24.05.13 Added image for cleaned IFF hud
20076 added 2 new IFF objects
11.05.13 Altered IFF suggestions a bit
10.05.13 Added IFF settings under HUD
09.05.13 New example HUD and some info about attaching HUD elements to each other.
07.05.13 Added fov while sprinting and class selection skip vars
06.02.13 An attempt was made in making this post easier to read
24.01.13 Added text-to-speech variable.
Listed SetBind console command.
Minimap rotation no longer useful as it's in the menu.
11.01.13 Added CarryableStatusPosition element to HUD.
Added new example HUD.
Put longer code inside spoiler tags.
Added console commands section and showdeathghosts command
17.12.12 Added SpectatorInfoPosition element to HUD part
29.11.12 Textual obituaries removed since version 14137
Config editing
Config files are located at: [B]Dirty Bomb\Published\Content\ShooterGame\Config[/B]
Do NOT touch the Default*.ini files located elsewhere unless you want to download the whole game again.
Remapping console keys
If the default console opening key and single-line console key are unsuitable, you can change it.
For example, the tilde key was named âQuoteâ for me. You can obtain the key name by binding something to it in the game menu and taking note of the key name in the binds list.
Change minimap zoom level
Minimap zoom level can be changed in-game via console or bound to a key. The command is âminiMapZoom [float]â. Also possible to change it in config.
This enables the text-to-speech functionality for all chat. Itâs quite useful actually and makes it less likely to not notice a vital command from teammates.
FoV while sprinting
While you are able to turn it off completely from the menu, itâs also possible to change the magnitude and attack and decay time of the effect via config.
Skip class selection on server join
If you wish to jump right in the game without selecting a class or more frequently just clicking the menu away as youâre already your preferred class then this is a convenient option.
Binding keys
A decent tutorial on keybinds can be found here: link.
The tl;dl version:
The binds go in ShooterInput.ini and should be under the [ShooterGame.SGPlayerInput] section(?).
Where [Key] is from the [list of bindable keys]( keys) and the [Command] is your desired command. If it would regularly contain quotes, they need to be escaped with a backslash().
Bindings=(Name="H",Command="globalVSay \"Salutations!\" vsay_hi A_Soldier_01 empty")
HUD Editing
Feel like someone moved your cheese?
Here are a few example HUD-s with added code.
ScopeInfoPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER), Offset=(Y=500))
ChatInputPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM))
IncapMenuPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=205))
ObjectiveProgressPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_BOTTOM,VA="GameInfo"), Offset=(Y=-10))
WeaponInventoryPosition=(Align=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP, VA="WeaponAmmo", HA="WeaponAmmo"), Offset=(Y=-5))
MinimapPosition=(Align=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP, HA="PlayerHealth", VA="PlayerHealth"), Offset=(X=-160, Y=-5))
ObituaryMessageLogPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT),Attach=(H=HA_LEFT,V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(X=0))
InteractionFillbarPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM),Offset=(Y=200))
GameplayNotificationPosition=(Align=(V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=15))
ObjectiveNotificationPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP, VA="ObjectiveProgress"), Offset=(Y=15))
ConsoleMessageLogPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=20, X=-2))
GameInfoPosition=(Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_TOP))
WeaponAmmoPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP, HA="PlayerHealth", VA="PlayerHealth"), Offset=(X=-160, Y=55))
PlayerHealthPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=260))
CarryableStatusPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_BOTTOM), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER,V=HA_TOP,VA="GameplayNotification"),Offset=(Y=-30))
DetectedNotificationPosition=(Align=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_CENTER), Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=250))
The hud settings are located in ShooterUI.ini
These are the relevant settings with my values so if you want a similar HUD just copy and paste.
Align and attach
The Align keyword seems to state the origin of the HUD element. So if an element is aligned horizontally left and is attached to horizontal middle, the element will have its left side in the middle as in the following image.
ConsoleMessageLogPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_BOTTOM),
Attach=(H=HA_CENTER, V=HA_BOTTOM), Offset=(Y=20, X=-2))
Possible values for attaching and alignment are HA_LEFT, HA_CENTER, HA_RIGHT for horizontal(H=) and HA_TOP, HA_CENTER, HA_BOTTOM for vertical(V=).
Align and attach to other elements
Usually you want to give HUD elements relative positions. For example place the ability recharge bar on top of ammo count or text input bar below chat box. To do so it is possible to attach elements to another.
Consider the snippet:
WeaponAmmoPosition=(Align=(H=HA_LEFT, V=HA_TOP), [i]Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP, HA="PlayerHealth", VA="PlayerHealth")[/i], Offset=(X=-160, Y=55))
For the Attach keyword the H and V keys select the edges and together the corner of the specified element which it will be attached to. HA and VA select the element. For example the above snippet will place the elementâs top-left corner on top of PlayerHealthâs top-right corner.
The names of the elements are the same as the keys *Position without the Position part.
For a complete and useful example, check the full HUD code above.
Offsetting elements
To further fine tune element positions you can use the offset keyword to nudge the elements to each direction. Take note that an element must have non-middle alignment in the axis you are offsetting for it to work. The offset value will move the element n pixels(?) away from the side it is aligned to. Setting Offset=(Y=100) to a Align=(V=HA_TOP) element will offset it from the top.
MinimapPosition=(Align=(V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP))
MinimapPosition=(Align=(V=HA_TOP), Attach=(H=HA_RIGHT, V=HA_TOP),
Misc. HUD vars
Depending on the location you put your obituary list, you might want to set the lines to be left aligned.
You can also change the number of lines drawn in chat/obit element, line display time, etc.
IFF Settings
Tired of big floating boogers above objectives that always get in the way of shooting? The IFFs are customizable, meaning you can select whether to display an icon instead or nothing at all, change the background/foreground color and more.
The IFF settings are located at ShooterUI.ini under [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDIFFObject].
You will find multiple entries with the same key IFFSettingsArray. Each row represents a different IFF object. They are in the following specific order:
Allied Player - Name, icons, health above allied players
Enemy Player - Name, icons, health above enemy players
Objective - Both primary and secondary objectives. Primary uses foreground color from PriorityColor
Generic Allied - Allied turrets
Generic Enemy - Enemy turrets
Projectile Allied
Projectile Enemy
Objective Performer - C4, Carryable, etc
Disrupted IFF Allied (hack, EMP, etc)
Disrupted IFF Enemy (hack, EMP, etc)
The meaning of some keys:
DefaultColor - Foreground color
BGColor - Background color
TextColor - Text color
HealthColor - Health/progress bar color
PriorityColor - Foreground color for priority variants(primary objectives)
EnableIcon - Draw icon
EnableHealthAll - Draw health/progress bar
EnableDistance - Draw distance away from object in meters
EnableName - Draw object name(objective, player name, turret owner, etc)
EnableMarker - Draw small arrow indicator
EnableTextBackground - Text background
ClampToScreen - Whether the icon will be kept on screen edge when turned away or exit the screen
EnableIconBackground - Draw icon background
NoTransitions - If set, IFF will still move along with the objects it's representing
Some suggested IFF settings i have put together along with reasoning. Resulting image on the right.
List of suggested options
Allied Player, Enemy Player
[ul][li]EnableIcon=true Marker itself is too small[/li][li]EnableIconBackground=false[/li][li]EnableName=false Only in rare cases might you need the names of your teammates[/li][li]EnableTextBackground=false[/li][li]EnableMarker=true Find it helpful for enemies mostly[/li][li]EnableDistance=false[/li][li]NoTransitions=true Otherwise IFF will not stick to enemy while fading out[/ul][/li]Objective
[ul][li]EnableIcon=true The icon is descriptive enough by itself. [/li][li]EnableIconBackground=false[/li][li]EnableName=false Clearly you donât need to read âPlant C4â next to a âblow upâ icon, do you?[/li][li]EnableTextBackground=false[/li][li]EnableDistance=false Useless information[/li][li]DefaultColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=60) More transparent so itâs less obtrusive.[/li][li]PriorityColor=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=60) More transparent plus faint green is easier to see than yellow[/ul][/li]Generic Allied, Generic Enemy
[ul][li]Turrets need no IFF, simply use empty value. IFFSettingsArray=()[/ul][/li]Objective Performer
- [li]PriorityColor=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255) Make it green so itâs easier to spot[/li][li]EnableDistance=false Useless information
Code for example IFF settings described above
IFFSettingsArray=(DefaultColor=(R=0,G=182,B=222,A=255), HealthColor=(R=0,G=182,B=222,A=255), PriorityColor=(R=252,G=238,B=33,A=255), EnableIcon=true, EnableHealthAll=true, EnableMarker=true, ShowFlagCarrier=true, WorldLocationOffset=(X=0,Y=0,Z=-4), DisplayWhenIncapped=true, ShowMedicsOnIncap=true, ClampToScreen=true, EnableIconBackground = false )
IFFSettingsArray=(DefaultColor=(R=255,G=73,B=33,A=255), HealthColor=(R=255,G=73,B=33,A=255), PriorityColor=(R=252,G=238,B=33,A=255), EnableIcon=true, EnableHealthAll=true, EnableMarker=true, WorldLocationOffset=(X=0,Y=0,Z=-4), NoTransitions=true, ClampToScreen=true, DisplayWhenIncapped=true)
IFFSettingsArray=(DefaultColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255), BGColor=(R=0,G=0,B=0,A=255), TextColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255), HealthColor=(R=0,G=182,B=222,A=255), PriorityColor=(R=252,G=238,B=33,A=255), EnableIcon=true, EnableHealthAll=true, EnableName=true, EnableTextBackground=true, ShowFlagCarrier=true, DisplayWhenIncapped=true, ShowMedicsOnIncap=true, EnableIconBackground = true )
IFFSettingsArray=(DefaultColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=60), PriorityColor=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=60), EnableIcon=true, WorldLocationOffset=(X=0,Y=0,Z=100), DisplayWhenIncapped=true )
IFFSettingsArray=(DefaultColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255), BGColor=(R=0,G=0,B=0,A=60), TextColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255), HealthColor=(R=0,G=182,B=222,A=255), PriorityColor=(R=0,G=255,B=0,A=255), EnableIcon=true, EnableHealthAll=true, EnableName=true, EnableTextBackground=true, WorldLocationOffset=(X=0,Y=0,Z=10), DisplayWhenIncapped=true, EnableIconBackground = true )
Useful console commands
[li]showdeathghosts [bool][/li][LIST][li]This will display wireframe ghosts showing how you died. Defaults to true since 15404, but you can disable it if you like.[/ul][/li]
[li]SetBind [Key] [Command] [SaveToConfig][/li][ul][li]Good old bind command. Only problem with it is that it will default to alt=true so actual binds will be alt+Key.[/ul][/li]
[li]ToggleHUD[/li][ul][li]Toggles the visibility of HUD elements, alpha text and fps counter will still be visible. The latter can be toggled with âstat FPSâ[/ul][/li][/LIST]
There are lots of settings in the .ini files so i canât list them all here, but i will try to keep a list of more common or less obvious settings.