No, I’m not promoting Overwatch, saying “RIP DB, Overwatch best” or any of that stuff, quite the opposite, nor is comparing the two games my focus here, though it may be needed to explain some stuff since this is DB forums here. With that out of the way…
Let’s all admit it, we all played the Overwatch open beta, probably had a favorite hero we’d always choose no matter which map, mode or side we ended up on, and probably had some friends over teamspeak or curse or whatever play for some time. You probably even hit some bugs sometime in all that.
Well, I played it pretty much the entire time i was on my computer during the open beta, and towards it’s extended end, I decided what I thought about it, and frankly, I didn’t like it. It wasn’t a case of “I liked this game better than Overwatch”, not really. Towards the end of the beta, it just felt like games were always a roll for one side or the other. wins felt cheap, losses felt like i was smashing my head against a wall trying to break it, for me at least, and after playing several frantic games with friends over voice chat…playing solo was just boring.
First, Overwatch’s good points, it’s the first game i actually killed anyone with a sniper in a while since i last played TF2, and didnt get immediately killed afterwards like in Insurgency. The Play Of The Game is pretty neat, though it’s focus is more on kills than on support like healing teammates or defense rolls like blocking a ton of damage, which arguably is less interesting than killing 5 dudes at once with an ultimate, as is usually the case, but equally or more important.
The downs, there is no server browser(though for the most part it isn’t an issue), and only has 3 modes, which might get boring after a while. The games are always 6v6, which isnt really a plus or a minus, but having modes with more or less players might be nice. PvE is complete shit, in normal, the bots are completely incompetent, and on hard, they are f*cken wallhackers and aimbotters. didnt even try easy. Then there’s the completely unnecessary apparent need for a balanced team. a defense team with lots of offense heroes kicking offense team a5s, turret spam, bastion spam, general hero spam, very effective, very annoying. also, you can only earn money through RNG crates, which you can only get by leveling up. and the lead quality items, which are voice lines and sprays, are like 95% drop chance.
Overall, though, I’f i had to properly write up one paragraph explaining why I decided I didn’t like overwatch…I couldn’t, i just stopped having fun at some point. It was a blast with friends, but without, it was just a drag, unlike in - it was coming - Dirty Bomb, when i could jump into a match myself, and often come off on an adrenaline high, or at least feeling, win or loss, it couldnt be helped. the enemy team was just better, it didnt have 3 f*cken Tracers on defense shooting at my team trying to push out of spawn.
and check it out, level imbalance is not a problem exclusive to Dirty Bomb
and there was this one time i got 9 votes, plus my own 10th vote that nudged me to be legendary in one game
(there was another time i got legendary, but it was a PvE game, so it doesnt really count, does it?