Dirty Bomb: Technical 'Pro Tips'

(Toomic) #61

You can enable/disable mouse smoothing and set the weight by using the following commands:


(trickykungfu) #62

[QUOTE=Toomic;476361]You can enable/disable mouse smoothing and set the weight by using the following commands:


Hey Toomic. Everyone is noticing a little mouse acceleration. Not much but at a quick 180 turn like 1-2 cm on my screen compared to a slow 180 turn. But why?

(bishy) #63

[QUOTE=Toomic;476361]You can enable/disable mouse smoothing and set the weight by using the following commands:


Haven’t had a chance to try out Mustangs suggestion yet but it sounds like you’re saying this is a mouse accel setting?

Also if I look in this threadthe title seems to suggest they’re the same too?

(S0und_) #64

How can i clear/remove my clantag?

(Rex) #65

Console command: removeClanTag

(S0und_) #66


with this app you can set a max_fps inside XT for server browser exp. So your gfx card not gonna melt just because there isn’t an fps limit there.

(spookify) #67

This Page hasnt had activity in almost a full year!

Lets get this rocking again!

I need some visual tweaking help… People’s CFG/screen shots look 100% different then mine and I would like to know why…

Can someone list the major visual settings and what to tweak them too…

(Aezo) #68

Hey guys, I encounter the following issue and it drives me nuts by now…:

If I change MouseSensitivity, add binds or change “LookRightScale=300” “LookUpScale=-250” or do ANY changes … the game just won’t read my ShooterInput.ini

BUT if I change settings ingame, the game will write and change the settings in the same ShooterInput.ini

Things I already tried and tested:

  • tried to set the file(s) to “read-only” -> changes nothing.
  • tried reinstalling (with deleting everything, really everything, even cleaned my “regedit” and used CCleaner)
  • strange thing is when I uninstall the game and delete the stuff in “MyDocuments” and in the installation Path (but do not clean regedit and use CCleaner), the game somehow saves my settings like sensitivity resolution etc, and I have it from the start after reinstalling the game

TLDR : The game does not read the settings from my ShooterInput.ini , no matter what, it only WRITES them there if I happen to change them ingame.

I hope some1 could help me since Im looking forward to change the mentioned settings together with the sensitivity. I asked various streamers, posted on steam, reddit and Nexon forums… there seems to be no solution for this, but Im not the only one having this problem, if that matters.


(darkco1a) #69

i posted a new thread about wiimote use, and didnt peruse this thread much since it was so ‘old’
However, it seems to have some solutions that are working to make wiimote use pretty dam good again in Dirty Bomb. So thanks even though these guys probably will never know lol, that they helped us out a bunch.

At least I have the right direction now where to adjust the mouse settings.

(sfHitman) #70

is it possible to get the spawntime in the bottom center of my screen ??

(ZGToRRent) #71

You can move round time timer with spawn timer where You want.

(sfHitman) #72

and how ??

(S0und_) #73


(h2o) #74

I tried that hud customizer but when i moved my minimap to the bottom left, in appeared in the middle of my screen in game :stuck_out_tongue:

(Matuka) #75

It’s quite bugged but the code it creates can give you a good idea as to how the UI system works. You’re able to change it yourself inside of the config.

(Kl3ppy) #76

Is there a way to show the fps by default? Currently i have to enter the command everytime when i start db

(MoonOnAStick) #77

Create a file called, for example, custom_exec.txt in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Dirty Bomb\Binaries\ which contains the line:

stat fps

then add: -exec=custom_exec.txt to the Steam launch arguments for DB.

Edit: It won’t start until you first join a lobby.