DIRTY BOMB UPDATE: Version 16895

(.haZe) #41

I think the gun is totally fine, you have to be able to kill something with it^^ and compared to other classes it’s already weaker so why nerf it more? As you said it’s the self heal that’s overpowered and yeah I think what I just wrote would also nerf the self heal^^

(OwNLY) #42

Now you can no longer “abuse” Medpacks, but they are still very strong. Nice idea SD, lets see how it works.

About the new engineer:


WTF? Seriously?

(papa519) #43

i actually really enjoyed the new updates, not bad at all. i like the many changes on white chapel also

(SockDog) #44

Just balls. :slight_smile:

(xarQi) #45

no shoot while carrying obj is not so fun:(
shotgun at short RANGE is kinda OP ->1 shot

(tokamak) #46

I still favour a moderate slow down and the limit of the secondary weapon. Would also make the soldier exceptional as a carrier.

(Evil-Doer) #47

Why get rid of the Headshot hit sounds on the normal hit sounds?

(BomBaKlaK) #48

Nice maps improvement but the new mechanics just screw up the game … no more fun … all my mates tell me the same in the mic …
the ET feeling fast paced shooter is not here …

(INF3RN0) #49

Oops new patch, gonna have to try.

(en2ie) #50

Interested to see what impact the carry-able objectives changes will have. Very surprised about the health packs - but will reserve judgement till I have tried them.

Mines!!! :smiley:

(Evil-Doer) #51

Ok ok… Let’s start with the positives here.

Some really great map changes. For instance the church in white chapel is pretty cool now…lot less congestion. An some of the walls added to add more of a funnel help defenses a bit.

Now for some negatives.
The haze on Waterloo now is ridiculous, WAY to dark. The window to get out of the secondary spawn on Waterloo you can’t just run out it anymore an it causes a major bottle neck that doesn’t need to exist. The headshot noises on the normal hit sounds has gotten WAY to low. Land mines were probably a little to visible in the past, but now they just are like “beep beep BOOOM” no chance to react.

Carryables get there own section - Was there something in the coffee this past week that made this happen. I dunno let the person carrying the stuff shoot or something, this is ridiculous. I mean you can’t do ANYTHING. I mean you know what I can’t even put into words my head is so jumbled. I take change way easier than I consider most…very optimistic person, but what in the hell was the thought around this?

(Evil-Doer) #52

[QUOTE=nailzor;431394]Normally I can objectively look at things here and see things from both sides, but I am truly boggled by some of these changes - most of which do not require hopping in game to even play around with as I have played other games with similar mechanics - and they just don’t fit with the DB scheme in my mind.

Why not have the EV be the same on all maps? Did the EV get upgraded when it’s slow moving tires finally got to Whitechapel… and because it took so long the enemy forces were also able to upgrade their guns? I’m confused.

I thought we were trying to add class synergy to the game, create reasons to play Field Ops not detract from it :frowning: I agree with the MG ammo station on Camden, but unsure about these. Guess don’t need to play Field Ops on Waterloo anymore!


What… come on?!

I would hope so!

I would hope so!

That’s cool.

Is it April 1st??! So it is hard enough to get the objective to the capture point now by it being returnable, thinking of Whitechapel last phase, now you have to press a key once in there - lets get serious around here.

The carryable objective mechanic truly boggles me. Makes me think someone has been playing too much Halo CTF.

Christmas in February!? Hopefully didn’t break the bank with that one.[/QUOTE]


(xarQi) #53

explain plz…:smiley: headshots on normal hit sounds?:s

(BomBaKlaK) #54

Carrying obj massive fail !!!
Timer to delivery is perfect, but timer to catch the obj is just a fail … kill the nervous and fluid gameplay.
And WTF ? you can"t shoot when carrying ? you just screw up the thing a bit more …

(warbie) #55

I’m liking the map changes!

(Maca) #56

Now that proxy is back in the game the offensive engineers are back en-masse. Rush, drop, gg. Still think engineer items should require arming, so people wouldn’t be able to use them like maniacs.

(SyncFx) #57

Yeah my mind is already set on my thoughts on this game until(hopefully) they patch the speed of this game up.

(Kl3ppy) #58

Overall i like the Update, but the shotgun, well, lets say LOL

(Kendle) #59

Nice update, like the map changes.

Everyone’s playing Shotgun at the moment, and good luck to them I say, I can’t hit **** with it so kudos to those who can, it’s make that shot count or die, very nice twitch aim weapon. Not sure if it’s over-powered or just over-used at the moment, need to give it time to settle down methinks.

Only real gripe is not being able to shoot while carrying objective and having to press use to deliver, makes WC final stage pretty difficult (haven’t seen it done tonight at all).

(Evil-Doer) #60

The old hit sounds, was that smooshed noise an then the headshot was different…the headshot hit sound seems WAAAAY more quiet now…Not sure if that was intentional on their part or not. So when I hit a head now I hear the smoosh an see the blood, but the head shot noise itself is almost gone to the point where you don’t hear it.