Doom 3 - The Dark Sense Of War

(FFSturm) #1

Hello everybody!

Anything new about the rest of wolf projects? I am curious about what’s going on here :smiley:

I’ve been quite busy doing gameplay changes to this project.

-Added “Dynamic” animations that affect reloading, shooting…
-Implemented iron sights without affecting shoot from the hip. (Just for campers, it doesn’t affect fast paced action). This is mostly an excuse to make sniper rifles work.
-The weapons may bullet-lock, blow, do bad reloads… dynamically.
-Melee with weapons has been added. (knife is still there as a weapon ofc).
-Not consolized UI.
-Dynamic idle animations.
-Trickjump, Strafejump, “bunnyhoooooping”, shooting while sprinting is 99.99% possible.
-Throwable grenades with a key (like modern games? huh). Doing it faster.
-Visible first person full body. (yeah, the body).
-Weapons have dynamic particles when firing, it doesn’t use anymore the flat plane with image/materials. Better performance, better graphics. Smoke works smoothly.(not like it was before…)
-Among other stuff that I forgot to include in a changelog…

Err. so, here are some videos:

Enjoy it.

(pred4to5) #2

If there could be an Wolf Enemy Territory 2, I would like to look like this!

Trickjump, Strafejump, “bunnyhoooooping”, shooting while sprinting is 99.99% possible -A very important thing :wink:

I hope the project is not dead :smiley:

(Domagoj) #3

looking good :smiley:

(FFSturm) #4

[QUOTE=pred4to5;405416]If there could be an Wolf Enemy Territory 2, I would like to look like this!

Trickjump, Strafejump, “bunnyhoooooping”, shooting while sprinting is 99.99% possible -A very important thing :wink:

I hope the project is not dead :D[/QUOTE]

Not dead lol

(Loffy) #5

Really cool project. Keep it up.

(Mateos) #6

Already following for months, keep it up! :smiley:

(dazman76) #7

Looking good Sturm, tracking :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing.

(ailmanki) #8

oO IDTech 4 ET :smiley:
Looking good+

Is it possible to use the ‘old’ maps with this?

(FFSturm) #9

[QUOTE=ailmanki;388077]oO IDTech 4 ET :smiley:
Looking good+

Is it possible to use the ‘old’ maps with this?[/QUOTE]

It is possible to load them in the editor.
But I don’t recomend using the same geometry. Redo it would be better.

(eiM) #10

Looks really great. I am a bit surprised that I have never heard of this project before :-o

(FFSturm) #11

Ok, some recent shots at:

(eiM) #12

looks good :slight_smile: