(coLe) #61

His flashbang can’t be cooked. That takes away so much utility. Thunder, being a rival to Fragger as another tanky DPS, shows no significant reason to play him over Fragger. I’d much rather throw a nicely cooked Fragger grenade into a mess of enemies than a flashbang with a 1.6 second fuse that the majority of players will turn away from.

The affect on your mouse sensitivity while flashed is GONE. Even if you’re FULLY blind and you’re not a complete imbecile, you can shoot in the general direction of the enemy and their healthbar appears if you’re on target. That makes the blinding effect NULL.

Also, there’s his model. He is too damn big. His slight increase in health vs Fragger is so insignificant because of this. What does it matter if he has 10 more health when he looks like an elephant when he moves through the map? He’s a huge moving target. I die quicker as Thunder than I do as Fragger 100% of the time. An increase in health should mean I should survive longer. That’s not the case.

Great infographic: