ET:QW engine performance drops.

(mordredP) #1

I am writing this because me and many other people noticed a huge performance drop in ET:QW in certain situations. I don’t know if the devs are aware of this, and i would like to let them know about the issue, and receive some feedback.
The drops happen mostly in those situations:

-your screen is displaying many grass sprites (i.e. you’re lying prone in the grass)
-you’re using a scope (sniper rifle, railgun, field ops targeting tool, oppressor targeting tool)
-you’re behind some vehicle and your screen is displaying smoke
-your screen is displaying tree foliage
-your screen is displaying snowflakes or other sprite-based weather effect (especially on salvage, outskirts, etc…)
-any combination of the above.

This is preventing many people from who bought the game from fully enjoing the game, because some maps become quite unplayable, especially if you like playing as a covert ops using a sniper rifle.

This is a thread on the official community forum that sums some of the feedback from players. I think that the “choppiness” that other people refer to in other threads on the official game forum is somehow related to this issue.

(zivs) #2

Funny, but for me (on linux) the only performance drops are on maps where are snow/rain/fog or any other in ET removable atmospheric effects.

Btw, is there a command to remove rain and snow and other annoying, falling from sky stuff? o_O

(Dazzamac) #3

I haven’t ever seen snow. Think r_skipstuff 1 covers it, it definitely skips stuff

(BoneZ) #4

I was getting a lot of performance drops until i changed my video drivers from FW 169.04 beta back to FW 163.71 whql, runs like a dream again now.