, and what its generally going to be.

As the page says, im writing this just on my commute home and shall be updating it every so often until ETQW release, when I will start the real dev.


At the moment it is just me working on it, thinking about how it will play and work. Nearer to development starting I expect to open it up to ideas for wierd and wonderful vehicles, the wierder the better.

(nUllSkillZ) #60
  • MechWarrior: Living Legends: added (HP not working)
  • Conspiracy of NOD: HP updated