Just had a run round. First impressions are good - layout’s much more intuitive and performance is pretty much fixed. Cool
Item placement is going to be really important on this map, simply because it’s so big. You’re going to have to think about ways to push players together so there’s a lot of action going on around the key items.
Some of the stairs are a little wide and look clumsy - you could try reducing them to normal Doom 3 widths and see if it works out.
The map still needs a big clipping pass to smooth out movement and fix the ledges and corners the player currently gets stuck on when moving quickly.
Here’s a couple more suggestions, with screenshots:
This end of the corridor doesn’t go anywhere and can be annoying if you run full pelt into it expecting a doorway. Try pulling it forward level with the doorway to the right.
The stairs in this shot are particularly wide and look out of place. If you want to keep the space, perhaps putting some clipped off machinery along the right or left side would help.
I keep wanting to jump up these boxes here
I’ve also outlined the sillouette of the stairs and walkway - it’s really hard to see as you run into the room from this angle, Picking it out with a light would be nice - the player will always know where to run to then.
A lift at one of the two positions here would add a bit of extra connectivity. I don’t know if it’s needed, but it might be worth trying.
It’s coming along nicely, overall. Take your time with it, though; it’d be a shame to waste all this effort by rushing it at the end