Dear SplashDamage (Ranked license for Root-Server)

(General.Jung) #1

Dear SplashDamage,

please give owners of root servers the chance to run a ranked server, like in Americas Army. This license give root owners the possibilty to login to the stats tracking system, this license may be more expensive but give linux root owners the chance to run their server as ranked. I think, the only way to get a ranked license is to lease a gameserver by a provider is not balance or fair. In the sum thereby also much money can be earned. SplashDamage please stop this process, this do not really match to a “When it´s done Company”. Otherwise i will boycott the ranked mode and use the QW-Tracker.

Hello Forum,

please vote or write some lines, eventually it is not to late to stop this. Let us accomplish at least this accomplish.

(Gringo) #2

Would I be correct in thinking this would have more to do with the publishers?

(ayatollah) #3

have you not listened to what has been said? Ranked servers aren’t allowed for just anybody to host, especially through their own private server. It would most likely be too easy to hack the stats from your server and screw everything up for everyone. (That care about the stats that is)

(IBegYouDontBecomeEA) #4

i will boycott the idea of the ranked and unranked servers anyway…

ranked and unranked servers is why theres maybe 2-3 mods playing in games like BF2/BF2152… ranked and unranked kills mod communitys

SD/ID should put the overall stats as client side only so that people can see how they are doing but can’t brag/blitch things like noob when showing off stats cause they will be for the user only as well as SD/ID wouldn’t need a “master” stats server

the fact that they put “ranked and unranked” means there thinking about cash cowing the game rather then makeing the game for players like ET was for and trusting in there fans that will make the game be played way after its time by mods alone

i’m a fan of SD but if they keep on EAs track with the ranked and unranked stuff i can surely say they will lose a fan here… as well as i know some modders would just not bother with the game with such types of servers

(madness) #5

Think they said there are no global leaderboards, you can just compare your own stats with your buddies

(kamikazee) #6

@OP: Please stop spamming this topic all around the forum. We know it’s here.

@IBeg… : All the threads around here are mostly full of speculation, and don’t forget the fact that stats don’t reward you in this game.
Tell me, was there any mod for BF2 which gave you all the weapons straight away?

(IBegYouDontBecomeEA) #7


Think they said there are no global leaderboards, you can just compare your own stats with your buddies[/quote]

well if thats true they could make all “stats” client sided cause even if you edited your stats file on your computer it wouldn’t give you anything and no one would really care… and you show your friends you gave yourself 100 K/D all shiny medals and some other kind of stuff there just think its funny

there would be no need to split the servers or the player and mod community

there would be no need for a massive “stats” server… just a miner “account” server… as well as we could change our nicks again :slight_smile:

basicly all mods did… BUT the mods had nothing to do with EA main weapons or unlocks MODS had there own sets of weapons

btw there are mods of both BF2 and BF2142 that just unlock ALL the weapons for you to “test” out… but can be played as the REAL game with all unlocks

(AKA Sneaky) #8

It’s passive stats, and if you make a good mod people will play it regardless.

(BrightSoul) #9

If honest admins who have their server at home aren’t given the chance of running a ranked server, then someone will definitely create an alternate/unofficial global stat system, start affiliating all those unranked servers and allow custom maps.
A splatterladder-like service will prolly exist for Quake Wars as well so, in the end, we won’t really care if we’re playing on ranked or unranked since SL will be the common option, chosen by everyone in the admin community.

My 2 cents.

(IBegYouDontBecomeEA) #10

this is just the attitude that let EA get away with it… and BF2/BF2142 mod community is basicly dead cause of the ranked/unranked servers

and please don’t give me that… “the mod communitys (enter whatever mod here) are still active” a mod community with maybe 4-6 servers and gets maybe 30 players on one of the servers on a weekend while the rest go unused hardly counts as “active

(ayatollah) #11

this is just the attitude that let EA get away with it… and BF2/BF2142 mod community is basicly dead cause of the ranked/unranked servers

and please don’t give me that… “the mod communitys (enter whatever mod here) are still active” a mod community with maybe 4-6 servers and gets maybe 30 players on one of the servers on a weekend while the rest go unused hardly counts as “active”[/quote]

Hmm, ETPro is still very active as thousands of servers are still running it, not to mention competitive leagues, also Jaymod and ETPub are doing pretty well as well. As has been mentioned before, vanilla ET is nowhere near as popular. I am sure that this trend will continue into ET:QW, this is not EA. So that is your theory of mods out the window.