ET: Quake Wars ETA?

(TheKaiser) #41

It’s DDR for lazy people.

(BR1GAND) #42

Pumpkin Pie is nowhere near as disgusting as Rubarb Pie!

(Grey Matter) #43

Pork Pie FTW (not the crap with a boiled egg in tho)

(Nail) #44

I like pumpkin pie
I don’t like lemon pie or rhubarb and absolutely refuse to even look at an eel pie

(SCDS_reyalP) #45

Pecan pie is 3.14159… times better than any other pie. :chef:

(ayatollah) #46

So by your logic, dancing is better than rocking. And all rockers are lazy…

Try telling that to Keith Richards, off his face on God knows what, trying to climb every palm tree in the Carribean. Oh sorry you’ll be off watching Billy Elliot! :rocker2:

Sorry couldn’t resist! :stuck_out_tongue:

(ponka) #47

cheesecake > teh pie? (YES BRUDDA)

(TheKaiser) #48

So by your logic, dancing is better than rocking. And all rockers are lazy…

Try telling that to Keith Richards, off his face on God knows what, trying to climb every palm tree in the Carribean. Oh sorry you’ll be off watching Billy Elliot! :rocker2:

Sorry couldn’t resist! :P[/quote]

No, I’m saying that it’s essentially the same game as ddr, only you use your fingers, not your feet, so that you don’t have to move your body as much.

DOn’t get me wrong, I love guitar hero, and guitar hero 2 was fun at E3, can’t wait to play it again?

(Wils) #49

I don’t agree with your summation of Guitar Hero - it’s a little like saying EVE Online is like World of Warcraft but in space :slight_smile:

(TheKaiser) #50

The depth of changes from eve online to WoW is pretty extensive. Major compnents of gameplay are radically different. When it comes to the differences between guitar hero and ddr, not so much.

A game where scrolling notes are presented to be struck at a certain time on beats to music. Bonuses are added for consecutive note striking and songs must be completed to progress in the game. There are several levels of difficulty so that the replay value is increased. Also, the game has a specific gamepad for it.

Which am I talking about? The main gameplay difference (besides the dancing versus fingering) is star power.

(Salteh) #51

It’s rocking!

(Wils) #52

Guitar Hero, clearly - DDR has arrows, not notes :stuck_out_tongue:

Seriously, though, it’s pretty obvious where GH gets its formula from, but your comparison is disappointingly… dry.

(Nail) #53

neither are as good as pie

(Salteh) #54

This or this!
Both are awesome :smiley:

Have to use the small tv while sony is fixing our bigger one :bash:.

(TheKaiser) #55

I bought a ps2 just to get GH.

I hadn’t bought a console since sega saturn :frowning:

(jjpron) #56

Rhubarb effing sucks.

(Nail) #57

nice cabinet Salteh, don’t see many of those anymore

(Salteh) #58

It’s my bro’s :}.
I think he has taken the amp( which is supposed to sit on top of it ) to his new house :slight_smile:

(Slime) #59

I like ET:QW public beta pie with cherries :frowning:

(Nail) #60

if it’s in as good shape as the cab, he should hang on to both for a while, they’re getting rare