Downed Fire

(CaRe) #1

I’ve the impression that downed fire is the most overpowered perk existing.

I’m playing as a light medic with a sea eagle and when I’m shot and not gibbed instantly because the enemy reloads/etc, then I fire all my pistol bullets rapidly and kill 1 to 3 guys or kill and gib 1.

And because I’m a medic I revive myself after that, if I want. :smiley:

I don’t know how it feels with other weapons, but it’s too strong the way I use it (sea eagle with rapid fire).

It can be countered with fast melee-gibbing or with shooting to gib, but it’s insanely good vs new players who ignore wounded players.

I’ve never been a fan of downed fire and refused to use it for months, but after I started to play with it, I can say that it’s op.
But I’m not sure how to balance it. Maybe reduce the attack speed with non-automatic pistols because smgs are mostly not that great at killing multiple players within a really short time, so these might be ok, atm.
BUT, I can’t really state how it feels with other weapons because I’m a light and love my running speed (-> pistol only), but I’m only doing click, click, click, click, click, reload, click, click,… with my sea eagle during downed fire.

I’m mostly waiting 2 more seconds before I “tap out” to respawn just to deal more damage with that.

How do you feel about downed fire with other weapons?

(aviynw) #2

Yeah, totally overpowered. So is the medic death self-revive. medics in general are overpowered. They also have too many supplies.

I see no reason to balance downed fire. Just get rid of it.

(tangoliber) #3

I’ve long since accepted every ability as part of the game, so I don’t think of anything as overpowered… but I think that grenade shooting is the single most effective/important ability in Brink.
Downed fire is effective in chaos, and can get you a few key kills a match though. You can’t always finish everyone off. But I say keep it. The problem is that you are associating “going down” with death, because thats how it is in most games. But who says that needs to be law? When everyone has the ability, its just extra health really.

(Covan2306) #4

Zombieland Rule #2 – Double Tap…
It’s not over powered just kinda annoying sometimes and hilarious other times

(Darksider) #5

Lol, I like the double tap innuendo, You just gotta have that mentally if you shoot someone down better make sure they are dead as soon as they hit the ground otherwise a second later they are able to turn around and shoot you down as well.

(Runeforce) #6

What’s to balance? Just gib the freaking guy straight after you killed him! Problem solved.

If you fail at gibbing, you deserve a gruesome death!

(Crytiqal) #7

Yea but with the freaking lotto spread you first have to reload cause your clip is emtpy and by that time the guy is already using downed fire. Especially if you are fighting 2 guys

(Runeforce) #8

Ever heard of a secondary?

(Crytiqal) #9

Yea and by the time you have finished 1 guy off, you have 2 emtpy clips, great mechanic

(iezza) #10

Ever heard of a sniper rifle? thats what i use as my secondary, not very good in the heat of a firefight. it does have a red dot on it but… meh.

(wolfnemesis75) #11

Downed Fire is a tad overpowered to be sure.

(NthLegion) #12

If you just remember to start gibbing at 20th level, then downed fire isn’t so bad. It’s real effect is to make you run out of ammo. Luckily, this is a team-based objective game, so you have perhaps a 50/50 shot of getting ammo from your soldier team mate. Better yet, play a soldier, grenade shoot your heavy grenades, and gib everyone until you run out of supply pips.

Also, those using downed fire can’t move, so running away while you reload/heal is usually an option.

(Covan2306) #13

1 guy 2 clips…try being more accurate, never takes more than 1 clip, unless its using ma bulp on a heavy from 45ft.

(Zekariah) #14

Personally, I think Downed-Fire is just another part of the game. A half-decent player knows to finish his kill, and by the time the downed player pulls out his gun he should already have been gibbed or the killer should be aware that his victim is still alive and dangerous.

I only use downed-fire on one of my characters, but as a defensive ability it is invaluable.

(donmichelangelo) #15

Downed fire is indeed a part of brink and it shouldnt be removed. It opens the scope on new game mechanics and these tiny things make it so enjoyable - at least for me…

So I dont like it to see removed but I have an idea how this never ending story around downed fire could be solved:

Make all Universal Abilities customiseable through the server config. So every server admin can decide which universal ability can be used on his server and which not and by that it would allow a greater variety of servers, like very public arcade servers within to hardcore servers where nearly no univesal ability is allowed.

(.Chris.) #16

If you take someone down, run out of ammo and have to reload it’s way annoying to have the person you just ‘killed’ shoot back and kill you, use your secondary weapon? You forget, you’ve just been in a fire fight, you’ve most likely taken damage, he’s effectively back to full health but can’t move, you’re on low health, couple of shots and you’re dead, gg. Also as Crytiqal says, you’ll now have 2 guns to reload if it works out, just what you need to close quarters.

(donmichelangelo) #17

In most cases I can kill someone, or even two with one kross mag and if not i have my caesar revolver to give him the last blast and if I am close to him I can quickly gib him out. I just have a problem if I have to “dance” with more than one/two opponents, I take one down and he can shoot me with downed fire, on the other side due to the reason that i have to take it up with a couple opponents i wont survive this situation anyway and on mid-range you can also run away before the opponent is ready to use downed fire, it’s not that he can shoot you instantly after you shot him down…

It’s just like Covan said: Zombieland Rule #2 – Double Tap… or go on straight distance and you should be safe too.

(Stormchild) #18

This ability shouldn’t be removed, but it should be restricted to a class, or to a body type.

Having it universal is nightmarish. In big fights with several people (usually all lights + carb and downed fire), you don’t have time to gib. Even nades sometimes fail at gibbing.

I think the idea is interesting in itself, but the implementation is not good. I personally think it should be for heavies only.

(zenstar) #19

Should be an op perk IMO. They need some loving and the whole point of Op is to cause loads of trouble by sneaking in the back lines and then turning everything on its head.

(gold163) #20

that would be an awesome idea. Would certainly give people good reason to use Ops. Only problem I see is that they already have Cortex Bomb, which would make it a bit redundant.