ET:QW Aiming

(Vengeance) #1

Does anyone else get the feeling they should be hitting the target but the hit dosnt register? I know I am far from the greatest shot in the world but a lot of times even at close range I feel like sometimes my bullets dont count.

Just wondering if this is what others are going through or maybe I need to book myself into the opticians.


(BondyBoy007) #2

close range is the worst imo, long to medium range shooting seems OK but up close is whack atm

(ayatollah) #3

Donā€™t have that problem. LEARN HOW TO AIM NOOB! :wink:

(RoXxOrS) #4


(Vengeance) #5

i ping around 20-30. i just learned though that any of the strogg can transfer their current ammo into instant health, so might explain why i feel like their health never moves. time to get good with strogg i guess :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #6

Note that this is not an infinite or efficient processā€¦ They do lose stroyent for converting.

(criminal) #7

This skill is what makes the strogg medic ā€œtechnicianā€ so powerfull! I win firefights constantly by hitting the ammo to health button in one on oneā€™s (its cheap but VERY effective) afterwards i just lay down a few stroyent cells and im no worse for wear and had never gone below 80% health. Also good if youā€™re running from tanks or any other large vehicle.

(Englander) #8

Needs taking off IMO, Iā€™ve seen Strogg technicians using this and surely the more people that find out about it the more common it will get.I can see it being a big drag on the game for me unless your a Strogg whore.

(murphIV) #9

no problems here, I have tested close up, medium, and long range I find the weapons accurate. Especially the shotgun/nailgun at close range muahahahahah!!!

(zivs) #10

There are BIGTIME problems with sniping (in this beta) - Even pointing directly on enemy (ping 50-70 for both) I still MISS my target. I shoot him right in the stomache (not moving enemy) and yet i actually MISS him. Most of the time I have to aim like Iā€™ve got ping more than 150 - far ahead of his route to 50/50 hit him. Only long waiting with crosshair on enemy makes a 100% shot. And with long i mean not 1/3 secondsor 1/2 second or 2/3 seconds, but IMHO more than a second o_O

Anyways my impressions @ QW still are teh bestest :slight_smile:

(kamikazee) #11

There seem to be some bugs in the hit detection code. I would expect an update soon.

(SCDS_reyalP) #12

Now try it on moving targets :wink:

(BondyBoy007) #13

Now try it on moving targets ;)[/quote]

thatā€™s what I was going to say, try a firefight when youā€™re within 2 (game) feet of each other and both moving

(Angel73) #14

Ive been looking through the forums and am just wondering if theres any update on Aiming? as it seems so random on wether you actually hit or not.

I understand that each game you play is slightly different and you have to learn new ways to play but it cant be totally down to being a so called noob

(MuffinMan) #15

I consider myself as a quite good shooter (in rtcw, et and css) and I donā€™t hit anything in qw - maybe itā€™s my style of play that doesnā€™t go well with the aiming problems but in any case it totally frustrates me. I tried to compensate the lag by aiming in front of moving targets in several distances but itā€™s at best a good guess. even at short distances on standing targets I canā€™t be sure to make a hit. sniping is random and any close firefight is spray and pray.
I really hope this gets a good fix, this lack of lag compensation kills the game for me

(murka) #16

only thing that i hate is the controller lag with my mouse/wheel/joystick, all axial movements have like 300msec lag before anything in the game moves, this makes aiming really hard, im trying to figure out the source of this.

(Angel73) #17

Hi guys didnt want to make a new thread but im having problems understanding the way Aiming works and have been keeping a eye on this thread

Am i right in thinking that if this hit detection is correct then really the best way to play ET:QW is with a game pad as close combat will reward it far more now than with a mouse?

(ayatollah) #18

I think you are wrong in that assumption. It has been said that hit detection is being worked on and the anti-lag features, which havenā€™t been implemented in the Beta yet, will play a big part in it. I think it would be safe to say that by release, or a Beta patch, the hit detection will be much better.

(Angel73) #19

That fantastic news, been playing the beta since release and its the only niggling point as it just makes combat feel random as times.

(ownedNZ) #20

While this isnā€™t totally related to the aiming in ETQW, itā€™s still in the same ballpark area.
I understand the time and involvement required by the team at Splash Damage to develop such a complex game, continually striving to meet the needs of all the various gamers out thereā€¦ what a mission haha
The foundation of ETQW is excellent, I know it will be popularā€¦

Anyway, Iā€™ve been an online gamer for the best part of the last 5 years. My game of choice has always been the FPS. After experiencing Q1,2,3 and 4, BF2 and 2142 I know quite abit about online gameplay.
For some reason, I always thought that ETQW would be a mixture between BF and Quake, but I was sadly mistaken. Not to worry, well not yet anyway. I am hoping that basic movements and shooting in ETQW will be tidied up.
I find moving, most of the time, like Iā€™m walking thru waist deep water, (in particular during heavy gun fire and when Iā€™m inside) my connection is average, but Iā€™ve never had such issues on quake3 or 4.
Afterall, its the GAMEPLAY which makes the game popular, not the graphics. Graphics can be added at a later date. You have an excellent story and architecture for a GREAT game, please donā€™t ruin it with crap gameplay and wonderful graphics. (In quake + BF most gamers reduce the graphics down to get better FPS anyway)
Gameplay is number 1 guysā€¦ your Beta is lacking this.

Shooting is another nitemare. Granted its a more tactical game, requiring proper positioning etc, unlike quake (Aim does not change regardless of character position - jumping etc) but still, it would be nice to have a sharper response to shooting.
Afterall, we are operating characters, and it would be nice to get feedback while playing. (Race car drivers need feedback while they are racing, why shouldnā€™t this be any different?)

Another annoying feature is how the Tankā€™s turret ā€˜resetsā€™ itself once u leave the tank, why canā€™t it stay in its last used position?