[et:qw] mod idea: TM

(nUllSkillZ) #1

Another idea:
ET:QW:TM - Technicians and Magicans (not sure if this is correct english :smiley: )

I think theres a RTS game with this idea already.
Technicians have guns, can use powder etc.
Magicans in contradiction use their magic.

(Ragnar_40k) #2

Bah, TM is already reserverd for “Tactical Mod”. :smiley:

(Dr_Tenma) #3

I personally think the magic vs. (steampunk?) technology concept is awesome. The RTS you’re probably thinking of is Rise of Legends, which I thought was pretty ok from how much I played. The other big game with that theme was the PC RPG Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura… one of my absolute favorite games of all time.

Never seen an FPS use that idea, but I’d definitely be willing to give it a shot.