Enemy Territory vehicles...

(Lanz) #21

It would be nice if they try to add some accent to at least some of the voices, trying to make it sound like some of the soldiers actually don’t speak the language natively at least. That would add a lot to the feeling of a global force. But as Rhoades said, picky picky picky :moo:

(Wils) #22

I think we only had one voice set for each team in for the E3/Quakecon build, so that would explain it. Also, nothing is final yadda yadda yadda.

(figvam) #23

Oh yes, covert ops should definitely have that Boris “The Blade” accent!

(carnage) #24

I think we only had one voice set for each team in for the E3/Quakecon build, so that would explain it. Also, nothing is final yadda yadda yadda.

is this a surgestion that there might be multiple voice chat sets fo each team and have players chose an accent or something similar?

(Rhoades) #25

I’m not buying this unless you put in accents from every damn country in the world.

(Panzergrenadier) #26

Despite the fact this has absolutely NO relevance to the actual thread…

(Nail) #27

Yah, why do the Strogg only have one skin colour and accent ?

You guys dissin’ my Strogg bros ??


oh yea, I think it was the Churchill because it was classed as an Infantry Tank, while the Sherman worked in Armoured Groups


Wow, that’s not a small demand :eek2:

(jjpron) #29

One thing to keep in mind, is if the action is happening in US of A, the soldiers are gonna be Yanks, naturally. The Swiss are, well, not the Swiss, but let’s say British (or should I call them English?) are gonna be on the island and in Europe, while the Russkies, for example will stick to their god-forsaken tundra.

The chain of command for GDF may in well be global, but the forces are gonna be composed of local boys. (And I suppose girls, or alternatively boys dressed in dresses.)

So maybe all the maps in QW are in the States, and that’s why the soldiers are mostly Yanks. But damn, I’d pay extra $$ for an engineer with a russian accent.

(jimb0) #30

Don’t forget the soldiers with an spanish accent. That would be ace.


(SCDS_reyalP) #31

There are currently mix-nationality forces fighting in all kinds of places, so it certainly wouldn’t conflict with the backstory to have various countries represented in a single GDF unit. Even if they were all drawn from the US, you’d expect more than just WASPs to be present.

I think it would add to the “global” feeling of the GDF to have a variety of countries represented (either just per class, or user selectable for each class), but it is obviously a cosmetic issue. Implementing such a thing also obviously takes both development and run-time resources.

(carnage) #32

One thing to keep in mind, is if the action is happening in US of A, the soldiers are gonna be Yanks, naturally. The Swiss are, well, not the Swiss, but let’s say British (or should I call them English?) are gonna be on the island and in Europe, while the Russkies, for example will stick to their god-forsaken tundra.

The chain of command for GDF may in well be global, but the forces are gonna be composed of local boys. (And I suppose girls, or alternatively boys dressed in dresses.)

So maybe all the maps in QW are in the States, and that’s why the soldiers are mostly Yanks. But damn, I’d pay extra $$ for an engineer with a russian accent.

if the fighting forces were local then you probably would expect to see much more unique GDF sides using different vehicles etc as they probably would specialise in there own enviroment. The GDF equiptment seems to be pretty uniform so a more mixed force seems likely. although it might be sweet to play russians when ur in russia

(TheBladeRoden) #33

Why are the GDF wearing desert camo in forest maps anyway?

same with their tan vehicles.

(jjpron) #34

The devs are gonna kill us because of all the “helpful” suggestions :slight_smile:
But it’s a legit question, how hard would it be to change skins for a couple of maps?
Is it too late in the game?

(Loffy) #35

Or Swedish:
“Heliga IKEA! Strogg helvete!”

(kamikazee) #36

I don’t understand Swedish, but this quote spawned images in my head of GDF with weapons in flatpacks… (Aka “buy it - build it yourself” packs) :smiley:

This thread went off track anyway. Now back to our last hot question: “Why the Churchill and the Jagdpanther?”.

(SCDS_reyalP) #37

Clearly IKEA was out of Shermans and Tigers. :smiley:

(datoo) #38

Actually, it would be pretty cool if each class had a different accent. It would definitely add some flavor to the game, but you wouldn’t want to overdo it.

(Etnies) #39

Ill do the new futuristic alternate for “Move” in my sexy irish accent “Come on lads ya bleedin muppets!”

(ouroboro) #40

yea…they all look and sound like americans imo…[/quote]

You guys do realize that white Americans come primarily from Europe, right? :banghead:

“There are no Americans in the game! I demand a reddish skin tone and a full Cherokee headdress!” :nag: