ET: Legacy

(acQu) #41

Speaking of it: i always was a fan of FritzBot :slight_smile:

(Sedra12) #42

there is nodscript documentation hundreds of maps are supported by nodscripts
and maybe some maps need mapscript fixes because bobot read the mapscript file to know objectives triggers and entities
and finally the source code of serie 4 is available
hooking bobot into etlegacy and voila

(Sedra12) #43

but bobot sources are available so it’s a bit easy to support it

(Sedra12) #44

all we need is bobot shared libraries and the hook code into etlegacy
all bobot serie 5 extra stuffs like RTCW super soldier, proto and elite guard classes
venome and RTCW weapons are not needed

(IRATA) #45

SDL might be the reason who knows … Sedra12, you should post your test case, settings and results to the ET: L forums. Maybe we’ll find the reason why there are less FPS with ET:L. I wouldn’t use the same config file because there are tons of cvars removed and you don’t benefit from this when you pump unused cvars into the game via a config file. Cvars are processed each frame …

A few month ago I was nosy and did integrate bobots into ET: L. But as Mateos stated: Bobots development has been halted (at least for the bot part) and there are only a few maps available to play so I cancelled the plan.

bobot vs omnibot

(Dragonji) #46

ETGold uses GPU for some rendering stuff, that’s why you get more FPS.

More cvars don’t make any big difference for current hardware.

(ailmanki) #47

Oh wow, which bot did win that round?

If you can add bobot , that would be really nice. Support for more maps will surely come, as it has a similar system then omnibot.

(Sedra12) #48


for unknown maps bobot nodes can be added ingame using ui to create the neural network (connected nodes) add and save , then restart map and load the nodes (mapname.nodscript) read the documentation; if bobot get support, the community can add more nodscripts for unsupported maps

@irata is there any debug command in etlegacy?

(Indloon) #49

Not really.
Daz/Gir optimized and improved the rendering code.
OpenGL 1.X fixed pipeline does not give you much GPU support, if at all.

(Dragonji) #50

[QUOTE=Indloon;453277]Not really.
Daz/Gir optimized and improved the rendering code.
OpenGL 1.X fixed pipeline does not give you much GPU support, if at all.[/QUOTE]
I guess you’re right.

(IRATA) #51

What do you want to debug?

(diaboliksmart) #52

For example :

click PLAY-ONLINE, and try to scroll the list with the mouse clicks : it does not work

other problem: when I try to change resolution, the vid_restart always bugs and PC must be rebooted

But I like the different languages, and the very quick launch of the game !!!

PS: I talk client-side

Question concerning server-side: as ET3.00, is there a server-facade feature ?

(Dragonji) #53

(Sedra12) #54

[QUOTE=diaboliksmart;453343]For example :

Question concerning server-side: as ET3.00, is there a server-facade feature ?[/QUOTE]

oh no
redirect should be removed and fake servers blacklisted they ruin the game
getservers packet should request trueplayer from the master , maybe it’s time to make a whole new damn master code with its own updated protocol with legacy support of protocol 84

(Dragonji) #55

Another protocol won’t fix anything.

(Radegast) #56

ET:L 2.71rc3 was released (changelog)

Please test and come by our #etlegacy channel on Freenode if you have any feedback. Thanks!

(rorgoroth) #57

This has made its way to page 11… shameful :wink:

To avoid content-less bump… I made you this:


Enjoy! :tongue:

(Mustang) #58

WTF happened at 0:38?

EDIT: Looks like it might have been the UI menu megamerge?

(rorgoroth) #59

Kinda close, it’s when etmain/maps got imported, it is from 28 Nov 2012 - so not sure if it got pulled later or maybe a little lag since I ran this at 0.05 seconds per ‘dev’ day (plus instant time skip when no commits being made) to avoid a super long boring vid on such a small project, oh and that change was 350+ files and 45,000 lines long.

(Runeforce) #60


What software did you use to make this video?