Dirty Bomb Fan Sites, Groups, Twitters, etc

(-PogS-) #61

You are right, you don’t own anything. The problem is that you act like you do. You punish with bad rep those that don’t agree with you, even when they are right. That is the behavior of a dictator. My ‘own’ was obviously second degree but you don’t seem to understand it.

To sum things up : I said gamepedia is an official wiki. That is a fact. You consider it is not true or don’t like it for whatever unknown reason, that your Highness didn’t consider us to be informed with and punished me for it with bad rep. Right from my first post. Then I demonstrated I was right asking Nexon if it was. Instead of apologizing for calling me a liar for telling so, you keep punishing me with bad rep as I try to get your apologies and have my reputation back. And on top of that you cowardly insult me with the biblical expression ‘go forth and multiply’.

Sadly you can’t have opinion about facts : they just are. You can have the opinion that it is not official but that won’t make it the reality and you will have to live with it. But what is bad, is that you punish others because they tell facts. And that is unbearable.
Publicly accusing someone of being a liar without proof and continuing to do so even though it has been demonstrated it is not true is an offense and I could sue you for that : it is call defamation.

Well ‘I’m just stating my opinion’ that you are an idiot (see that I actually have the guts to call a cat a cat and don’t disguise myself under biblical expressions).

I will keep complaining about that as long as I have no atonement from Nail and Mustang. So don’t try to make me the bad guy that trolls the forums. I am not, I am just a regular guy that wants justice. A regular guy that tries to help the community, working on the wiki and posting things here.
I keep making this matter public for all to see and make their own opinion of it, not to ‘cause beef’ as I was accused of as well.

NB : You can keep me giving bad reputation. Every time you do it acknowledges once more what I just state above.

(Nail) #62


can’t be bothered

(Mustang) #63

Time to close this thread for a while, clearly everyone is enjoying the drama, but it’s starting to go in circles.

(_milla) #64

hi! please add new glorious website, ehm Team Dirty clan forum.

our mission - to be the biggest dirty bomb clan ever. We just started yesterday! Massive propaganda under construction.

check it out