Discussion and ideas about qw

(.Chris.) #21

Exactly, that’s why lots of people left the game, there were no viable alternatives back in the day, took way too long for the SDK and mods to arrive.

(INF3RN0) #22

The only solution to the problem is some super rich QW player buying rights to the game…

(Snotling) #23

I love this idea. Where can I send my money?

(Ashog) #24

That is another myth. I am sure if all ranked close, only a minor part will stop playing, and even that for a short time.

(sereNADE) #25

Funkenstein does make an excellent point. I’m just a bit sore the experiment couldn’t get off the ground in the first place. As of now I just appreciate the ranked corpses and the promod presence. Still better stale than any new game come out in the past 2 years.

(INF3RN0) #26

Anyone ever heard the saying “as good as it gets” lol. Appreciate the gusto, but we must remember everything dies. I just wish all these people discovered promod 10 years earlier and that Acti-fail wasn’t the publisher…

(Khamul) #27

btw. they did give the price?We played much games on custom maps on AD CUstom maps(6p.m. - 11:30 p.m), so i hope we will repeat it on next sunday.Even pub players joined yesterday! Please fix NIRVANA because we couldnt play yesterday:( (big laggzzz:) or upload and reupload maps to ad custom maps


(Rex) #28

Lucifer is it you?

(Khamul) #29


(DrFunkenstein) #30

One of the things that always puzzled me about this game is the “schizophrenia” of it.

On the one hand you have a game that has an SDK, you can develop mods, create new maps, edit stuff etc. and I can only assume that this required a considerable effort from the developers. On the other hand, a lot of decisions that were made are kinda counterproductive to the idea of people developing their own things and tweaking stuff to their liking.

The transition from stock maps and stock game play to user developed stuff is too prohibitive. Such a waste of time and energy :frowning: .

To give an example: I never really played W:ET, I played RTCW before this game and my main hangout back then was the HP server. They ran a 64 player server and basically used just one map, Depot. One of the things that made it fun to play there was that they tweaked it to perfection and the beauty of it was that it required hardly any effort from my side to play there.

To give another example: Ark basically sucks as a map because GDF can completely dominate Strogg on the first objective if there are enough vehicle whores on their team. On the other hand, it’s usually a push over for Strogg if there aren’t enough vehicle whores on GDF and respawn times on the last objective play a large part in that. Strogg respawn too quick and the map is basically over if they manage to get and keep their forward with 3-5 minutes left on the clock.

The ability to experiment and change things without bothering the unsuspecting player too much would have been such a great asset to have and might have changed the way things went.

To continue my example about Ark, I guess I would have started by blocking access to the vehicles in main base for GDF on that map, increase the respawn time for Strogg on the last objective and see how that would pan out. It’s just an example, I’m not even sure it’s possible and there are probably other/better solutions, I just used it show what’s missing/wrong from my point of view.

Such a shame, there’s this enormous potential to do stuff, but it hardly sees any use :frowning: .

First one to blame Activision gets a cookie. Personally I think that’s too simplistic, someone agreed to all this at some point…

First one to say that the SDK was released too late, gets a cookie as well, but I don’t think that’s the real problem.

Dr. Funkenstein

(Crytiqal) #31

I blame Activision for delaying the release of the SDK!

(DrFunkenstein) #32

Two cookies for Crytiqal :slight_smile: .

Dr. Funkenstein

(INF3RN0) #33

Are you not aware that this same discussion came up like 2-3 years ago lol when the game was considered dead in the water? As for the price, I guarantee it is well beyond the means of being bought out from Acti lol…

(Ashog) #34

IN YOUR FACE RUBBEN! :slight_smile:

Spontaneous gather on a server that is normally empty and where half of maps were old versions and where you had to download 300+ MB to enter - in 30 minutes the server had more than 20 people yesterday. We played more than 4 hours non-stop with 10x10 and finished with 4x4 late in the evening.

And this was SPONTANEOUS (Nirvana was laggy and thus empty).

Now after that you will tell me custom maps are unpopular? Well face it, it’s just that you are too lazy to learn new stuff - that’s what makes you prejudiced against them. Well, I can only recommend to get over it and join us in playing the freaking custom content that we have been enjoying for 4 years non-stop by now.


(Gvardman) #35

Agreed with Ashog, i don’t think it is hard to learn new maps even if u are new in promod.

(Velas) #36

yesterday was my first day with custom maps and was very funny… but is hard to learn those maps quickly, we need more time and people playing for that…

(INF3RN0) #37

Not every custom map works for competitive play (ie 6v6 or less), but neither do all the stock maps. I will say though that most of the custom maps are fun to pub- though NA only had private customs with TAW.

(Khamul) #38

Please update maps on AD Custom maps server or fix nirvana guyz. We played yesterday too ( i played only few minutes :frowning: ) , but i would like to play wake , gold rush etc! We tried play Comm link , and maridia on open club vs svoboda… and we couldnt. Comm link - incorrect game data , Maridia - crash after start… Please fix it too. Btw still ask ur friends about downloading custom maps!

(Kl3ppy) #39

I dont think that we update the ad. server. Im gonna ask if the server admin if he can do it, i dont have access to the server.

(Crytiqal) #40

I could host custom maps aswell, is there a list of wanted maps?