Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Previews and Interviews

(BrightSoul) #181

self kill is a valid tactic and with etpro it counts as a death

yeah but I’m not getting credit for the kill. Play like a man, die like a soldier I say.
Why would anyone want to selfkill anyway? If you do it, you’re not letting another player get his credit for a kill. Isn’t this unfair?

(Nail) #182

I don’t play for K/D ratios, I’m an engi, I play to win the map

(phray) #183

thats exactly what i was thinking. and when i’m a medic, its not just so i have extra health…

(iwound) #184

http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3152713&did=1 - teabagging prevention. lesson 1. - Paul Wedgewood

http://www.linuxgames.com/?dataloc=articles/ttimo2006/ - id’s Timothee Besset QCon06

(RosOne) #185


*click me

(iwound) #186

Their spelling not mine, thats copy n’ paste for ya.

(RosOne) #187

Yes, but it is you who should know better :wink:

(iwound) #188

It might be another paul who just has a similar name…best go for accuracy :stuck_out_tongue:

(phray) #189

1UP: Is it too late to add some kind of way of retaliating when people are teabagging me?

PW: You can – if you really do suffer from uh, from teabagging, basically I think the best thing you can do is go through the menu and find a good taunt. We have a number of particularly offensive ones in there. And you’d basically just want to taunt the hell out of them continuously. In fact, there’s another thing you can do. Track down that guy who’s, you know, being somewhat offensive toward you, and you can use our solo assignment system, identify him, and have your entire team just kill the hell out of him.

good stuff! i didn’t realize you could use the solo assignment system like that.

(iwound) #190

http://www.clubskill.com/?view=article&article=4314 another preview.
Same old stuff nothing new, I think were due some info on the other maps.

(figvam) #191

Not exactly a preview or an interview, but anyway…
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars Dev Diary #2:

featuring two new screenshots.

(Joe999) #192

thansk figvam :slight_smile:

edit: just read it, so @all who get the chance for an interview with SD: please, can you ask something new? :slight_smile:


  • tweaking gameplay-relevant visuals, e.g. smoke: possible or not or left to server admin?
  • maps are rather large: distribution methods of custom maps?
  • day/night change (eg sunset) within a map?
  • it’s said that one QW map is 4x the size of an ET map. how many minutes are scheduled for one map to play on the average?

or more detailled questions like:

  • toilet-flush possible? ie once you got some unwanted files (ie sounds) from a server, is there a one-click button to make the QW installation “pure” again?
  • is there a one-click button to adapt the config to a server’s requirements? it’s been a pain in ET to manually change all required settings in time before you got auto-kicked
  • physics: do the explosions interfere with the aim during the explosion if the player’s not too close? do explosions interfere with the player’s position/movement if he’s not too close to die?

(Joe999) #193

pc action released their article of one of the previous issues (in german):


(nUllSkillZ) #194

:clap: :notworthy:

(nUllSkillZ) #195

Nope, I haven’t got the article anymore.
I’ve just sent an email at pc-action to ask if they can hand out the article or the paragraph.

(Joe999) #196

well, then this must suffice in the meantime. dunno what they write at the last page, but already on page 2 out of 7 they write:

Already after the first match Enemy Territory: Quake Wars we are sure: This Multiplayer-Shooter will become very big!

pages 1 and 2 read like there’s a hell lot of action :slight_smile:

if someone’s interested, two pages are still in google cache:

(U.K.Visuals) #197

for allthose who like to read the Dev Diary #1 in german: we did a translation on our site with it. okay, its just interesting for german peoples, but anyway!


(RosOne) #198

Great idea U.K.Visuals, good job


(Joe999) #199

did ya get an answer?

(nUllSkillZ) #200

No reply at all.
May be my mail got sorted out as spam because I used my hotmail account.
May be I used the wrong address (one that I found on the website from the person that is responsible for the website content).