Epic Win

(KINONEZ21) #1

Just won a favela match, starting second, using Ivan’s Concussion Granade, and placing a Deployo-Cover infront of all five opponents, which were also poisoned, I then proceeded with an Orbital strike that hit all five players while distroying the cover and finished with a Tito-Madame combo.

What epic combos have you made? What your most amazine win? Share here!

(Sandman77) #2

PHUI! Not vs me. :wink:

(KINONEZ21) #3

No, not versus you, tried it though, but lost to you in the end :slight_smile:

(Ciakgb) #4

I’ll probably lose, but I just did this combo…a double artillery push (my commander is so far away you can’t see her) that put the Juan and the hippy onto just placed Meagan mines. Boom, boom, boom.

(Ciakgb) #5

Oh and while I’m bragging, here is a positional win. My poor opponent blocked his access to the scoring zone and ran out of explosives wiping out three of my five Meagan’s, but couldn’t dislodge the one “in the paint,”. 5 turns later…

(KINONEZ21) #6

I couldn’t take the picture in time, but this is what happend… So I was outnumberd 6-5 againt a rare combo of 3 Dee Hatlackers, 2 Gus and the comander, I was using kate, Madame, Megan and Ivan. So my opponent’s strategy was preety much ocupy for 5 turns. Unlukily for him/her my team was slightly faster than his, that and I challenged him, therefore I got there first. He was for 5 turns trying to get in but would get blown by a mine or killed by Madame, while Ivan destroyed one by one all the shields, at the end his time ran out since he lost lis medics first and was later poised while never getting the chance to to get in or take me out.

(KINONEZ21) #7

By the way Ciakgb i like the way you surrounded your opponet in city center! You must be pretty dangerous with all thouse Megans!

(Shiek93) #8

Oh I hate megan, at least as an enemy she is always bloking the path… :confused:

(Shiek93) #9

Sp i just got a bunch of megans and did this!! Hell yeah i rock!!!

(KINONEZ21) #10

Umm, didn’t someone already uploded that picture? There was this thread that read “Megan is back” think it was Ciakgb that sumited it. You sure that’s YOUR win? You shouldn’t take credit in someone else’s work…

(Ciakgb) #11

I believe he is making fun of me:). Luckily running out and getting “a bunch of Meagan’s” costs 320,000 coins, they die if the breeze blows the wrong way, and you’ll hardly use the weapon, so be prepared to buy those too. After all I’ve played, I still need a bunch of katana, some pistols…haven’t even gotten the new guys yet (although I played them a lot in the beta).

Still, if you like shotguns and explosives, she is fun to play. I lose way more than some tried and true squads, but its worth it to be able to zip around the board trying stuff. Great thread, kin!

(KINONEZ21) #12

Well idk, I actually like megan myself, although I only have one xD (equiped with the Hamjak) I use her to mine around the zone when ever I want to win by ocupying.

(Shiek93) #13

Well let’s just say I recreated the match :wink:

(Sandman77) #14

I like Megan but serioulsy you win with 5 of her? Challenge me :slight_smile:

(Ciakgb) #15

Sure, will do! And yes, I realize its a dig:) The hardest so far is definitely old town, what a bear if u go second. I’m not going to say its such a great squad, it just is fun for me to play. Like everyone else, I had to do just too many sniper matches along the way.

(KINONEZ21) #16

Yeah, but it’s an intresting squad, but it can work on certain maps, just as favela, train station, market or park square, and the good thing about megan is that is a light engenier, so you can aproach to the snipers, in that sence juan is done for.

(Ian87) #17

That’s where you have to rely on snipers like Madame, verry few people use her

(KINONEZ21) #18

You’re right, she is actually my favorite character, she can move from one side of the field to another and still shoot once! Plus her Droid is a nice plus :slight_smile:

(Ian87) #19

Yeah, I’ve realized, everytime I play you have diffrent squad combinations and she is always there, plus you protect her until the end and end up beating me xD

(KINONEZ21) #20

Hahaha what can I say, I use her a lot, prefer her over Juan or Pete, although I like Tesla a lot, his granade is usefull when facing a near melee, and prefer his Electri-Fryer over the Botherer SR, offers more range and less less squad points wile causing less damage, it’s a 2-1