Do the devs still support the game?

(SammyBoyFTW) #1

Hey there,
I just bought Brink today, after and initial preference of Dead Island was thwarted by the Aussie dollar’s shift to beneath the US dollar :eek:. I was just wondering about the state of the game, and whether or not the developers are still supporting, tweaking and fixing it.

I know that the game was not entiiiiirely well received, but I grew interested after watching a Total Biscuit video of the game. I also know that the team is Splash Damage, who were behind the Enemy Territory games, which were extremely popular.


(RabidAnubis) #2

I think they are working on an upcoming balance patch, and implementing clans. That is all I think.

(Rex) #3

Not anymore with Brink…

(SammyBoyFTW) #4

Thanks for the quick replies guys. Still downloading the game after a couple of issues. Sounds like a yes-ish, I just hope that Splash Damage are keen to fix things that have been reported as busted, buggy or broken :.

Thanks again,

(taodemon) #5

Most of the gamebreaking issues were taken care of a while ago.

(sirius89) #6

Did they ever supported it really?

Still can’t play the game cause of low FPS all the time.oh well,devs that don’t know their own ****ty moddified IdTech 4 engine.

(nephandys) #7

Except this one: Don’t Aim for the Head. It’s funny how this link becomes relevant to almost every thread.

(taodemon) #8

Yes, but that doesn’t keep you from playing the game, it is just a very lame mechanic which hopefully is being fixed with the weapons tuning patch. And it isn’t a bug (just a bad design decision).

The initial ATI gridding issue was fixed. Sound going out was fixed (for the most part anyways), the Nvidia disconnect issue was fixed. I’m likely missing some of course but the majority of the bugs that kept you from playing the game have been fixed.

(Verticae) #9

You mean I’m imagining things when I still get 15FPS max on my ATI rig, and absolutely hallucinating when I can’t connect to a single populated server on my other one? Because that most certainly doesn’t fit my definition of ‘fixed’, especially when these issues are 3 and 1,5 months old, respectively.

(tokamak) #10

There are still issues with ATI yeah.

(king_troll) #11

ati drivers probaly still use .NET, and not running on optimized code from ATi for ATi hardware, just some random MS worker class they came up with during lunch

(Fetter) #12

Why do people consider this a problem? It’s logical and realistic-- in real life you aim for center of mass. If you really want to go for headshots, try looking down your sights.

(coolstory) #13

First of all its a game not real life. Using Iron sights is useless since people have more health unlike games like CoD. So if you use IS you’re slow plus there’s spread even when IS and low bullet damage. IDK what SD was thinking when they made the game. They made a FPS game which doesnt reward good aim.

(montheponies) #14

because it’s completely random and removes the main mechanic of low damage high rof that make close/medium quarter 1v1s skill based in this type of game.

(Crytiqal) #15

Have you even watched the video?
Even when aiming for the center of mass you still miss your target

(BioSnark) #16

Pshhh. It’s supposed to be a completely realistic simulation! Lead wasn’t ecofriendly so everyone on the Ark’s shooting rubber. Obviously…

(Fetter) #17

If you think the iron sights are useless, I have no interest in your thoughts on this game.

The main thing that makes close/medium range 1v1s skill based is one’s positioning, as it should be. Do you really want a game based on running around spraying at people’s heads from the hip? That’s crazy and untactical. Again, if you want precise aim, try aiming.

[QUOTE=Crytiqal;380248]Have you even watched the video?
Even when aiming for the center of mass you still miss your target[/QUOTE]

Obviously you’re not going to hit all the time while spraying from the hip. Try using your sights.

(coolstory) #18

[QUOTE=Fetter;380279]If you think the iron sights are useless, I have no interest in your thoughts on this game.

First of all you compared a game to real life so…and secondly guns aren’t accurate or don’t do enough damage even when you IS. A light spamming with smg from hip fire will win most of the time against a medium or heavy using AR with IS.

(DonkeyDong) #19

Thanks for the quick replies guys. Still downloading the game after a couple of issues. Sounds like a yes-ish, I just hope that Splash Damage are keen to fix things that have been reported as busted, buggy or broken :.

Thanks again,

ahahhahaha,… where do these suckers come from? totally clueless that he just wasted his money.

(montheponies) #20

Honestly have you ever played RTCW, W:ET or ETQW? Have you ever heard of circle strafe? Do you understand that it’s much harder to maintain a consistent aim on a 1v1 when you have low damage? This is miles away from ‘spraying’.

The type of gunplay you are describing is typical of BF and CoD games where high damage and large spread, makes IS a decent proposition but a rather more boring and less skillful (imo) approach…

ps. i tend to look for fun in my games, rather than realism - these aren’t simulators.