Enemy Territory Demo Recording Help

(Sacrifice) #1

Hey guys,

I want to record and convert some Enemy Territory demos into video. Anybody know of a good guide on how to do this?



(Kendle) #2

My Clan has a forum dedicated to AVI making. Obviously relates to RTCW, but shouldn’t be too many, if any, differences for E.T.

Link:- http://exp.ukgamer.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=11

(-ScOuT--{A}--) #3

ok, i have a problem, when i start recording, “F12”, theres no way to stop it unless i leave the current server or the round ends, is it just me :frowning:

(Sauron|EFG) #4

This works for me:

//Demo record on/off toggle
set demoon “autorecord; set nextdemo vstr demooff; echo ^2Recording ^7demo”
set demooff “stoprecord; set nextdemo vstr demoon; echo ^7Recording ^1stopped”
set nextdemo “vstr demoon”

bind F12 “vstr nextdemo”

(Or just bring down the console and type /stoprecord)

(Sacrifice) #5


(Kamikatze) #6

I have a problem with ET: Legacy. The game says that the demo is recording, but I can’t find the recorded demo - do I miss something? I stop the demo with /stoprecord.

(Magic) #7

Look in your ETLegacy folder… in your document folder.