day/night cycle

(carnage) #21

It could be very cool to have game lighting match actual server clock time. Every time you played the map, it would be a little different

although i realy would like to post a bashing reply to this its has been gone over MANY MANY times in the forums already so lets not start this debate again

(Floris) #22

Mmmh in clanwars it will suck, you will have clans who don’t want to play at night because everything is dark! :frowning:

(ayatollah) #23

What you talking about Willis?

I think this is a good idea and thought this was the idea that the devs had in mind.

Yeah but there will surely be a cvar to keep it at one time.

(Grey Matter) #24

Id like to see you do that after you have had a curry lol

(Bravo) #25

We weren’t allowed curries, because the resultant explosion would have given away our position

(Ifurita) #26

Not really sure why my comment would deserve a bashing reply, … but OK. It’s just the statement of a simple opinion, somewhat along the lines of, “I like Tandoori chicken.” It’s not like I just suggested the partitioning of Iraq or the ceding of the Golan Heights to Syria.

Then again, if my simple little opinion was the worst thing to happen to you that day … I must say that your day must have been going along pretty darn well.

(carnage) #27

Then again, if my simple little opinion was the worst thing to happen to you that day … I must say that your day must have been going along pretty darn well.

well i live a very shelterd life, only leaving the house when there is no sunlight or i need milk

and my reason for “disagreeing” (if you prefer) is that the maps would mostly not be differnt every time you played them, i dont know about you but i defaintly dont have the option to game pretty much wheneve i want, its limited mostly to evenings when i have some time to myself, so if i am playing on servers that are relativly close (globaly) to get a low ping the time of day every time i play is going to be pretty much the same. i dont want to buy a game that allows maps to be played at any time of the day and find myself 95% of the time playing in only the night or evening setting where i dont realy get to explore the graphics and differnt gameplays of playing maps at differnt times of the day

also i dont see how matching the game time to the server clock realy adds anyhting to the gameplay other then making it a sort of novelty value, the maps and story etc (most likely) dont folow each other in the sence that when one map ends the story for the next map just begins, and since they are on differnt global locations the times would be differnt anyway. imo even a random time would be better since your mixing your familiary of the map with your ability to adapt whatever conditions you are playing in

(ayatollah) #28

As I said above, there will surely be a cvar to set the time. Maybe it will only have morning, afternoon, evening, night, but I’m sure it will be customisable server side to set it at the server time or any time in the option. If you want to play at a certain time, other than night, you have 3 options.

  1. Play at any other time…
  2. Play on a server with the settings you want…
  3. Buy your own server and host it whatever way you want.

This is all pure speculation as nothing has been confirmed but Iffy’s comments hardly warranted your response. If it is an option then I’m sure, like everything else, it will be customisable.

(carnage) #29
  1. Play at any other time…
  2. Play on a server with the settings you want…
  3. Buy your own server and host it whatever way you want.

This is all pure speculation as nothing has been confirmed but Iffy’s comments hardly warranted your response. If it is an option then I’m sure, like everything else, it will be customisable.

ok if i caused any ofence by using the word based i apologise sincerly, no awfense was meant,

  1. that was the point of my post that for a lot of gamers out there playing at whatever time they want is not a realsitic option, yes i get the ocasional free day etc but the constraints of actuly having a life mean that a lot of time is taken up by more undesirable activites such as work. for me simply wating for a day off so i can spend 2 hours in the afternoon playing in daytime is not what i would want from a game

  2. a posibilty depending on how many servers are running the settings i want etc, but finding a nice list of servers with the settings i want and are opften poulated and having a list long enough so that i can prety much find a server to suit the time i want to play, could be a lot of work

  3. again maby posible for some but then i woud have the costs of running a server, all the other activites chewing my time up that are involved with running a server, then the responsability of regulating and administering the server and recuring staff etc to help, its a lot of work and cost just for a casual gamer who likes to a game now and again, not to mention it would only be playable when the server is populated

im merly fighting the argumnet against the need for server time setting but the only arguemnt against it seems to be that it would be cool cos its realsitic, reallism/gameplay

(ayatollah) #30

In my opinion its just another feature that people will either use or won’t be bothered. Some people don’t like foliage but that is a server side option, what do they do? They search for a server running the options they like. Its the same with any server side option, and also server rules. You don’t like it go to a different server.

(Scepheo) #31

Different types of weather would be rather cool. Hiding in the shadows all the time and a lightning flash shows the enemy where you are.
The “fart lightning” should be a special, sometimes very strong weapon. (depends on your dinner)