ET:QW 2006 Development Update

(SniperSteve) #21

I hope it will be better than the last update with the lunch menu.

(B0rsuk) #22

But you’ve just lost your patience, so what’s your point ?

(Wils) #23

Maybe he’s always patient, but also always in an enormous rage? I know I am. :angry:

(B0rsuk) #24

Similar to how Michael Jackson is black, but is white ?

(Wils) #25

No. :angry:

(Pytox) #26

Damn don’t make SD mad or ETQW will be released later :stuck_out_tongue:
Offtopic: :stuck_out_tongue: The old days :>

(Gringo) #27

Wils hit the nail on the head. I always patient but also a grumpy and rage filled git :bash:

(LegoManser) #28

ET:QW is so hyped that people will start looting in the streets when it’s released :slight_smile:

(SniperSteve) #29

loots ET:QW from Amazon

We all know they have it :smiley:

(Dazzamac) #30

Especially when a drunken idiot mistakes the last of your vodka for his whiskey at a lan. :smiley: :beer: