Dirty Bomb Fan Sites, Groups, Twitters, etc

(Nail) #41

official means it’s run by the devs/publishers, you are neither, therefore you’re lying

oh yeah, weapon stats have changed

(Mustang) #42

Haha, having “correct” data does not make you official.

(-PogS-) #43

Guys, please learn the term official : it means approved by. http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/
The wiki is approved by the devs since they provide it data.
Why are you so agressive ? You need a hug or something ?

(-PogS-) #44

[QUOTE=Nail;528388]official means it’s run by the devs/publishers, you are neither, therefore you’re lying

oh yeah, weapon stats have changed[/QUOTE]

How would you know it’s not run by devs ?

(Mustang) #45

Because we asked the devs and they confirmed it’s not official.

(-PogS-) #46

Well you asked all the devs ?
For all I know, the site name is official DB wiki and that is all I said or pretend. I did not call it this way. If it is not true then your Dev friends of yours should ask it to be removed .
I really don’t care if it’s official or not for that matter. The important thing is that it is a wiki on the game and that it helps players, isn’t it ? And for that, it deserves to be added to the OP’s list, being it official or not. And that was the point of my post. I didn’t do anything bad so why did you lower my reputation ? That is childish. You should focus on the important rather than the useless.

Thus you still need to cool down, be more gentle, and a have hug, kid :wink:

(Nail) #47

this is how we know it’s not run by the devs

"Dirty Bomb Wiki is owned and hosted by Curse.com, and has no affiliation with Nexon or Splash Damage. "

so now we have that clear, no one objects to your little wiki, just calling it “Official”

(-PogS-) #48

Your enraged post (why writting so large ?) is meanningless and rude. Stay calm. By the way this not my wiki. You kids get insanely agressive for no reason. What is the problem with this wiki ? Why do you despise it ? Well have a hug too :wink:

(-PogS-) #49

MissMurder, Dirty Bomb Community Manager at Nexon sent me this mp :

MissMurder, May 22
‘Sorry about that- I completely misunderstood your question. dirtybomb.gamepedia.com is completely official. I thought you were asking me if Nexon personally created the page. I shouldn’t respond to these so late.’

I expect apologies from Nail and Mustang for calling me a liar. And give me my reputation back please.

(Nail) #50

read my last post, that’s a quote off your silly little site, now go forth and multiply

(-PogS-) #51

A site does not need to be RUN by devs or publisher to be official. Nexon asked Gamepedia to set it up, provided material and made it official. End of the story.
Affiliation means financial bond. And yes gamepedia has no financial bond with Nexon nor SD. That does not prevent Nexon to decide the site is an official wiki. So your argument is invalid. Did it occur to you that maybe the devs you asked do not know everything as well ?

As for your answer, it just shows how much stupidly stubborn you are when confronted to evidence and how much you are rude. I wonder how you got all this reputation with your narrow mind and your unrespectful behavior. It shows how much arrogant you are thinking 'I am a veteran of this forum, here is a newbie, I know devs, I know better… ’ You just should stop thinking you know everything, check facts before accusing others. That will teach you a lesson maybe if you’re smart enough to learn it. Here you are protected by Internet but in real life you may have real problems if you behave like this. Even your avatar shows how rude you are. Respect others if you want to be respected.

Now apologies for calling me a liar or i’ll report you for false accusations.

(Nail) #52

lol, threats now, you’re getting funny, maybe hope for you yet, but go ahead report me to whoever you think might care, I’d suggest MissMurder or better, MistaSparkle (he doesn’t like me)

the thing is, you keep thinking this is Nexon’s game, they even think so, it’s not

btw affiliation = association with, connection with/to, alliance with/to, alignment with, link with/to, attachment to, tie with/to, relationship with/to, fellowship with, partnership with, coalition with, union with;
amalgamation with, incorporation into, integration into, federation with, confederation with

no mention of financial bond

I apologize when I’m wrong and I refer you to the last 4 words in my previous response and with that I tire of this

(-PogS-) #53

Ok you think you’re smart cause you can quote the dictionary ? I pity you really. The way it is used in THIS particular case means financial bond. That is what i meant. You know I am right but you keep getting stubborn to not loose face. Alas it does not trick anyone. Obviously you do not apologize when you’re wrong.
and the more you are wrong the more arrogant and rude you get. You are only getting ridiculous the more you speak.
Well the game is published by Nexon, whether you like it or not. And this is the job of a publisher to manage PR, marketing and all that stuff, thus nexon’s job to deal with a wiki. SD has more important matters to work on.
Alas the less intelligent and educated people are the more they think they are smart and knowing.

(Nail) #54

hhmmm, seems most people disagree , your concepts are flawed

(-PogS-) #55

You are most people ? You think too much of you.

(Glottis-3D) #56

i am seeing this thread getting closed because of this swearing.

(Nail) #57

don’t see any swearing, just discussion between people with different views

(Nail) #58

I don’t think it’s even remotely possible for me to think too much of me, but thanks anyways

(-PogS-) #59

There is no discussion possible whit Nail. He ‘owns’ the forums and if you don’t agree with him he punishes you with bad reputation even when you prove him you are right. Same with Mustang. This is funny, a moderator that can’t even moderate himself. Well more sad than funny :’(

(Nail) #60

I don’t ‘own’ anything, just stating my opinion, but now you’re starting to annoy me