Estate reborn

(Donnovan) #41


The problems on reply #32 are fixed now?

(Runeforce) #42

I have made a demo with some comments. One thing in particular I dislike is the distance for the strogg on the last objective. You should add a forward spawn.

One more thing: you should add some small obstacles to give cover between the transmit objective pick-up point and the entrance to the transmit building. Too much open space.

(Violator) #43

@Donnovan - yes all those problems should be fixed in c3.
@lakersforce - the problem with the last obj has always been the opposite - too long for GDF :slight_smile: Strogg used to have a forward spawn (where the transmit now is). I guess the strogg don’t have much cover to the transmit now, could move the hub nearer but they do have a few vehicles - a forward spawn might be too close…
I’ll have a look at the demo later.