ET:QW and Logitech G15

(AnarchyAngel) #1

I have a Logitech G15 Keyboard and Im guessing Im not the only one. I was wondering if theres going to be any support for this with Enemy Territory Quake Wars.

I was thinking it would be great to see some class specific information on the lcd screen.

(Lanz) #2

All these gizmos and no use for them… tsk tsk

I would personally want to see a :tapir: walking across the lcd screen, at least that would be funny instead of just useless… :fiesta:

(ParanoiD) #3

Ofcourse don’t forget to show the text PWNT! in teh display for all those poor guys that actually boughta keyboard like that for like nothing.

(AnarchyAngel) #4

Common serious responses! Must research the native nemsis of the Tapir and buy there stocks dammit!

(Ragnar_40k) #5

Mmh, my PC-Case has a LCD display too …

(Fab) #6

All the information you need will be on the screen; why spend time implementing something that applies to a tiny percentage of the users? Id rather they spet that time checking for bugs and glitches.

(Hakuryu) #7

I so missed out on getting one of those. I bought a G7 mouse (greatest mouse ever), and after using it for about a month, my 1987 white keyboard screamed upgrade… so I went back to NewEgg to see if there was a deal on the G15.

Well there was a deal, when I bought my mouse, but not when I was looking for a keyboard. If I would have bought the keyboard at the same time, it would have cost $19.99 due to a special combo deal… I missed out.


(AnarchyAngel) #8

Fab its really simple to write stuff for the g15 if you know how to code, but its a hell of alot easier if its built into the game as you dont have to have things running in the backgroud. It would only be a days work for one guy tops.

(Fitzsimmons) #9

ROFL, I just looked that keyboard up. What a funny gimmick… after all these years of research into high technology, we have finally done it: We have created the HEADS DOWN DISPLAY! WOOT! :banghead:

To be honest, I think you wasted your money, pal.

(AnarchyAngel) #10

Its a great keyboard even with out the screen. The screen just adds extra features like you can see whos talking in teamspeak or ventrilo while in game. Or display other settings that dont appear on the hud. You can also record marcos on the fly, great for binds.

(Shanks) #11

Well if you’d actually looked up the keyboard you’d have noticed that the keyboard has more useful features than the LCD (which btw is very useful for gaming [i.e. it can show you your ping]).
It’s great, yet expensive, keyboard that has many many uses.

(Rhoades) #12

I didn’t realize a developer had to add support for every individual keyboard ever made. I thought that they just add support for keyboards, and it doesn’t matter what kind it is because they all use either USB or the keyboard port on the back of your computer. Did SD add support for my Dell mouse? How about my Dell Keyboard?

(McAfee) #13

lagometer > “it can show you your ping”

Most of the things you could have on your “heads down display” are already on your traditional game HUD. Less important things could still have a popup menu, which is still faster and better than looking down.

And if the game doesn’t offer a quick way to access what you want, then it’s probably not important.

(AnarchyAngel) #14

They dont need to add support for every keyboard, these dont even need to add it for the g15, but if they do the g15 has extra things that you can do with it and see on its lcd screen. Dont fret both you mouse and keyboard with be fine.

(Rhoades) #15

They dont need to add support for every keyboard, these dont even need to add it for the g15, but if they do the g15 has extra things that you can do with it and see on its lcd screen. Dont fret both you mouse and keyboard with be fine.[/quote]
oh, i see what you mean now. I was unaware the keyboard had special features.

(ParanoiD) #16

I hope SD has support for my great keyboard! It just PWNZ the G15. Here some info:

Brand: BTC probably, logitech is nothing :P, model 5123W!
has keys for a-z
has keys for 0-9
has keys F1-F12
Keys for up, down, left and right!
Special keys for loads of symbols
Windows key
alt + ctrl + del
It even has a shift button!
Ofcourse not to forget the CAPSLOCK!!!
Even special keys for power off, wake up and sleep!
And now comes best of all: 3 leds to show if you have turned on num lock, caps lock and scroll lock!

(senator) #17

OMG, I just found out, the G15 is indeed absolutely amazing, you wont belive what that little beauty can do! Imagine, while you are playing ETQW, totally immersed into the game, you keyboard will (with the help of a tool called MazyWorm)… display… a worm!!! On your keyboards LCD! Isnt that almost totally unbelivable? Oh, granted, it doesnt do anything else but display that worm, you can’t even control it, it’s “AI-controlled”, but hey, I bet your keyboard can’t do that! (I know mine can’t :frowning: ) Oh boy, I have to buy a G15 now, I honestly can’t imagine playing games without a worm (well, more like a dot really, a long dot that is) running over my keyboard now, this is sooo 21th century!

Dude, if somebody would have told me 5 years ago, that some day we’ll have keyboards that can display worms while we play games, I would have laught in his face in disbelief and called him a wiredo :smiley:

Oh, and just in case you don’t believe me, here is a screenshot, now SD better stop doing whathever it is they’re doing at the moment, and start implementing some G15 code right away, maybe code a space invaders that our keyboard can play while we are gaming ET:QW? :banana:

(Ragnar_40k) #18

I saw a program, where these LEDs where used to indicate the current sound output volume.

PS: That remembers me of a little program that could make my 1541 play little tunes.

(ParanoiD) #19

^^ Is tha pwnage. Really a G15 is nothing compared to that!

(kamikazee) #20

Once it’s no longer a design gimmick. Or did they actually got one made yet?