DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 16895

(Violator) #81

Some nice changes, love the DOT, the carryables changes + the changes to the medpacks :).

Seemed to have a lot more prediction issues than before though, esp. with the shotgun which would kill me about 1/2 sec before the shot registers, often when it appeared I had got the shots in first then found I was dead. Managed to do the reverse a couple of times as well. Seemed to have a lot more ‘died round the corner’ incidents tonight than normal :(. Also some weird deathghost angles and ‘wtf?’ moments:

After epic med healin’ session with Anti :wink:

I won’t comment on the mines spam as thats been mentioned already :). Some nice layout changes, and great that a lot of the collision issues on Waterloo have been fixed.

Also had some moments where I would die, then instantly respawn - not had this before this patch.

(Humate) #82

mines - the game’s current ttk compared with the time it takes to spot the mine, and then take it out is imba
Even if you are successful in taking out the mine, the amount of time spent doing that usually gets you fragged anyway.

shotgun - we raged about this last time i believe.

med packs - i like the idea

dot - very nice

(jamiewalker) #83

the real issue is SEED THE FLIPPING THING!

(Samurai.) #84

[QUOTE=Violator;431478]Also some weird deathghost angles and ‘wtf?’ moments:

I believe the last SS where i sniped you was from me jumping + shooting behind the box to the side of the EV, but yeah the ghost model is messed up.

(Volcano) #85

so we can expect servers to only play engy now, super

(Hundopercent) #86

ALT + F4’d after about 5 minutes of play time.

Waterloo is so dim that it further dissolves the enemies into the already grayish theme.
Running around hearing constant beeping and losing 80 - 100%of my HP instantly from the legion of mines on the ground (felt like Sunday morning at ****ing IHOP) is completely unenjoyable.
If I wasn’t losing a majority of my health to a mine I was instead getting 1 shot by a shotgun around every corner.
The medic health pack change would only work if the medic was capable of winning 1v1s. Since you nerfed the gun to shoot cotton balls and nerfed the ammo the medic is no longer capable of winning any sort of 1v1 or even deserves to be on the battle field.

The few maps changes I saw in my 4 minutes of play time seemed pretty good but I would need more thorough testing.
The new crosshair is better all you need to do is make it yellow again like you did before (not really sure why you changed it from being yellow in the first place.)
Carrying a milk jug around to the objective point is a pretty poor call imo and doesn’t fit in this type of game but w/e I see you’re testing any thing (even **** that doesn’t make sense on paper.)

My suggestion to quickly resolve this, is to bring back the other medic that has the shotgun so the medic is actually viable during this testing phase (which I hope only lasts 5-6 days because I can’t stomach the current alpha version.) Then at least it will be 5v5 3 eng 2 medic shotgun blitz’s for scrims.

Edit: You should probably reevaluate your internal QA team btw. The changes you currently implemented should not have even passed internal QA. This is really, really awful.

(Bananas) #87

[QUOTE=strychzilla;431498]Edit: You should probably reevaluate your internal QA team btw. The changes you currently implemented should not have even passed internal QA. This is really, really awful.[/QUOTE]Why are alpha testers so against testing things.

(nailzor) #88

I’m not against testing good changes, but I will provide open and honest feedback in hopes that it can in some way be helpful - this can be through serious posts, or light-hearted pictures :slight_smile:

(Bananas) #89

[QUOTE=nailzor;431519]I’m not against testing good changes, but I will provide open and honest feedback in hopes that it can in some way be helpful - this can be through serious posts, or light-hearted pictures :-)[/QUOTE]Changes aren’t that bad IMO. Plus whether they are good or bad is a matter of opinion. Worth testing everything.

I don’t like light hearted pictures because I have no soul. I don’t know how to laugh. Maybe I just don’t understand them >:(

(nailzor) #90

That makes me a sad panda - but at least you admit it! I am all for testing changes good and bad, but would like there to maybe be a disclaimer this is a test haha. I have displayed my thoughts on dislikes, but I do like the medic changes for sure.

Only other issues I have seen are some changes of maps - apparently the changes are to help the defense? But they definitely hinder the defense and provide more advantage to the offense in most cases.

Specifically on Waterloo the second plant area not having a back stairs access from defense makes it so that the offense has a hugely unbalanced advantage.

On Whitechapel the last phase having areas cut off as well detracts from the balance.

The above were noted after playing the new patch as this could not be observed from the patch notes simply by reading.

(Stoffifee) #91

Just a few thoughts about the new patch:

carryable objects: sorry, this isn’t any good. Bring the old system back again, please. Though i really like the possibility of dropping the objective to let someone else pick it up. :o

medipacks: I cannot say, that the new system is completely bad. In any case it feels very strange and for me i like the old one better. :infiltrator:

mines: one mine per (mine)engineer, team restriction to an overall of 3 armed mines. as a sidenote: they are really too damn hard to spot. :confused:

shotgun: i don’t think it is that OP. the shotgun is meant to be a hip-flick-shot-weapon on close range. that’s exactly what it feels right now. i was hip-flick-shot a lot lol. Maybe you should consider lowering its damage to 2shots/kill. I would remove the shotgun-headshots entirely. And to be even more heretical, remove the shotgun-ironsight aswell. :rolleyes:

Duty calls …

Cheers :slight_smile:

(Humate) #92

Why are alpha testers so against testing things.

Not against testing things; its understandable that SD needs players to test the extremes so that Echo can collect all that data.
However this method, can potentially prompt players to lose interest.

I know that back when every game turned into a knife fest, I played less.

(iwound) #93

Do you mean the new wood blockade? Then you take a right and your there. This is blocked to stop the killing of the innocent who have just spawned. Hopefully this will be plastered and painted like the other walls. As for stairs these haven’t changed.

Edit: You should probably reevaluate your internal QA team btw. The changes you currently implemented should not have even passed internal QA. This is really, really awful.[/QUOTE]

That’s not their call. And not yours to critic them. Your an alpha tester not management.

I’ll report back when I’ve thoroughly tested it.

(Hyperg) #94

Some of my thoughts on the last patch:

  • Collision has definitely improved, discovered I had less issues with getting stuck in static meshes, at least on WC; The EV is still a death trap if you wanna use it as cover (and getting close to it), this happened at some point during WC yesterday when we managed to hold the EV just before entering the elevator.

  • Mine count was a bit overwhelming, but given it’s a cap bug, will disregard that. You can get used to that beeping for localizing them (not sure if they need to be more visible, after all they’re mines). The problem is how you perceive the sound sources in space, when the mines start piling up on a relatively close space and you kindof loose your DareDevil vision on them.

  • Shotguns need to be tuned down a bit, as oneshotting ppl ofc takes away any reaction. Think of the poor abused mice and keyboards. I like what Inf3rno sketched for their mechanic;

  • The xhair dot helps a lot with tracking. Will patiently wait till it turns cyan or smth :tongue:

  • Objective carry is an interesting idea, but I’m not sure it’s completely approachable with the class restrictions right now. Turrets and arty markers might change the game a bit (the arty for sure, clearing the way for the obj carrier). I definitely don’t dismiss it, if anything it settles a certain pacing around the carry phases. It needs some fine-tuning in relation with the spawn times, defenders travel time to obj, to allow for less “obvious” full holds though. That impression may be skewed right now by the mine and shotgun spam so I’m not going to dwell on it much.

  • Health regen definitely hits the rambo medics, hence their almighty wrath was felt a bit on the thread here xD, but it also hits the support pacing aswell. I’m ok with choosing my fights (and fighting corners) wisely, but when I can’t do my job and keep some team-mates alive which try to push, it adds to the confusion. Regen works with tactical approaches, cover, shoot, prone, the works. Not sure it “wraps” around DB’s combat much though. I mean, those engi chicks move lightning fast, you can’t just yell in teamchat “chill down!” as a medic, cause their damage input is way higher than your health regen output xD. Not sure what the intended direction is here. If it’s to slow down pacing, it’s the “right” step to do, but it doesn’t “feel right” with the team dynamic right now.

(BomBaKlaK) #95

Maps improvement

White chapel :

  • begining still a bit weird but much better than before with the second side stair
  • Nice chapel improvement make the place more fun to play let’s test it
  • Last obj worst than ever … 1 exit = no exit ! If attacker block the 1 and only tunnel your screwed, no alternative way … Choke point ok, but this one just not working, give us at least 1 secondary exit to the lift.
  • Attacker spawn point near chappel at the other side of the street is really close, maybe push back a bit (during chapel attack)

Waterloo :

  • Ammo station look like a bit weird cause that’s on the obj, remember Wolf ET stations were on some others place to create hotspots, but here weapon rack is already in hot spor the hotest spot !: the OBJ ! and for me this is a massive FAIL ! If there is ammo rack put it is some others places far from the objective or it never gonna work.

  • Capturable spawn is just broken, give a defenser advantage and in front of the obj … all the things to do are at the same place !!! WTF ??? (Capturable spawn / ammo rack / main objective in 10m²) give us some space ! some fun things to make around but here is like a school garden with all the people at the same place attepting to do something …

  • Last objective are really strange, hacking position upstair is ridiculous and really not at the good place imo, and container are way to difficult to defend people runnin around 360° dont know really where to go etc … last obj got to be the harder one not the easier one ! and here yeah you close the door thinking about protecting the spawn but you also block the acces do diffuse so I really think there is a big problem over here.

Conclusion !
This 2 maps have good idea but need a real rework to be really fun to play… this is not counterstrike maps ! all obj and side obj are compacted in small areas and just not working ! give us some space, move around secondary objectives or ammo rack. but definitly for the moment the only map that I really like to play is London bridge (dont have camden acces) but the 2 others looks broken to me.

But since the last update play 10 min then bored … broken mechanics, no more fun

(Anti) #96

[QUOTE=INF3RN0;431462]Great patch so far!

The bad part of this is that it makes the team healing feel really bland and introduces a lot of situations where the old mechanic made a lot more sense for the team play.

Can you give some examples of how you would have used the old mechanic? Interested to know because I can’t think of very many.

You should probably reevaluate your internal QA team btw. The changes you currently implemented should not have even passed internal QA. This is really, really awful.[/QUOTE]

Are you suggesting we validate the gameplay changes in patches with the opinions of a small group of QA testers rather than the several hundred closed alpha players from the target audience? I don’t like the sound of that idea.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely value our QA tester’s opinions on the game, but their primary role is to test game functionality. The reason the closed alpha exists is so that we don’t have to depend on a small sample of opinion from players at the office.

(Hyperg) #97

In my case, this was very obvious in LB at data center breach. Snatching those objectives required a strong offensive presence from our side there and with all the shottgun and mine spam, a group of 3 ppl (engi+fdops+me as medic) couldn’t get enough momentum to breach and secure some space beyond that wrecked entrance there. The regen was cancelled if any of those ppl tried to retaliate, before we attempted the push, i was on cooldown with packs, etc.

This situation comes to mind because with the old hp boost i could just “observe” how the crossfire evolves there, prepare a pile of packs and then push with the ppl. Yesterday this was cleary not the case anymore.

(Anti) #98

[QUOTE=Hyperg;431595]In my case, this was very obvious in LB at data center breach. Snatching those objectives required a strong offensive presence from our side there and with all the shottgun and mine spam, a group of 3 ppl (engi+fdops+me as medic) couldn’t get enough momentum to breach and secure some space beyond that wrecked entrance there. The regen was cancelled if any of those ppl tried to retaliate, before we attempted the push, i was on cooldown with packs, etc.

This situation comes to mind because with the old hp boost i could just “observe” how the crossfire evolves there, prepare a pile of packs and then push with the ppl. Yesterday this was cleary not the case anymore.[/QUOTE]

OK, see your point. To me that old system feels pretty odd though, I don’t feel it’s right or really fair that players health bars are adjusting two ways mid fire fight, I think it can add a lot of confusion. Personally I’d prefer that healing occurs just off the front line or post-push when an area is secured.

The sort of ‘extra push’ you’re talking about in this scenario, for the attacker, is really where the Assault class should be leading your line rather than HP packs being used to augment your health pools mid fight. Maybe it’s a case of him not having enough health right now to be viable at doing that.

(BomBaKlaK) #99

I understand your point of view but it just slow down the gameplay imo.
Nervous gameplay is gone with new medpacks and new carrying mechanic,
I really think this is no more a fast paced shooter since this update, hope I dont pay 120$ for a game going in the direction I really dislike …

(Hyperg) #100

Ah, ok, I see the idea with establishing the soldier as the push pivot, but indeed, the solly needs some “kick” so that the role becomes obvious (kinda like the ubered heavy + medic in tf2). I’d say to tread carefully though on pinning roles to classes, as ppl will always try to be creative about their tactical solutions, so if you’ll always need a solly for this kindof push and nothing else will “feel right”, its bound to cause some debate.

As for the health bars going both ways, solution is rather simple gameplay-wise and pretty much every established team will do that: focus down the medics.