Double Credits Weekend Incoming!

(Nikademus) #41

@Sniff said:
Those coins must be heavy. How does Phantom even plan to get out of there?

Cause they are “Bit Coins”? :wink:

(Andyman99999) #42

Do you know how heavy paper is?75 pounds per cubic foot. That guy is waste deep in paper and metal. He is not moving.[/quote]

  1. All of that money isn’t over top of him.
  2. That’s like saying he’s not moving through water since water weighs 62.42796 pounds per cubic foot (google).
  3. The paper and the coins have air space in between them (this just means, it’s not going to be that heavy especially considering it’s only up to his waist).
  4. He could probably climb out pretty easily from knowing all of these facts.

(D'@athi) #43

So whats worse, the Aura not reviving anyone lying beneth her feet, but complaining about Phantom everywhere? Or the one merc realisticly a little bit overpowered and easy to kill when your mates don’t play barby-o-rama?
Yeah he will kill you, as other mercs out there do, but you connected, and found a new common foe after the big-bad-ass Rhino, I see…

And why is it called reddit-army when all I hear is whining and all I see are salty tears from them?

Questions, questions… where is the fountain of youth, so I will be able to understand 'em?

(MissMurder) #44

Please try to stay on topic on the threads :slight_smile: I know there are a number of Phantom feedback ones out there right now so lets keep the convo there.

(Wolfseeka) #45

Oh yeah!!

(Jan S.) #46

Is it possible to implement some time notice about the start of the event in-game? Something like:
“The Double Weekend Event starts in xx:xx”
Some people who are confused in timezones might enjoy this :slight_smile:

(MissMurder) #47

The event has started! @JohnS that’s a good idea- I can help with this by posting :slight_smile:

(GrundleMan) #48

I haven’t seen any effect of the credit boost weekend. Like just none at all, whether that’s missions or anything. Nada, same for my friends and random people I’ve asked in lobbies.

(killerskull) #49

@GrundleMan said:
I haven’t seen any effect of the credit boost weekend. Like just none at all, whether that’s missions or anything. Nada, same for my friends and random people I’ve asked in lobbies.

Yea, Im a new played and have been playing for a few hours, I have not seen any bonus at all. What kind of an event is this? Disappointed as Ive spent hours playing today without any rewards I deserve.

(Nail) #50

The Credit boost only applies to Match Rewards

Bonus Credits from ranking up and from completing Daily Missions are unaffected.

(GrundleMan) #51

The Credit boost only applies to Match Rewards

Bonus Credits from ranking up and from completing Daily Missions are unaffected.[/quote]

I’m still not seeing any bonuses. The tab specifically for bonuses is always 0 and I’m not seeing any increase in credits that I’d normally get.

(Ardez1) #52

The Credit boost only applies to Match Rewards

Bonus Credits from ranking up and from completing Daily Missions are unaffected.[/quote]

I’m still not seeing any bonuses. The tab specifically for bonuses is always 0 and I’m not seeing any increase in credits that I’d normally get. [/quote]

It doesn’t show up in the bonus field. It just doubles base fee. Very noticeable in longer matches. Not very noticeable in short matches, but it is still there.

(KayDubz) #53

Clearly you havent seen the reddit sticky where the devs admit they made mistakes with this update.

So no, its nothing to do with my “inability”. Heartbeat sensors have limited radius…and once Phantom uses his speed to blaze past a sensor, he can easily reach my team and kill someone because of his armor and health, which combined is 195 HP.

So spare me the bologna.

If I was incorrect, there wouldnt be such a huge portion of the community in uproar…and the devs wouldnt have to be addressing the entire community just one day after the update. Ive never seen that with merc updates in the past.

I saw it and understood it, something you didn’t
lol. One Direction prolly your fav band
I’ve been involved with Splash Damage games for a long time, got a pretty good idea how they function[/quote]

You must be in high school with your weak one direction quip. You must not know how SD works, seeing as they have previously removed Phantom for a rework, as well as tweaking other mercs and overall gameplay.

Its a damn beta game. Things change. And I would bet dollars to doughnuts Phantom will soon be changed as well. Especially considering the community uproar.

(Ardez1) #54

Clearly you havent seen the reddit sticky where the devs admit they made mistakes with this update.

So no, its nothing to do with my “inability”. Heartbeat sensors have limited radius…and once Phantom uses his speed to blaze past a sensor, he can easily reach my team and kill someone because of his armor and health, which combined is 195 HP.

So spare me the bologna.

If I was incorrect, there wouldnt be such a huge portion of the community in uproar…and the devs wouldnt have to be addressing the entire community just one day after the update. Ive never seen that with merc updates in the past.

I saw it and understood it, something you didn’t
lol. One Direction prolly your fav band
I’ve been involved with Splash Damage games for a long time, got a pretty good idea how they function[/quote]

You must be in high school with your weak one direction quip. You must not know how SD works, seeing as they have previously removed Phantom for a rework, as well as tweaking other mercs and overall gameplay.

Its a damn beta game. Things change. And I would bet dollars to doughnuts Phantom will soon be changed as well. Especially considering the community uproar.[/quote]

He will most likely receive only minor tweaks with a majority of his game play and abilities being the same. My only problem with him atm is the cooldown. Otherwise he seems fine imho. Definitely keeps players on their feet and wary. Once more mercs that counter him come out you will barely see phantom as much as you do now. He is just new.

(adeto) #55

I like how buying credit boosters is advertised but the retarded AC problem causes them to be completely useless if you face a spinbotter/cheater and it will just take time away from your booster :smiley: If you play MM, don’t buy CR boosters :slight_smile:

(Keelin) #56

Anyone else seemingly not getting the double credits?

(Ardez1) #57

Def feeling them.

Just be aware, faster matches mean less credits in general. A full length match will be more noticeable with double credits enabled.

(Keelin) #58

Is there any indication on the rewards screen that show what the bonus credits were? If not then that is probably my issue as I never bothered paying attention to what I got before. I think I just expected it to be broken down.

(Ardez1) #59

With the credit booster combined with the double credits you would earn 48 credits per minute. Take the time your match lasted. Multiply it by 48. What is left is what you earned as your skill bonus times four(because of booster and double).

(Nail) #60

Clearly you havent seen the reddit sticky where the devs admit they made mistakes with this update.

So no, its nothing to do with my “inability”. Heartbeat sensors have limited radius…and once Phantom uses his speed to blaze past a sensor, he can easily reach my team and kill someone because of his armor and health, which combined is 195 HP.

So spare me the bologna.

If I was incorrect, there wouldnt be such a huge portion of the community in uproar…and the devs wouldnt have to be addressing the entire community just one day after the update. Ive never seen that with merc updates in the past.

I saw it and understood it, something you didn’t
lol. One Direction prolly your fav band
I’ve been involved with Splash Damage games for a long time, got a pretty good idea how they function[/quote]

You must be in high school with your weak one direction quip. You must not know how SD works, seeing as they have previously removed Phantom for a rework, as well as tweaking other mercs and overall gameplay.

Its a damn beta game. Things change. And I would bet dollars to doughnuts Phantom will soon be changed as well. Especially considering the community uproar.[/quote]

was invited to join Dirty Bomb in Nov 2012, got a pretty good idea of the progression, played Phantom in his initial stages, he was way OP with long jump/lunge combo, but cricket bat was 1 hit then as well and as Ardez says, tweaking timing is likely all that will happen to him. Even Steam forums have quieted down as people learn counters, but I will take the doughnuts