Not in my experience, except in extremely close range (where they should win out). I can consistently drop people at mid-long range using an AR and iron sights (or the Greeneye).
[QUOTE=montheponies;380296]Honestly have you ever played RTCW, W:ET or ETQW? Have you ever heard of circle strafe? Do you understand that it’s much harder to maintain a consistent aim on a 1v1 when you have low damage? This is miles away from ‘spraying’.
The type of gunplay you are describing is typical of BF and CoD games where high damage and large spread, makes IS a decent proposition but a rather more boring and less skillful (imo) approach…
ps. i tend to look for fun in my games, rather than realism - these aren’t simulators.[/QUOTE]
There are different types of skill and fun. Circlestrafing while keeping your mouse on the target’s head isn’t skillful or fun for me; I prefer the more tactical skills involved in positioning, using cover, knowing when to ADS and when to hipfire, etc. BRINK does those things well. Your point about Battlefield is astute-- I prefer the Battlefield playstyle to that of games that rely more on hipfiring. On the other hand, both of these are very different from a true realistic/simulationist playstyle. For that, you’d have to go to Red Orchestra, ARMA, Project: Reality, or Operation Flashpoint. IMO none of these styles are necessarily better or worse than one another, but they are different styles.
BRINK has more of the Battlefield/CoD style that you’re talking about, so IMO trying to play it like a circlestrafe/aim at head game is a losing proposition and constitutes failure to adapt to the game.