Dirty Bomb 'low fps feel' SOLVED

(Volcano) #21


shootergame, set to false

(BioSnark) #22

Does “ToggleHUD” show a similar benefit?

(Ashog) #23

Yes, it seems it does, at least to me. Played one map and had practically all lags gone. Thanks. All this time (half a year?) I only had to type 9 letters in console and could have had much better games…

Killcam (aka no death ghosts) didn’t help at all (tho I used only m_bEnablePawnGhostSystem=false)

(Ashog) #24

Any tips on how to permadisable hud in configs? So far all suggestions failed for me (incl. setting it to 0 in in shootergame.ini) and noone seems to know how.
It is frustrating to have to go to console on every spawn to tap togglehud at the moment.

(INF3RN0) #25

[QUOTE=Ashog;533231]Any tips on how to permadisable hud in configs? So far all suggestions failed for me (incl. setting it to 0 in in shootergame.ini) and noone seems to know how.
It is frustrating to have to go to console on every spawn to tap togglehud at the moment.[/QUOTE]

HUD alpha setting probably. I just do it in game.

(Ashog) #26

by toggleHUD?

but it needs to be done every spawn?

(Szakalot) #27

[QUOTE=Ashog;533259]by toggleHUD?

but it needs to be done every spawn?[/QUOTE]

even more often,

my good the fluent gameplay is so… juicy!

(PixelTwitch) #28

So from my testing, The minimap seems to be the main real culprit here…

do a “hudturnoff minimap” command each spawn or bind the command to a key (I have it bound to melee weapon as I switch to it each time I spawn) and the vast majority of the stutter is gone.

(Szakalot) #29

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;533345]So from my testing, The minimap seems to be the main real culprit here…

do a “hudturnoff minimap” command each spawn or bind the command to a key (I have it bound to melee weapon as I switch to it each time I spawn) and the vast majority of the stutter is gone.[/QUOTE]

thank you! def. worth trying!

(Ceres) #30

[QUOTE=PixelTwitch;533345]So from my testing, The minimap seems to be the main real culprit here…

do a “hudturnoff minimap” command each spawn or bind the command to a key (I have it bound to melee weapon as I switch to it each time I spawn) and the vast majority of the stutter is gone.[/QUOTE]

Gief the melee bind plz!

(fubar) #31

It’s almost as if this was rocket science.

Bindings=(Name=“three”,Command=“WeaponSlotOne | hudturnoff minimap”)

(Ashog) #32

[QUOTE=fubar;533383]It’s almost as if this was rocket science.

Bindings=(Name=“three”,Command=“WeaponSlotOne | hudturnoff minimap”)[/QUOTE]

Oh that’s handy :slight_smile:

So it’s actually not whole hud, but only a minimap problem? Anyone informed Dave of this?

(PixelTwitch) #33

[QUOTE=Ashog;533384]Oh that’s handy :slight_smile:

So it’s actually not whole hud, but only a minimap problem? Anyone informed Dave of this?[/QUOTE]

Actually its coherent ui in general… its awful…
However the minimap shows the biggest benefit (massively) due to how much its processing and doing each frame. Just a random guess but I would say that just removing the minimap solves around 80-90% of the stutter cause by the UI. Obviously though anything extra is going to add to the load and problems so I suppose that would be expected.

All I can say is its the smoothest experience I have had so far.

Also guys, if you add http://pastebin.com/a6fpG088 these lines in the ShooterUI.ini you will see additional benefits, basically it turns off the TAB minimap and lots of processing for it.

The real bind you want to be using is actually not the one fubar suggested (although it works and is cool, his only works if you use default binds.)
The safest way to do it is…

Bindings=(Name=“WeaponSlotOne”,Command=“SelectWeaponSlot WS_Melee | hudturnoff minimap”,Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

As this will work regardless of what you have melee bound to.

(fragba1t) #34

Nice one Pixel! Also, woo first post since I registered in 2013.

Lots of love,


(Saej7) #35

HUD alpha to 0? The only numeric settings under “HUD” are FOV. So, what do you mean?

(Domipheus) #36

you need to be in an actual game to see the option, can’t do it from lobby etc.

(Nail) #37

go in tutorial to change stuff

(INF3RN0) #38

ETA for a hotfix??

(Lightning.) #39

Since they didn’t fix it in last patch, I’ll give you my solution for having no UI and still keeping your
cross hair, ammo, cool downs, chat and HP.
I used the way of putting the X and Y of the UI on 0 and managed to pull the mentioned UI parts on the screen.
I do have to add that it’s possible to adjust it to lower resolutions then 1920x1080 but since there is less space
to work with the result may be that all UI parts are more cramped up.

I explained it on our team site HERE

If all done correctly it will look like this:

(Nail) #40

thanks, have a couple stars