perhaps somewhat like bas race but with a central pool of resources and the aim is to hold then so your bots can capture then rather than the players actually running with them
i like this idea but i, not convinced about keeping objectives as well. if you had resources and objectives then your splinting players priorities rather than having one sweet spot where all the action is. for example it would suck to have your whole team focusing on resources because you would still lose since the other team has a massive objective advantage, likewise if they are all on objective then the other team is going to have to many resources and getting teams to coordinate this effectively on pub servers inst a easy or likely to happen
my suggestions for a similar mod
small custom made maps with a spawn for each team and a central pool of resources. bots run from the base to resources and back again to gather resource points. the aim is just to make sure your bots get the resources and the other teams bots don’t. the winners are the first to reach a given number of resource or the team with the most resources at the end of the round