Dome: Behind the Rework

(Chris Mullins) #1

Ahead of Dome’s re-release on the 22nd of August, we’re giving you a look at some of the changes to come.

Dome has had a long and colorful history in Dirty Bomb.

The map always felt too big for 5v5 and 6v6 games, but even in larger 8v8 servers there were some issues that meant Dome wasn’t as fun as we would like.

We removed Dome from Quick Match recently to do some work on it and now we want to give you a peek behind the scenes before its re-release later this month. We want to tell you what we’ve changed and, more importantly, why we’ve changed it.


As you can imagine Dirty Bomb has changed a lot since its early inception, and one thing that has changed is the game’s focus. We found that as more and more people became exposed to the game the optimal player count was becoming clear; Dirty Bomb skewed best towards 6v6 and 5v5 matchups. They were tight, intense and competitive and, subsequently, 8v8 became less popular.

Dome has seen several small tweaks over its lifetime, but this is the first large scale rework it has seen. It’s also the first map rework of this scale in Dirty Bomb’s history.


Dome was built with 8v8 in mind and is easily the biggest map the Dirty Bomb team have ever built. This meant, however, that in 5v5 and 6v6 matchups Dome really struggled to be an engaging map, with too many flanking routes, and too many options for the attackers. To give us a greater insight into what we did to improve it, we sat down with Associate Creative Director Exedore and Senior Level Designer Villham:

Exedore: “We wanted to keep a lot of the best things about Dome, but in doing so we also wanted to focus the action and give people clearer ways to go and have it be much less confusing… It was really overwhelming with all of the routes”

Villham: “We found that teams were getting split up too much, that was especially difficult as defenders as we found an issue on Objective One (delivering the Override Cores) where attackers would do a ninja delivery. They would immediately run down one of the less defended routes and win the first objective straight away which absolutely wasn’t our design intention!”


V: “We’re specifically updating the layout for Dome, with some other minor changes to the assets and lighting. For instance, there’s now clouds that pass across the sky casting shadows.”

“The first problem we ran into [for the rework] was working out just what we needed to do. We knew we had to make changes, but we didn’t want to make radical ones. We had to figure out that sweet spot in the middle; improving the layout without ruining the map in the process.”

Objectives One and Three (Destroy the AA Command Center) were under the most scrutiny, with the “ninja deliveries” on Objective One proving a real issue for many players.

V: “On Objective One we hope there will be no more ninja deliveries! It really shouldn’t happen anymore if the defenders are playing well and are observant. The secondary objective on Objective One is still very open; It no longer opens the main door, but rather a window overlooking the plant site, and a flank on the right side of the map”

We’ve blocked off several routes in Dome as well, forcing players, and the action, in certain directions. This was a tough balancing act though:

V: “The right-hand flank route on Objective One is now gone, that was one of the crucial areas we were seeing players split up. The remaining left route wasn’t enough though, so we’ve added in extra little flank routes there, which really focuses the gameplay around the objective”

This was the crux of getting Dome’s rework; we knew that moving the action was key, not a rework of the objectives themselves.

E: “I wouldn’t actually expect the objectives themselves to play that differently. It’s the approaches to the objectives that have seen the most attention. The approaches now force the attackers to go in more as a group. The main difference will be the intensity of the action around these points.”

V: “Exactly. Defenders are now holding closer to the objective, because that’s where you want people to defend – not ahead of the objective, where can people can easily sneak around you. We’re seeing really good results of that location shift in our in-house playtests and on the PTS.”

Objective Three’s rework focus was the same; stopping easy flanks for the attackers while focusing action on the objective itself. There’s a key change to another favorite location on Dome though…

V: “On Objective Two we’ve made some changes to the rooftop between the two sites. It used to be the hold spot; you could see both bomb sites, you had great cover and were protected from fire. We’ve now made it more exposed, the walls have been opened up a lot more so you’ll get hit more, air strikes are much easier to place up there and it’s no longer as strong a position as it used to be.”

These changes are made to improve the map’s flow for players, but as developers we also have pride in the original map and favourite locations that are often hard to say goodbye to.

V: “One of my best spots used to be the secondary objective on Objective One; it had cool and interesting fights around it, and being able to long jump between the two buildings made it really dynamic and fun. Now, though, I really like the arena on Objective One. Combat has been pushed back towards it and its now used as an actual, exciting combat space, that’s where the defenders hold and it’s much, much more interesting now.”

The ultimate goal was to bring Dome in line with our other maps; a tightly packed, violent crescendo between attackers and defenders, not a desperate chase after a rogue Proxy who’s broken the defenders’ lines.

E: “I hope it’ll strike a good balance between people who liked the original map and those who found it daunting. There’s still a lot of freedom of movement and it has some really good space, so I think the soul of the map hasn’t changed and hopefully it’s a little more accessible for people.”

Dome’s rework demonstrates the latest big change to Dirty Bomb, and our commitment to the title. Jump online now to try the new version of Dome and let us know what you think on the Forums, Twitter or Facebook.

(Dr_Plantboss) #2

Looking forwrd to playing this! Good luck SD!

(hawkeyeguy99) #3

So basically you took the only map with actual variety in routes and made it just like everything else: completely linear with some flanks. Super disappointed. As it looks now I may have lost my favorite map in DB. We’ll see when it actually comes out but man this is disheartening. RIP Dome, it was fun while it lasted.

(blufflord) #4

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
So basically you took the only map with actual variety in routes and made it just like everything else: completely linear with some flanks. Super disappointed. As it looks now I may have lost my favorite map in DB. We’ll see when it actually comes out but man this is disheartening. RIP Dome, it was fun while it lasted.

I mean, what did you expect was gonna happen when they announced changes to dome? This map probably had less playtime than execution lol

(hawkeyeguy99) #5

@blufflord said:

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
So basically you took the only map with actual variety in routes and made it just like everything else: completely linear with some flanks. Super disappointed. As it looks now I may have lost my favorite map in DB. We’ll see when it actually comes out but man this is disheartening. RIP Dome, it was fun while it lasted.

I mean, what did you expect was gonna happen when they announced changes to dome? This map probably had less playtime than execution lol

I knew this is probably what they’d do… but I wanted to hold out hope that they wouldn’t completely ruin it and maybe just rework some flanks but not completely destroy routes. I like the changes to the rooftop, but it just makes me sad that they removed the second route at the beginning. That’s what made that first objective fun, you couldn’t camp as defenders you had to keep moving. No choke points to dominate and insta-win. Now everyone will be clashing at one choke point with no chance to be creative or sneaky. They even state in the video that they don’t want to give players chances to “ninja-deliver”. WHY?

(Tom2160) #6

@hawkeyeguy99 Because sneak delivers/repairs have nothing to do with skill at all. Why should they win the first objective just by luck itself?

(hawkeyeguy99) #7

@Tom2160 said:
@hawkeyeguy99 Because sneak delivers/repairs have nothing to do with skill at all. Why should they win the first objective just by luck itself?

What planet are you from? If someone sneak delivers on you that’s 100% your fault for running too far off and not guarding the objective. All I’m saying is it was possible to actually strategize on Dome because you could create diversions while someone goes the other side and delivers. That’s not possible on 90% of the other maps because there is only 1 route to go and everyone KNOWS where the enemy will be coming from because there is only 1 place for them to be coming from. But Dome was unique in that it had 2. I never once experienced a spawn camp on Dome. Not once. But I have on every other single map out there because you can just push and push and push as defenders without worrying about them finding another way because there only is 1.

(JonBongNoJovi) #8

So does this mean they gonna rework bridge and close off the office because players can sneak thru when defenders push the attackers spawn and leave EV vulnerable for " ninja plants " ?

(auwi) #9

I think you’re still able to ninja deliver on first objective, its just the focus area has been moved so there’s only one main route to focus on, all the flanks are still there

Honestly not sure why you guys are upset, these changes make Dome a lot more focused, the combat will hopefully be more intensive, less walking distances and new players won’t get lost as much

(GatoCommodore) #10

@hawkeyeguy99 said:

@Tom2160 said:
@hawkeyeguy99 Because sneak delivers/repairs have nothing to do with skill at all. Why should they win the first objective just by luck itself?

What planet are you from? If someone sneak delivers on you that’s 100% your fault for running too far off and not guarding the objective. All I’m saying is it was possible to actually strategize on Done because you could creative diversons while someone goes the other side and delivers. That’s not possible on 90% of the other maps because there is only 1 route to go and everyone KNOWS where the enemy will be coming from because there is only 1 place for them to be coming from. But Dome was unique in that it had 2. I never once experienced a spawn camp on Dome. Not once. But I have one every other single map out there because you can just push and push and push as defenders without worrying about them finding another way because there only is 1.

well, now we know they gonna go Overwatch Casual friendly map route
a simple map with added flanks so that it would look complicated

(Shenaynays) #11

i love the voice crack at the start, it was small but still there, good work Shoe

(hawkeyeguy99) #12

@auwi said:
its just the focus area has been moved so there’s only one main route to focus on

That’s my problem. It all comes down to one single route. That’s easy to defend and it’s just like every other stinking map in Dirty Bomb. On the old Dome the defenders had to be smart with how they spread out because you have to keep an eye on two routes because if you shut down one route, that means the other is open. It creates a beautiful balance and tension for defense and attack. This is in contrast to every other map in the game where it’s just whoever can brute force their way through the other team to push their lines forward. It’s an opposite tug of war every match. Which is fine, don’t get me wrong I love the game, but it was nice to have a map that required THOUGHT to defend instead of just, “shoot straight ahead because that’s the only place enemies will be coming from”.

Look at arguably the most famously designed map of all time: Dust 2. (yeah i know, CS:GO reference, totally different game and gameplay but hear me out)

But look, it’s not linear. You have to defend BOTH A + B and not just A. How boring would it be if it was reduced to just A plus a few flanks? It’s not half as interesting if you don’t have options. All I’m saying is more options is better and that’s why I liked Dome so much.

(bgyoshi) #13

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
So basically you took the only map with actual variety in routes and made it just like everything else: completely linear with some flanks. Super disappointed. As it looks now I may have lost my favorite map in DB. We’ll see when it actually comes out but man this is disheartening. RIP Dome, it was fun while it lasted.

So much “variety” for attackers that defenders basically at to sit on point the entire game and couldn’t wander anywhere else.

You camped in the hole on Obj 1 because trying to push up on attackers meant being ninja’d

Second obj was literally impossible to defend I’ve never seen attackers get stuck on it, not once. Camp the roof, camp under the roof, flank, doesn’t matter what you do. You have to split your team while attackers get to push one obj as a full squad.

Final obj was all about camping on the AA. Forget the secondary objectives miles away because they would just plant the moment you left.

I actually don’t remember ever losing a game as attackers on Dome if we took the first objective… and I don’t remember ever winning as defenders after losing obj 1.

What a bunch of variety

Everyone likes easy wins every now and then but Dome was by far terrible to play as anything but 8v8. I’d pretty much quit no matter what side I was on. I actually like working for a win as attackers and I actually like being able to wander the map as a defender. I shouldn’t be able to go far, but I should be able to go further than the immediate vicinity of the thing I’m defending.

They don’t do these changes because they -think- people don’t like the map.

They do these changes because their metrics they gather tell them nobody likes the map.

So I’m inclined to believe people that like old Dome are in the extreme minority, just like people who like Execution.

(hawkeyeguy99) #14

@bgyoshi said:

@hawkeyeguy99 said:
So basically you took the only map with actual variety in routes and made it just like everything else: completely linear with some flanks. Super disappointed. As it looks now I may have lost my favorite map in DB. We’ll see when it actually comes out but man this is disheartening. RIP Dome, it was fun while it lasted.

So much “variety” for attackers that defenders basically at to sit on point the entire game and couldn’t wander anywhere else.

You camped in the hole on Obj 1 because trying to push up on attackers meant being ninja’d

Second obj was literally impossible to defend I’ve never seen attackers get stuck on it, not once. Camp the roof, camp under the roof, flank, doesn’t matter what you do. You have to split your team while attackers get to push one obj as a full squad.

Final obj was all about camping on the AA. Forget the secondary objectives miles away because they would just plant the moment you left.

I actually don’t remember ever losing a game as attackers on Dome if we took the first objective… and I don’t remember ever winning as defenders after losing obj 1.

What a bunch of variety

Everyone likes easy wins every now and then but Dome was by far terrible to play as anything but 8v8. I’d pretty much quit no matter what side I was on. I actually like working for a win as attackers and I actually like being able to wander the map as a defender. I shouldn’t be able to go far, but I should be able to go further than the immediate vicinity of the thing I’m defending.

They don’t do these changes because they -think- people don’t like the map.

They do these changes because their metrics they gather tell them nobody likes the map.

So I’m inclined to believe people that like old Dome are in the extreme minority, just like people who like Execution.

I 100% agree I’m in the minority here, just voicing my opinion. I never said the map was balanced (it wasn’t completely) but it was FUN. On either side. I just wished they could’ve fixed the second and 3rd objectives balance wise (which it looks like they did) and leave the integrity of the map in place. Instead this just looks like yet another Chapel, or Dickyard, or Bridge, or Underground, or Vault, or… You get the point. It was the ONLY map with multiple routes that were actually different, now it’s just like everything else. I wish they could’ve just fixed balance issues without destroying what made Dome Dome.

(DadoPeja) #15

“What made Dome Dome” is the reason noone was playing it… stop crying about it, it was shit map… ps. i am waiting for disagree on this post :slight_smile:

(bgyoshi) #16

@hawkeyeguy99 said:

Instead this just looks like yet another Chapel, …

Whoa whoa

Slow down

I didn’t like Dome

But I would never compare it to the atrocity of Chapel

I might have strong opinions but I’m not heartless


(hawkeyeguy99) #17

@DadoPeja said:
“What made Dome Dome” is the reason noone was playing it… stop crying about it, it was @$!# map… ps. i am waiting for disagree on this post :slight_smile:

Have a disagree for contributing nothing to the conversation. :slight_smile:

(Drac0rion) #18

The only reason why I did like Dome was because it was big and open, shotguns and explosives were extremely easy to deal with compared to the other maps, but all the variety of routes still lead to bad chokepoints.

To be more specific, chokepoints before the first and the last objective. For the second objective you always controlled the roof or took a detour on the left side for a sneaky plant to force the defense off the roof if you couldn’t do it with firepower, it never really felt like an issue, just as mentioned in the comment above.

From the map layout pictures, it looks like the first objective will be a fun battlefield.
3 routes, none of them look too narrow. Not yet sure if it will be harder on the defense, but defense will certainly have to be more active since there isn’t a small doorway you could just stare at until you see the enemy and then just spray.

Also, maybe I didn’t notice to read it, but will the first objective still require only one delivery or is it back to two after the rework?

(TitaniumRapture) #19

@Tom2160 said:
@hawkeyeguy99 Because sneak delivers/repairs have nothing to do with skill at all. Why should they win the first objective just by luck itself?

I believe you prefer simple linear maps so you can just camp on one spot and simply headshot everything in sight from mile away.

But it still misses huge glowing neon signs “GO HERE” everywhere. Maybe some signs with “DONT FORGET TO BREATH WHILE GAMING” could be handy too.

(auwi) #20

@hawkeyeguy99 said:

@auwi said:
its just the focus area has been moved so there’s only one main route to focus on

That’s my problem. It all comes down to one single route. That’s easy to defend and it’s just like every other stinking map in Dirty Bomb. On the old Dome the defenders had to be smart with how they spread out because you have to keep an eye on two routes because if you shut down one route, that means the other is open. It creates a beautiful balance and tension for defense and attack. This is in contrast to every other map in the game where it’s just whoever can brute force their way through the other team to push their lines forward. It’s an opposite tug of war every match. Which is fine, don’t get me wrong I love the game, but it was nice to have a map that required THOUGHT to defend instead of just, “shoot straight ahead because that’s the only place enemies will be coming from”.

I understand you like the two routes idea, as running around alot that seemed to be the map’s style, 2 main routes with lots of flanks. The problem is this splits up teams naturally, leading to all the fighting moving around way too much, it’s really not fun from a defenders standpoint. You really want a map that naturally brings teams together, especially in DB.

The rework still has flanks, as I’m pointing out, there’s just one main route so the fighting feels more centralized.

As one of the devs said, they’re striving to balance what some was and what will be. Those far sided flanks on the first objective means the defenders will still be stuck around it. I’m not sure if the attackers spawn area will be camp-proof.