Dirty Bomb 'low fps feel' SOLVED

(jazevec) #41

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;533391]Actually its coherent ui in general… its awful…
However the minimap shows the biggest benefit (massively) due to how much its processing and doing each frame. Just a random guess but I would say that just removing the minimap solves around 80-90% of the stutter cause by the UI. Obviously though anything extra is going to add to the load and problems so I suppose that would be expected.
The real bind you want to be using is actually not the one fubar suggested (although it works and is cool, his only works if you use default binds.)
The safest way to do it is…

Bindings=(Name=“WeaponSlotOne”,Command=“SelectWeap onSlot WS_Melee | hudturnoff minimap”,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

As this will work regardless of what you have melee bound to.[/QUOTE]

Actually, it won’t because there’s a typo. Note the part: ‘SelectWeap onSlot’. It should be ‘SelectWeaponSlot’. I don’t know how the space got in there.

(Mustang) #42

It’s not a typo, it’s a forum feature that adds spaces to prevent people posting extremely long strings without any spaces, which could break the site layout.

Should be able to get around it by using

 tags though.

(shibbyuk) #43

I would try this but I’d be a pretty useless medic without the minimap. I mean… even more useless.

(Neo_TA) #44

this is great just wish there was a way to turn it off permanently i never use the minimap

(ispellcorrectly) #45

Minimap is useless at the moment, apart from hearing footsteps and making sure it ain’t a teammate. Sound isn’t great either for many others, so for most is useless.

I would prefer the map to be in the top left corner though.

(kenpokiller) #46

Bindings=(Name=“WeaponSlotOne”,Command=“SelectWeap onSlot WS_Melee | hudturnoff minimap”,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgno reCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

So which button this is bound too xD?

(Ashog) #47

Afaik, it activates when you switch to knife.

Which is in my opinion not pefect as I would prefer a pistol instead.

(Glottis-3D) #48

h3h3h3, u no pr0!!


(Ashog) #49

[QUOTE=Glottis-3D;535035]h3h3h3, u no pr0!!


Hehe :slight_smile:

But seriously, I always laughed at guys running with knives in ETQW and getting killed pants down because they needed time to switch to a ranged weapon, whereas I could run with my trusty pistol all the same fast, but start headshotting em right away, and finish off with smg. Ha!

(BioSnark) #50

IIRC, pressing Three executes WeaponSlotOne in the default settings.

Can add the same change to the WeaponSlotTwo entry if you want to disable the map when switching to pistol.

(Ashog) #51

[QUOTE=BioSnark;535048]IIRC, pressing Three executes WeaponSlotOne in the default settings.

Can add the same change to the WeaponSlotTwo entry if you want to disable the map when switching to pistol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah sure, I did already, but still :slight_smile:

(shibbyuk) #52

Can anyone help me? What’s up with my bind? For some reason, it doesn’t turn off the minimap any more. Also, if I type in the command it does disappear but comes back every time I spawn, which I didn’t think it did before…

Bindings=(Name=“F10”, Command=“stat FPS | HudTurnOff MiniMap | RawInputUpdateTest true | FogDensity 0 | BloomSize 0 | ColorGrading 2”, Control=False, Shift=False, Alt=False, bIgnoreCtrl=False, bIgnoreShift=False, bIgnoreAlt=False)

(fubar) #53

Instead of using the bind add these two lines to your ShooterUI.ini under [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDMiniMap] :

(Glottis-3D) #54

[QUOTE=fubar;536232]Instead of using the bind add these two lines to your ShooterUI.ini under [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDMiniMap] :

is it still an issue? minimap still causes laggz and freezes?

(fubar) #55

No idea. I don’t use the minimap simply because it’s useless. Doesn’t offer me any additional information. Remove it, be done with it and free up some of the clutter on your screen.

(shibbyuk) #56

[QUOTE=fubar;536232]Instead of using the bind add these two lines to your ShooterUI.ini under [ShooterGame.SGUIHUDMiniMap] :

Thanks I’ll try it - does this disable it properly or just shrink it down?

I do still find the game smoother with the minimap turned off.

(Ashog) #57

I have tried all suggestions here but my FPS is still 30. I think I might have a problem with my floppy disk driver. Do I internet?

(Amerika) #58

Honestly, the only use I can think of for having that map (outside of aesthetics) is if they actually added the location of ammo dumps. So then when a new map comes out (if this ever happens) we can more easily find where they are hidden. It would be helpful for new players.

They also need to disable the rotation by default IMO. I am not sure about you guys but I simply can’t stand a map that rotates with me.

(shibbyuk) #59

Does nobody else medic? Cus I medic a fair bit and find the map rather useful. It’s also handy for seeing which way your slow-moving team are headed when leaving spawn! So, I would like to leave it on but not until it performs better…

(muztee) #60

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;533391]Actually its coherent ui in general… its awful…
However the minimap shows the biggest benefit (massively) due to how much its processing and doing each frame. Just a random guess but I would say that just removing the minimap solves around 80-90% of the stutter cause by the UI. Obviously though anything extra is going to add to the load and problems so I suppose that would be expected.

All I can say is its the smoothest experience I have had so far.

Also guys, if you add http://pastebin.com/a6fpG088 these lines in the ShooterUI.ini you will see additional benefits, basically it turns off the TAB minimap and lots of processing for it.

The real bind you want to be using is actually not the one fubar suggested (although it works and is cool, his only works if you use default binds.)
The safest way to do it is…

Bindings=(Name=“WeaponSlotOne”,Command=“SelectWeaponSlot WS_Melee | hudturnoff minimap”,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

As this will work regardless of what you have melee bound to.[/QUOTE]

hey dudes im new to DB trying to get my config sorted but having problems

tried the bind above pixel but says unrecognised command, this was with out the space typo that website put in but still no joy

can some one please help me?

maybe just talk me throu it on teamspeak or something

but i really wana remove minimap and i also want to have ammo health cooldown and spawn timer in the middle of my screen towards the bottem if poossible!

thx muztee!

p.s i am an old rtcw plaayer and i want some action so if anyone knows how to get into a team or if there is a way to join the community i want in!!!